Friday, August 27, 2021


  Well, I truly was not hoping for a reality check such we had yesterday. 12 or 13 Marines and a Navy medic killed, with over 18 wounded. Add to that the dozens of Afghans blown up or shot by fellow countrymen. Does not bode well for the new reality of Afghanistan life. Nor for the rest of Americans and Afghan allies remaining in the country. Nor for those Americans who forgot reality and went to visit extended family during a time of crisis, of a Taliban storming through the country in their own 'blitzkrieg'. Not to forget the reality that as they stormed through, they became much better equipped as tons of American weaponry and support materiel fell into their hands. Today, dressed in captured American uniforms and helmets, who can tell them apart?

Further reality checks? Please do remember that this reality is not to our liking and no amount of shouting after the fact or hysterical, unfounded accusations will change it. Not a whit. What reality tells us is that we must roll up our sleeves, buckle down and get the rest of them out of country and slam the door shut! 

While we are at it, might as well mention that one diplomat had reality pegged and voiced a not very diplomatic thought, but one that must be said. 

"We put out repeated warnings every three weeks to Americans going back to, I think, in March or April, each one in stronger terms,"  "Leave now. Leave immediately."

"People chose not to leave ... That's their business. That's their right,". We regret now that many find themselves in a position that they'd rather not be in, and we are determined to try to help."  

We are no longer living in a world where an American passport will protect someone caught in bad circumstances. Nope. Not any more and actually, not for quite some time already.  Nor is the American government always willing or able to effect a rescue or ransom of those caught where they should not have been - unless for their jobs or in unexpected circumstances. Still, not an easy assignment - rescue our citizens. For the most part - we do!

Demanding now that we 'unleash" our forces, well, again, please check reality. What the hell are we doing now? Fleeing from a country in which we were badly whipped. We lost our way there, lost the directions to an exit over these past two decades, lost our honor as we became mired in a reality that changed too often to recount. A reality mired in corruption, distrust and mistrust. No WAZE was ever found with the correct route the hell outta there! Now this dude wants us to unleash again? Is he for real? Or just plain stupid. Dangerously so. All that would achieve is more death, more bloodshed, and completely refute the mission we now have -get our people out! Now.

Cawthorn, yet another mini-fascist - wants to use the 25th Amendment on Biden. Say what? This from a person who blindly followed the most deranged President ever in the history of this country? A most deluded and dangerous man, intent only, openly, at retaining his power and screw the law, screw the Americans and to hell with history. Truth? Nary a sight of it for those years. Now the 25th? When his own idol was the one warned about creating another Benghazi? The man who signed the treaty agreeing to withdraw and then blaming Biden for doing just that!

The reality is ugly as all hell. But it is what it is and we must deal with that. So yes, we will rely on the Taliban to at least hold to a modicum of maintaining safety, all the while knowing that speed is of the utmost importance. We will do our limited best, and that will not be enough. Reality will get even uglier when pictures of captured Americans and allies will be flashed to the world in vicious videos. Reality is ugly and getting uglier. Reality.

We have resumed flights. We are caring for our wounded. Hopefully, we will honor those slain in the line of duty. And we must remember how we got here in the first place. In echoes of Bush's warning, Biden states:

"Know this," he said. "We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay

I agree, though we must, are forced, to do it with a better plan, one which will not have the "forever" war go into Stage Two. We must be clever, better, wiser, and equipped with reality checks and reality responses. Is that possible? Maybe, though I think not, under the terrible partisanship situation we now have in DC and in fact, in the country at large. Not when we have open fascists in the government. Not when we have open planning for a takeover of the country through manipulation of the elections. That is the reality we live in now.

Just lovely! But so it is. Bloody awful, yet there it is.

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