Monday, August 23, 2021


  And here we are again. Here we go again. It seems that we are repeating ourselves in ever faster cycles, not for the good either. If anything, it is getting worse, in the depth, the pervasiveness, in the utter stupidity of it all. In fact, if handled correctly, it never should be taking place at all.

Evidently, we have learned nothing at all from the debacle that was Vietnam. We chose to ally ourselves with a corrupt government, perhaps with good motives, but still and all, the wrong way to do this. We spoke of nation building. We ignored history of the country re other foreign countries.  We ignored the power of the people, misled or not, duped or not, who were desperate enough to fight for something that was not necessarily the best for them. 

We lost a huge portion of our own humanity as we became mired in its corruption, and things only appeared to go from bad to worse with no one able to pinpoint where, when, and what the worst would be. Our POWs were tortured. Our pride as Americans, used to winning, was stomped into the dust, and soldiers felt abandoned, hopeless, as they watched friends die, and pieces of land fought over again and again with no perceptible difference in the entire scheme of things. Soldiers needed rescuing and indeed, our entire country needed rescuing as our unity as a nation and people dissolved, and we were a nation divided, deeply so. Sound familiar yet?

Licking our wounds, some of which were merely papered over, we appeared to recover. However, I believe the wounds went much deeper than the scars led us to believe. All it took was a supposed leader who could care less for anything other than himself. Country meant nothing to him, though he professed  patriotism. Deluded people, hurt by economic uncertainty, by racial bitterness, by fear of things they could not even express, shifted themselves. Once again, we were a nation divided. Today one can pick up a paper, turn on the media in any mode, and learn of armed conflict between left and right, mutual, rabid accusations of unAmerican activity. The chasm deepened, perhaps even past the point of no return. In the best scenarios it will take much hard work, unselfishness, humility, and loyalty to ideals which appear to have gone missing, if we are to heal, to reunite.

So as we look upon the pictures with horror, ashamed of what we have left behind, we must do our very best to rectify the situation. What to do? Way above my pay grade. The Taliban is now equipped with the latest American materiel. It now holds sway over people frightened as to the fate of their entire families. And us? What do we do? We argue. We value partisanship over humanity and unity. We have become embittered, almost useless, saddled with false leaders who value partisanship over all else, hampered by people who refuse truths so obvious that one wonders how and why they do this? Therefore we continue to disintegrate, and much to my horror, we have allowed pure, openly racially biased and fascistic people to infiltrate the government on every level. What have we done? 

The same old stupid. Much the same situation. The same divisions. Even more so. An entire populace refusing to hear of sense and sensibility. A nation at war with itself. With truth. With Nature. With the world at large. With its future. With the continued existence of humankind upon this earth.

Will we shape up? In time? Do we even care?

Go figure. Go know. For I sure don't. 

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