Thursday, October 28, 2021


 In a world gone mad there are points of absurdity that boggle the mind and serve as distractions from real events and worries. It is a form of circus to the masses approach and unfortunately, it appears to be a good bet for the wrong people. Here are a few succinct quotes from today's topic articles. Read, compare and then tell me that your danger reading meter has not gone nuts, buzzing away. Those warnings are either ignored or used to shore up the wrong people. Much to the detriment of our world. Our future, with a possibility of no real future actually coming, approaching at rapid pace.

"just saw buzz lightyear with hair and screamed NO so loud that all my cups and glasses just shook." Buzz Lightyear has hair and I don't know how to feel."

"When people say to me 'I think Western Democracy could be seriously disrupted and undermined,' I'm no longer dismissive." TONY BLAIR

" due to Trump's contempt for the democratic process, there's "a reasonable chance over the next three or four years of incidents of mass violence, a breakdown of federal authority, and the division of the county into red and blue enclaves." 

"GOP is now an anti-truth, anti-democratic cult of former president"

 "In the House and in top Republican-led state governments, the chief litmus test is loyalty to Trump and his false election fraud claims."

"60 percent of Republicans think President Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 election should be “overturned” 

"President Trump did not voluntarily disclose his tax returns during the campaign, his political opponents assume the information would damage him", (Well, that's a duuh!)

"Save democracy by rejecting Donald Trump and his Republican comrades, or allow them to run roughshod over our hard-won democratic principles and institutions by completing their coup — which now appears to be a runaway train".

Now take a deep breath and think. Where and when does an individual's responsibility come into play? What happens if that responsibility is shirked, or lackadaisical? To the point answer - it ain't good! Not one little whit. I think it is quite clear that every single one of us, worried for democracy and its approaching demise, has a serious burden of duty to respond in kind, insure our future, insure a realistic electorate which understands what awaits us if we do not wakeup, toss out the trash, and get back to reality and urgently needed steps to fix the mess.

Nor does it end at the national level. No, it is there in the state legislatures run by Republicans who are instituting partisan arbiters of election results, voter suppression laws, and a whole sale cowardly bowing of the knee, the head and the soul to the darkness of Trump et al.

It spreads its tentacles all over. DeSantis, quite fond of eating for himself, refuses to apply for $820 million for pandemic relief, particularly for food insecure families - children going hungry while that man stuffs his face - and his daughter's as well.

The idiots who wish to be in charge, permanently, ignore the obvious worsening of the world's climate, progressively worse heat waves, to the point of hostility to life itself. But never you mind, keep up with the fossil fuels, forget conservation and prepare yourselves to share the fate of the rest of us as the world turns into a fiery wasteland.

And the inevitable backlash begins. A white executive was fired and replaced by two women of different skin tone in order to 'increase diversity'. Major no-no. Guaranteed to turn the stomachs of many at the rampant misuse of good ideas. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke in DC of a time when color will not matter, only ability. Why can we not do that now, here? Because we are too engaged in other, more important things, like concern about Buzz's hair? Not good. It all began with the oh so very wrong step of capitalizing the nature of skin tone. Why White/Black? Why not white, black for skin tone should have zero, zip, to do with anything. Stop emphasizing the outer layer. Rather pay attention to what is inside. Let's begin to prove that, live that. Do not add yet another level to the issue.

People, find something good to say or do, help another out of a mess, and seriously, work to throw out the trash. As for Buzz Lightyear, perhaps he, too, succumbed to the siren call of those hair growth ads. His business! We have other , more urgent tasks to attend to.

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