Tuesday, October 26, 2021


  There, I believe, is the crux of the matter. What in the name of - insert favorite excuse - made me - you - whomever, do that? Then its time for truth, for what name, in service to what name, could have convinced you and others to do and say as you did? That is indeed a puzzlement, to quote the King of Siam. Is there, can there, even be such a reason, an impetus to engage in scurrilous behavior to this degree? To the depths of its consequences?

The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Additionally, it is doubtful that the reasoning of these evildoers will ever change or go away. It is part and parcel of the makeup of mankind and I do mean man -kind. Peruse the historical files and one fact shines in its blatant and forever role in the development of dictators and wanna-bes. Every dictator, every authoritarian figure, throughout the ages had at least one very crucial trait in common.

That trait, along with it pitiful corollaries, is this: the desperate need of the wanna be and the sycophants, is to be recognized as important, as a larger than life figure, as one who has 'made' it, who can cause others to grovel, who can indulge and bring to life every perverted nightmare of revenge and an "I'll show them" temperament. 

Look at those men. Caesar needed continuous streams of praise. So did Stalin. So does Putin. Manifestly so, so does Trump. That is what drives them, be it to amass funds, to fool all re those very funds, to raise great fear in others to disobey you, the high and mighty.  All in the way, all opposed, for whatever reason, are swept away in a growing wave of "I'm joining in - why the hell not?" There, succinctly stated is the underlying causation for the growth of dictatorship, the power of formerly despicable social outcasts, weirdos, people who never had true respect, or enough respect in their needy minds, drastically needing forever boosters, ever inflowing streams of praise to fully exist.

Sick people, Dangerous people. People needing to be separated from society. People who need to face the consequences of the sins they have perpetrated or tried to against society. And therein lies the rub. That crowd of losers, always about this man, is dangerous as well. They have bought it all, hook, line and sinker, allow themselves to be deluded, even sacrificed in the name of that societal renegade, should have been outcast. Why? Because they too have needs which must be met. Typically, there is a common thread of misogyny and don't the men love that! There is an atmospheric presence of anger, of revenge, of self pity, of a need to 'get theirs', no matter the cost to themselves, loved ones or society at large. Pure selfishness, a resultant evil synergy with the addition of smug self satisfaction at how far they have come down that road of self justification, self glorification and the fear of others when they are seen.

Note that these early inductees to this perverted plan of an inadequate man, are weak, many limited in brain power or misuse of said cells, or weak specimens of physical humanity, an outcast even from real society where they felt they belonged. It is that opportunity to 'right' all those imagined but deeply felt wrongs that provide an illegitimate plot its strength, its legitimacy, fake as it is, to flower, to afflict us all. In fact, these weaker versions of that damaged leader, provide the food for the continuity of the evil as the wanna be or the existing dictator means very much to grow and retain power.  Not so much the wealth, or other perks, whatever they think needed to prove omnipotence. Rather, it is the need to feel and be looked upon as Power Personified. As the one with life and death power. That, and only that, will satisfy that evil need. That is, as long as there is constant replenishment.

The followers, those of the next hierarchal rank, are equally as bad, perhaps worse. They refuse to see the truth. They refuse reality. They deny wrongdoing, learn to engage and enjoy it. Look at the next rank below Trump. DeSantis, Cruz, Boebert, Greene, Gosar the Fascist who feels he has to issue a childish dare to Biden - what a wuss! The list continues, unfortunately with Hawley, Cotton, Abbott, Giuliani, pathetic soul that he is, McCarthy, and on and on. People who have willingly sold their souls to the Devil, that other big time needy one who tramples over all in his driving need to feed his perverted soul.

And us, the rest of society? Well, we had better wake up. Evil unfought is evil triumphant. Make no mistake about it. That entire crew knowingly engages in a plot to build a fascist government, here, to remove rights of all, to assert their power any which way they wish. Evil laughed at, as they laughed at Hitler, grows by leaps and bounds, taking advantage of every misstep of society. Make no mistake about it. That is our future if we do not stop laughing at the antics of Trump et al. Instead, hold them accountable for their crimes, for their treason increasingly exposed. Notify them and the world that most Americans will not desert the guardian posts of our nation. That is what it means to be an American.

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