Wednesday, October 13, 2021


  Perhaps we should, in present times, ask why is right always wrong, or why has wrong become a trait of right? When has it become, why has it become, part and participle of the definition of right, to include the definition of wrong, as well? When has it become synonymous with the words, intent, and actions of treason? When has right assumed its own self given 'right' to abjure the Constitution of the United States of America, to stage its own bloody rebellion, a coup attempting to overthrow the constitutional government of this country? When has right gone so wrong as to openly allow Supreme Court Justices to speak out, outrageously, for the 'right' view? Impartial? I think not. Right gone wrong. I think yes.

“I know the media wants to distract from the Biden administration’s failed agenda by focusing on one day in January,”

The above is the plaint of the right - and please forgive that term as that is what the 'wrong' deem themselves. The very words are incorrect, abrasive, signatory of the lying, the words of self delusion spoken  so often that they are turned into a mockery of 'truth'. Accepted as such. Right gone wrong. Again. Always.

This is not one day in January but rather one day which exposed all the dirt, the filth, the illegitimacy of those 'right' people. Their one day is the polar opposite of the 'one day' sung of by Mattisyahu and countless young voices raised in hope of that one day when there is peace, when there is harmony, when there is a replacement of strife and bloodshed with tools of amity, a modern statement of a very old Biblical statement - that nations shall neither carry nor wield weapons against each other; indeed, those swords will be beaten into plowshares. A dream of humanity from time immemorial, yet the same dream which we insist on sabotaging every damned time! When right goes wrong. And yes, to be fair, when left goes wrong as well.

When partisanship goes nuclear, when right becomes the fodder of false debate and very real attack, then that 'right' which opposes the right becomes oh so very, dangerously, wrong. When in the name of 'right' a governor, with presidential ambitions, G-d forbid, wreaks havoc as he walks, stomps, heavily, upon the rights of private companies as well as giant companies necessary to the economy of Texas, in the name of 'right and rights', well, where does the right go from here? The only path left is a critical fork in the road: either dissolve in the name of sanity, recognize the dangerous absurdity to which it has fallen, or commit further to it, taking on the teeth, the nails, the bloody desires of a Jason from Halloween, another Hitler with ambitions to inflict more of this perverted 'right' upon nations, not only individuals.

Truthfully, I believe that their choice has been made. Consequently, we ourselves are now faced with a choice: either we resist, forcefully, truly committed to this existential battle, one of long duration, or we cede it all to them, accept the results, the terrible to contemplate results, and reap what we have allowed to be sown.

The warning signs are there. The report released by the Senate makes - or should make - any truly right person cringe in shame and disbelief. Yet there it is.

 "What I said is there are states that didn't follow their legislatively set rules,"  "So the statement is flatly wrong, and the suggestion that we should have held oral argument is ridiculous,” 

When these two statements can be made, one by a Supreme Court Justice, actually abjuring his own words with the very same statement allegedly doing so then we are almost lost, only a faint clue leading to a way out, to a salvaging of what remains of our country, its values, its true history, its chance for a future, our kids chance for a future.

"the case for the legislature that approved the Texas abortion ban to be impeached for treason, asking how "a state can avoid complying with the constitution by passing a law that forbids a court to correct them while they do it" without consequences."

Yes, it has come to this. The right kicks the Constitution in the face. The 'right' kicks the people to the curb, following the dismal example of its god, Trump. even outdoing him in their zeal to prove their 'rightness'. The 'right' declares open war against the federal government, in fact any government, while, at one and the same time, attacks the supposed violation of rights of the individuals even as at the same time, they shred those very same rights in their mad stampede to perdition and havoc, as they create their own reactionary, rights depriving laws. Oh, Hell!!

America's Cold War. Against each other. As our enemies without engender their own battles against our country and win. As we fall behind. As we reject our own progress. As we encourage outrageous partisanship on both left and right, the 'wrongness' of it all. Super contagious, deadly as the Delta variant of COVID. With, apparently, no vaccine of sanity in sight.

When is right wrong? All the time. When it willfully abandons the true right. Deserts truth. Engages in harmful activities for state, country and inhabitants. Openly, unapologetically, rebels against the legitimacy of the legitimate government of these states, of the United states of America. Brazenly, commits treason. Then, right is wrong. It is upon us, no one else, to right the right. Before it is too late.  

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