Good morning, all. Nice to see that some people are finally getting in touch with reality, that denying reality is foolish, more dangerous than has been admitted to so far. My comment? Where the hell were all of you all along and why has it taken so long for the truth to finally become mainstream knowledge with mainstream acknowledgement. Beats me on that point. For sure.
People have been known to being open to be fooled, to believe in nonsense, patent lies even, as long as it satisfied their deep and dark wishes to be secure on any level, by any means. The temporary feeling of 'okayness' has apparently a stronger pull than long term improvement and security. From the crowds of Romans cheering the bloody spectacles in the arenas, to the crowds of unthinking mob robots who have cheered on every dictator who promised security and a better life, to the mobs of today who cheer on hate and violently try to stage a coup in this country. All are part and parcel of history, of a humankind needing retuning. Desperately and immediately.
So Boker Tov to all of you who think that humanity has indeed come so far, become ever more civilized, ever more tolerant of others, open to the thinking of others. Well, have I got news for you! No, it is not raining men, as the song goes, but rather raining bodies, destroyed hopes and dreams, as the language used to slay the above grows increasingly vitriolic, poisonous and dangerous to democracy. The world is in great danger, at least the world of democracy. So where was everybody until now? I, and many others, have been shouting this threat out for a looonnnngggg time. Apparently falling on deaf ears.
“This is an urgent matter on all our parts, in my view, because the data we’re seeing is largely pointing in the wrong direction.” acknowledged that one of those countries in democratic decline was his own." (Biden)
Yuh-huh! As my grandchildren say. With emphasis.
Yuh- huh indeed.
Animal Farm is here to stay. GOP members and supporters are entitled to free speech, though not others as crazies sue to keep criticism of their outrageous remarks offline. Pictures of their families adorned with huge guns are sent out for Christmas. So appropriate to the holiday spirit right! And a huge Nuh-huh to that! Yet they rule.
Yet another Boker Tov to those who insist that anti-Semitism is a dead line of history. Nuh-huh! No way. The firing of a principal in Florida for insisting on the possible disbelief by others in the actual existence of the Holocaust and that includes himself. Read and weep.
"can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event
Not weeping yet? Here is a bit more.
"not everyone believes the Holocaust happened" and that as an educator he had "the role to be politically neutral."
How can there be silence? Have we not learned anything from our history?
"But I also want us to pay attention to the polite Zionists. The ones that say, ‘Let’s just break bread together.’”
“They are not your friends,” a well-funded campaign to bolster Islamophobia around the world and an interconnected network of Zionist-supporting organizations working to harm Muslims. She also repeated an unsupported claim, one that circulates among some activist groups, that “police officers in the United States who kill unarmed black men, women and children are trained by the Israeli military.”
Boker Tov indeed. Will this never end, but how can that ever be when that garbage is spewed via the mouth of a prominent Bay Area Muslim attorney? How??????
I recently came across this old Chines proverb.
"Two tigers cannot share the same mountain."
Apparently so, but we never seem to understand the truth of that saying as we enter war after war, refusing to talk, rather than kill.
I close with this line from a gospel song which contains a great deal of wisdom and warning. We, too many, have indeed gone lost, separated from our souls in the bitter years under Trump - which seem to be everlasting. The country, as a whole, has abandoned honor, trust, faith, decency, in its insane competition and dangerous plans of Trump et al. Why and whose fault? Read on and think.
"If I should die and my soul gets lost, it's nobody's fault but mine."
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