Monday, December 27, 2021


  Dear G-d in Heaven!!! I have never been so frightened in my life. I have read intensively and watched videos of Jan. 6 but never before have I seen this. NEVER. This was not a riot. This as an outright rebellion, and I hate to tell you, but just watch these maddened critters, for human they are not, trying to kill the heroes of the day - the Capitol Police who defended the Capitol and the people within - including the traitors who instigated and colluded with this coup attempt and know, just know, to your very last atom that you - YOU - would be dead or imprisoned within minutes of this government if it had come into power. Watch that damned moment in history. Watch how close we came to losing it all and how close we remain. These people should all be shot for treason. Along with their leader, Trump. Choices? What I wrote about before I added this heading - bah! Humbug! Way too mild. Watch this: 

 multi-camera synchronixed biews of the battle for the wst terrace :TUNNEL" entrance US Capitol 1/6 - Bing video.

 Type it in and prepare to be horrified, frightened and ready to run - but where? We cannot run. We must not run. We must make the right choice and NOW! It is almost too late. Type that info in and watch. And fear. No choice.

Kamala Harris, the VP, has been busy both here and on the international scene, but has done it quietly, so much so, that at times she is almost invisible. That is a shame, as she is one highly capable woman and sorely needed these days and, in the years to come. Certainly, if we are to maintain this country as a democracy, succeed in pushing back against those who would see it turn into a theocracy? An authoritarian government? A collection of small, weak, countries comprised of cities and states who clump together? The choices here are clear. What is not clear is what choices will actually be made and which choices will remain to us.

The VP says, in connection to the imbroglio re the vaccinations, that every individual has the ability - and the responsibility - to make a choice. Obviously, the better choice would be to take the vaccine and save oneself and those around that same individual. We all know that to regret not being vaccinated, having bought into the crap being spewed out daily by the Trump camp, when at death's door, when the family of that dying person has also been placed in a situation of peril, well, too little too late, is it not? And that is on those who refuse to vaccinate despite all proof to the contrary. It is their responsibility to choose and bear the consequences, whatever they might be. Harsh, but there it is.

The question now arises about choice in other areas. Does the individual also have a responsibility there to make a choice? Is a choice even possible under certain circumstances and situations, making the individual and choices almost irrelevant? Now that is an ugly picture to look at, yet that ugly picture is inching ever closer and closer to reality here in America and in fact, all over the world. Even if one can conduct a successful campaign to make those choices more relevant, it is an uphill battle, not always successful, nor always in a timely manner. Again, harsh, but there it is. The truth.

Repression and oppression seem to be the growing choices of many who cannot see that proverbial forest for the trees, who refuse to accept the proof before their eyes, the closing of all exit ramps on our ever-growing road trip into dangerous grounds and philosophies that have no business EVER of being part of the American gestalt, yet here they are. Growing daily despite all the attacks against that evil, strangling growth. Choices. Are there?

"...intensely unappealing and uninteresting. .. combines in his person corruption, ineptitude, and banality. He is perpetually aggrieved, obsessed with trolling the left, a crude one-dimensional figure who has done a remarkably good job of keeping from public view any redeeming qualities he might have...displayed seething, nearly pathological resentments, playground insults, and a pulsating sense of aggrieved victimhood and persecution..."

 Now, who might that be? Certainly, most unappetizing and manifestly unfit to be a leader. This is the one who seemingly is the future, the present as well, of the crazed segment of the GOP and the deluded in this country. It does not bode well for us and for choices, the responsibility, the smarts, to make the correct choices. So, that description, those sentiments, all "coming from the elitist, extravagantly rich son of a former president." Junior, that is. Ugh! Our choices are coming down to that. Sanity or madness? Democracy or elitism? Republic versus fascistic autocracy? The cult worship of an individual versus the valuing of the people? The choices seem clear to me, but how many others in this increasingly darkening, confusing time are making the wrong choices or letting others make the choices for them?? Is it not time that we move on from this poisonous family, their slogan which echoes the slogan of the American Nazi party in pre-WWII days? They refuse to go, do they not, this venomous family, so let us make sure that we oust them ourselves. 

 We need to defuse them, to turn away from the hate they engender and symbolize, the hate they would see embraced by the American people. to the detriment of all other than themselves.

 If we do not make this a clear choice of rejection, then this hate will be the reason for the downfall of our democracy and a very ugly future for us all. Our growing hatred for each other, our growing determination to relegate too many to the category of "other", hence not worthy of anything; our growing battlefield on the floor of free, untainted elections, the understanding that we are reaching the point where it matters not who votes, but rather  who counts the votes becomes the deciding factor. The choices we have made have brought us so low, developed so many cracks in the firmament of our democracy that repair is growing nigh onto impossible. We have lost sight of that critical underlying principle of democracy: no one is above the law. No one can have that expectation, for otherwise, we are doomed. 

Find the newly released video of three hours of pitched battle in tunnels beneath the Capitol. It is horrendous. Watch crazed insurrectionists literally climb on and over people in their frenzied madness and determination to overthrow this government of ours and beat the crap out of those defending it. It should shock you from head to toe and perhaps, perhaps, those individuals who maintain that all is right with this country will think again. They must. We must. The choice is ours. Pray that we do not fail in making that choice. Pray hard. Very hard. And let the blame, the responsibility for this fall upon the one who deserves it, who planned it all, aided and abetted by his treasonous posse.

Our choice to make. Our future to throw away. The future of our kids to throw away. Our country to throw away. Our history to distort and damage. Our prestige and responsibility to be tossed on the garbage heap of mankind's history upon this planet. So make the right choice. Pray hard that others do the same. Pray very hard. And choose.

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