Friday, December 24, 2021


America is definitely on a march, feet stomping, walking in exaggerated lockstep, though questions remain. Where is the endpoint, the destination of this march? What is its purpose? Can that purpose be achieved? Do we actually approve of the end goal? In any case, what do we do with our opinions re this march? Or, should we do nothing?

Frankly, anyone who has paid a modicum of attention to the events of the past decade has to have a clue as to the stakes of this march and its success or failure. Full disclosure: it had better fail or we are lost as a country. Citizenship will most definitely not contain within it the guarantee of "inalienable" rights that we now have.   

It is frightening to contemplate the huge, raging waves of destruction rolling over our newly alienized country. One analyst calls us a "fractured" nation. Correct, for those initial cracks in the firmament of our nation are now fully developed  fractures; repairing them iffy, at the very least.

2017 presented us with the first major demonstration of our fracturing - Charlottesville. It was "...a preview of the America that we would become: a country in which violently racist sloganeering freely mixes with absurd, carnival antics; a culture in which constitutional principles are treated as cudgels with which to crush political opponents; a society in which gun-toting extremists parade openly in the streets in search of enemies to strike, and then claim self-defense if anyone is injured; and an online ecosphere in which virtual hate escalates before spilling over into real-world terror."    It was a " fracturing of a common set of truths ... (the first open, bloody battle between) Christian racial populism from liberal democracy."

It left many of us breathless as we peered, hesitatingly, fearfully, into a future devoid of hope, devoid of the gestalt of America, replaced by a new entity - AmeriKa. 

There is only one way in which we can salvage the remnant of our past and go on to a better future. Answer the following with a definite truth and act upon it. “Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction  corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’ official proceeding to count electoral votes?”  

Charge him with his financial violations and those of his businesses. Present him to the world as the naked emperor, not clad in new clothing but rather just a common criminal, exposed to the world in all his 'inglory'! 

We in America, in fact, all over the world, have forgotten that actions demand consequences, and they demand them promptly. Waiting for "your father'" to come home and the like is useless, impotent, even counterproductive. It is crucial that reactions must be timely, making it not tomorrow that we act, or many tomorrows, but almost yesterday that we do so. It is that imperative if we are to survive as America. The longer we delay, the farther apart the crime and the consequences are, the less impact it will have, the connection will dim, and the lies will fester, rotting the truths from below, making us unsteady, unsure of how to walk on as a nation, how to counter the vibrations of those marchers, ever oncoming. Ever challenging.

We cannot allow the foxes who have raided our henhouse and coops to flourish and make the rules. That is national suicide! We need to shred the false claim of executive privilege by Trump and open his filth to the glare of sunlight. Crime and treason flourish in the darkness of evil. We must stop that empowering darkness in its tracks. We must turn back those marchers, teach them how to be 'American' once again. We must banish the 'tribal' segmentation of this country.

Most important, if we allow the GOP, our new national Fascist Party to gain control of all our legislative bodies, from cities and states to national level we are lost. Totally. Completely. Unless we do that which must be done as we fight for the life of America, of the United States of America. If we do not act, and promptly, America will not survive as a democracy.

That is the simple truth of it all. The kernel within all the bombast.

Do we want to survive, to keep America a democracy, a leader, or are we content, or stupid and reckless, unthinking enough, to allow that tragedy, the destruction of the USA, to take place?

I hope not. For all our sakes.

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