Thursday, December 30, 2021


  ...what exactly completes that title? Oh, lots of things but one is particularly close to us, here in the Village. This posting may rub some the wrong way, but as far as I know it is still a "free country", no one is "the boss of me", and my thoughts are my thoughts, eligible for publication on this blog. So, here goes.

First, let me make it very, very clear, as clear as glass, that there is no element here of anti - Semitism. I am a member of the Jewish people, proud, observant, and a supporter of live and let live. However, when plans are made that will affect the entire Village, negatively, I believe, then I must speak up. Allowing the request of Khal Chassidim to go ahead and change the entire appearance and layout of 2.3 acres, in the heart of the Village, well,  time to have my say.

Since the beginning of CVWPB there have been no houses of worship on the grounds. The Conservative Synagogue is technically off CV boundaries and in addition, has made itself a vital part of the Village, including the most recent use as an area for COVID vaccinations. There is an Orthodox synagogue across Haverhill, not within the Village grounds. There are also parcels close to the Village which are available for purchase. In addition, there is a synagogue of Chassidim on the grounds of Congregation Aitz Chaim. Hence, there is no need for a synagogue on a large acreage area within the Village even as it sets a bad precedent as well. Are we now to see various religions and sects of religious groups also purchase buildings to set up houses of worship within the Village? How many? How large? What regulations? The questions and concerns go on and on and as far as I am concerned, there is no positive aspect here.

Here is the request that has been made to the Zoning Commission.


"to reduce the required amount of parking; reduction in the required width for a Type 2 Incompatibility Buffer spaces and, elimination of a required Compatibility Buffer

to modify the Conditions of Approval to add a Place of Worship Use and to reconfigure the approved Final Site Plan."

The date to go and voice your opinions, for or anti this request is January 12.

Warning bells, alarms, should be going off in your head. Think of this.

A changed building, perhaps larger than what is there. Reduction in parking places in a vital area of the Village, particularly for those going to the much needed and patronized Walgreens and to the shows in the Clubhouse. Where will these parking places, already inadequate to meet the needs of the Village be made up? The answer is ...wait for it ... NOWHERE. Now picture the consequences, the fights, the accidents, the loss of prime space that while technically not owned by the Village, cooperated with the Village in many areas.

The excuse that the patrons of this synagogue do not drive cars on the Sabbath is quite incomplete and shading the answer. There are six other days of the week during which the patrons will most certainly be driving cars. Imagine the congestion, the possibilities of accidents, even deaths at times of convergence with Clubhouse events or even in daily driving needs. And where will the overflow of those cars go? Across the road to the large area of guest spots, into other association areas nearby? Think of it. Think of the mess, the dangers this all poses.

There are rumors that there will be a pool installed. Who will regulate this? Where will it be? What about the effects of this construction on nearby associations, already facing physical and structural issues due to aging, neglect and quite frankly, too many doing renovations without  thought to the damage to the structural integrity of these buildings. Will there suddenly be a huge wall around the premises in order to meet the needs of modesty demanded by the patrons of this new pool?Will there be new sinkholes caused by this construction? Such deep and obvious changes in the heart of the village, at a most important and already risky intersection... asking for trouble, major trouble.

What does the last phrase mean anyway? Changes to the Final Site Plan? What changes? How many? Of what affect and effect on the Village? How are these 'allowed' changes to be monitored? Is there a limit to these changes? How major? How moderate? Who determines that limit and the designations?

Why should anyone consider this new possible behemoth of a building and change to the Village be allowed. Why are we to allow, to think, that such a foreign entity should be allowed? Why do we think that to begin a chain of equivalent changes to the Village, to its integrity as a whole, should be allowed, should be considered a positive thing for the residents? Finally, who will monitor the possible inflow of many strangers into the Village to attend services there? And where the hell will they park!!!

This is setting a bad precedent for the Village and a sad message to our future. We need to remain a unified entity with no huge changes to the gestalt of the Village. We already have enough problems, food for thought for another day, but why allow this? The building is bought, the Khal is the owner of record, but we can forestall, deny, any changes that are certainly not good for the Village, its residents, its future, its atmosphere, anything you can possibly think of. Where is the good and the positive in this? Beats me!

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