Friday, January 14, 2022


  I am basically a nobody. I am not eloquent. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am not an "influencer" nor a driving force in the world of today and I thank my lucky stars for that. The responsibility is overlooked as jarring moments of crazed behavior, over the top, is ever more admired. We have lost our anchors of sense and sensibility, lost control of the rudders of society. We are drifting without a motor, at the very least a properly working motor. We are open to the vagaries of so many detrimental factors and find ourselves lost in stormy seas, left open to monster freak waves, with little ability to avoid its damage and existential threat.

Why am I making this plea? Because we are lost. Because the situation is getting worse and worse. Because if we do not come to our senses, we are lost, will be lost and remain lost until this country is decimated, beyond repair, bereft of hope, and totally immune to any possibility of actually working things out. Certainly not in any sane, rational manner. Our supposed leaders of society have seen to that. One analyst asked if we are "doomed to be governed by irredeemable idiots". He is absolutely correct.

My plea is this: can we not return to our senses, learn from the past, hear the words of the past  wherever they are to be found, and do the right thing. A Supreme Court is not the place to decide medical issues, nor to approve deprivation of rights of so many, be it in voting or control of their own bodies, forced to carry an unwanted, even dangerous or hideously inseminated fetus to full term, a prison sentence for life. 

Is it a bizarre conspiracy? Plot? as apparently one party plus two wolves in raggedy sheep's clothing (Manchin and Sinema) deem it a worthwhile idea to hamstring this country and its people, to encourage madness in a supposed base, and follow an acknowledged - by them, even - deranged character down his particular rabbit hole of deception, lies, delusions, hatred and an inevitable imposition of autocracy over democracy. 

The distance traveled in that rabbit hole, on its highways, is enormous. Quite frankly, we do not, at this point, have enough fuel to turn around and come back. Perhaps Manchin and his filthy millions from coal, will donate some to us, to enable a return to whence we came and to whence we must return. Doubtful at best. Never is actually the answer.

Last night we attended a wonderful replication of a Simon and Garfunkel iconic concert in Central Park in Manhattan. Their songs, their music, remain so apropos of today's world. Ergo, I plead with all. Let us heed those words, hear the pleas, my plea. They sang of a need, a desired goal, an intense need to "look for America". 

Yes, we have lost America, certainly that America.  We have lost sight of what she is, what she needs to remain. We have lost the beauty of so many looking for their America, looking for the dream, its  possibilities, its promises, its reality that should be. Instead, we now try to deny that gift, that opportunity, to immigrants, deny the very same opportunity our immigrant ancestors were given. We have lost America. The America that should be, not the America that we have tormented, disparaged, and twisted until any resemblance to what was, what should be, is just about beyond repair. What have we done? What has man wrought, as we spurned its beautiful gifts?

I plead with all. Let us talk with each other. Hear, heed and listen to each other, choose the right "idols" to worship; those of freedom, liberty, hope, justice, and yes, even the symbolic presentation of a Superman flying through the skies for "that freedom, justice, and the American way".

Perhaps I am a hopeless Pollyanna, a demented optimist, hoping, praying that there remains enough within our hearts and souls to fight the good fight, the negatives we have imposed upon ourselves. We need the inner core of American values to face the facts. We have turned on ourselves, eaten away at ourselves in a most cannibalistic, destructive  manner. 

We have turned all, no matter what, into political warfare, dividing this country as it has never been, not even in the soon be called Civil War I. Perhaps it is already fitted with that designation. We have  argued ourselves into a divided country, not by geographical features, but by our mouths. Continuing this behavior, mostly thanks to our politicians, especially the GOP, we will carve out several weak, small, insignificant, endangered countries from a single great one. Yes, it can happen here and is, in fact, in the minds and mouths of too many, to the point of open rebellion on Jan. 6, 2021. 

Are we totally lost, beyond redemption and repair?

You answer the question, but honestly, putting down your own divisive and powerful biases. Are you to stand for, defend, our America, or are you to continue down that rabbit hole, become human lemmings and herds of unthinking buffalo, ignorant of their own impending doom as they rush to the sea or fall off that cliff? The method of death matters not, only the impending death. A death of America. Quite possibly of many in resultant bloodshed.

Have our tongues not cut enough into our body politic? Can we not separate human, driving issues and problems to be the societal, humane problems they are, not political problems? Can we? My doubts eat away at me.

Thus, I plead, an insignificant member of American society, grateful for my grandparents who came here, that my parents were born here, that I reaped the benefit of brave and hardworking ancestors who instilled in me a love of country, a gratefulness owed to that country, and a determination to keep it safe. Perhaps, I hope, there are enough of us, the insignificant, tired, citizens of America who will answer the plea and turn this country around. 

I hope. I plead. I pray. 

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