Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 Such a delight it is to read the day's news, past, present and future speculations - most manifestly not! It can make you cry, laugh, shake your head in despair and amusement, all at the same time. You scratch that same head in total bewilderment, wondering just when people lost their collective minds and succumbed to the ridiculous to the sublime, no matter from whose mouth it exits, or what nonsense is espoused. Today is a perfect example. What a mess!

Some good news first. Mark Cuban has opened a pharmaceutical rescue operation, where drugs will be the cost plus 15% and no more middlemen or monstrous additions to that cost. I will be checking things out as I received notice of a completely illogical, unaffordable co-pay that will double my co-pays for each and every month - if not more. And I have not yet heard of the change in co-pays for other drugs and no, not one or two, but try oh, maybe 20+ and growing. Completely undoable. Particularly if one wishes to do such outrageous activities such as breathing easily, eating food, paying the freight to keep a roof over one's head, paying taxes, paying utilities and actually using that AC when the weather is hot, hot, hot. Minor problems I guess, right?!

Forward, ho! We are far from done. Are you feeling squished here in South Florida as every single empty lot, beautiful stands of trees, open landscapes are targeted by developers greedy for fortunes, cramming in unreasonable amounts of houses, apartments, and people, with little land for recreation or simply for zoning out? Nope, not necessary. Not to developers nor, evidently, to too many of the Commissioners or the Zoning Committee. Even as they go home to mammoth homes on large spreads, pools galore and huge and we, the little people, well, we just have to make do. 

Curtail that outdoor activity. Forget admiring nature or going birding. Nature walks in preserves? What preserves, shrinking by the day as we build roads for the new developments, encouraging more development needing more roads, needing more lands, more destruction, leading to more crammed developments, on and on ad nauseam. Surely the next thing we can expect is a Mad Hatter and a strange Queen emerging from our newly exposed land. Ripped from forests, ripped from their jobs of beauty and oh, yes, giving us oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide. Never mind, just do not run anymore. Just a little sacrifice, correct? Finally, as far as the noise wall, or moving into the living quarters of homes in the path of the proposed enlarging of the Turnpike, well, just a little sacrifice for the good of all, right? Be a sport.

Cake and eating it too? Petere Dinklage, a wonderful actor, including in Game of Thrones, portraying a brother in a family of beautiful people, while he is a dwarf. Tough lot in life, yet he does quite well, pulling off many self-rescues and trending towards the, if not good, then towards the less evil. He complains about a new production of Snow White. Why? Because ... complete the title ....and the Seven Dwarves. What nerve! Insulting to dwarves. Even as he is now working in a new production as a malevolent dwarf. Huh!

  Children must be protected from seeing and hearing how dwarves are portrayed, transferring that to the real world, that no, they are not bad nor so very different from us, especially in the inside and mind and heart and soul. As so many generations of children did. But never you mind, for apparently, I do not know how a dwarf feels nor have faced any antagonism. Hmm, something wrong there, very much wrong.

No, I cannot say I have walked in the shoes of a dwarf, but I have walked, and will continue to walk, G-d willing, in the shoes of thousands, millions, of people who most certainly have faced their own discrimination. Additionally, such a wonderful distinction, been the target of a 90 minute conference by the biggies of Nazidom, in Wannsee, to establish an oh so scientific plan to eliminate all the Jews of the world, as each country was conquered. Oh, yes, they had lists and plans, targets to reach, quotas to fill, all the while squeezing money from their bodies and souls by working them to death. Moreover, if people still survived then certainly, they must be destined for destruction, too strong for the plans of the Nazis, so scientific and oh so calm, in their plans. And not to forget the children and the women of child bearing age, a source of more Jews. Nope, cannot be. Target those groups especially hard and what a good boy you will be. Maybe even get a medal or two, an opportunity to reap monetary rewards from the piles of belongings left behind. Oh, yes, such piles and piles.

So no, Mr. Dinklage. I do indeed know those shoes. Indeed, I do. Nor should you think this is over. Not at all. Over the weekend carefully weighted leaflets - in Miami, San Fransisco, Denver - stating 

"Every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish," said many, if not all, of the flyers. Listed on the paper were government officials who have played parts in managing the coronavirus pandemic and who the flyers say are Jewish, according to local NBC affiliates and regional - distributed by  "a loose network of individuals that engages in antisemitic stunts to harass Jews," said the Anti-Defamation League statement. "They work alone, in small cliques and occasionally travel across the country to work together in larger teams."

All this as RFK, Jr. states  ."things are worse for people today than they were for Anne Frank, the teenager who died in a Nazi concentration camp after hiding with her family in a secret annex in an Amsterdam house for two years.  His father and uncles are rolling in their graves, as his grandfather kvells! Not for the first time either. Joined by such other luminaries of our Congress, like Gosar, Perry, Omar, and not to forget Boebert who so cannily recognized a group of Jews as a reconnaissance team for a future insurrection.  Evidently the Jews were heavily involved in Jan. 6 events. Huh, you say? Oh yes, pay attention to my shoes, but be careful of which synagogue you attend for you might be next!!!

In the meanwhile, we have a bomb cyclone threatening the East Coast. We have whiners on Wall Street and Big Banks whining that now there will be no non risk opportunities for them for profit, as interest rates are raised in order to tame the economy and inflation. Tsk, tsk. How many others have never had that opportunity!! So of course, instead of calmly planning the right steps, oh just panic people by predictions of huge crashes and devaluations. For sure, that will help as you buy all stocks at low prices, then watch as we pull together and restart the proper engines with smooth purrs. Oh, the profits you will make indeed.

Jakarta is sinking. Island nations are being drowned in the seas. The climate is wacked out. Hatred and utter nonsense grow apace, as lies become truths, and deluded people refuse to see the inevitable end of a fascistic movement -lest we lose it all. 

As for Adios. Well, there is now an Adios Sinema group and what a joy for that. Add Manchin, the cowardly GOP, not a good guy in sight, the white supremacists who shout for blood, the far left which had gone berserk. So many more to bid goodbye and never come back. So, adios to them and adios for today. Gotta' read some more - from a novel. Saner territory.


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