Sunday, January 30, 2022


  "Put your money where your mouth is."

We all know that saying. But what happens when you cannot figure out how to put your money wherever your mouth is? What then?

Well, in my case, thank the Lord Above for giving me my live-in techie. With a vocal call from the owner of that confused mouth, there he is, rescuing me yet again. But worry wart that I am, I wonder what happens when that will not be enough. In fact, it is already happening.

Have you tried to negotiate some of those web sites, trying to find what you are looking for, then narrowing it down among the myriad choices, then finding your cart, or your bag, or whatever it is called, and trying to pay for it? Oh, there are those pants you clicked on in error. How the hell did they get in the wagon? More important, how do I get rid of them? Trying to find the 'x' or the 'remove', is an adventure all by itself.

Furthermore, how is one to choose or even find the item when one cannot understand the names. What the heck is an O.G pair of pants? Does an aging gangster, now walking with the aid of a walker come along with the pants? Do we get a choice as to which gangster? What if one does not desire one? Is there a choice to refuse that gracious offer? Seriously, a dictionary of current terms of fashion is fast becoming a necessity.

 Along with that should be a listing of the brand names and where they originate. G-d forbid you get stuck with a disguised company that is actually in China, and brother! Or sister!! You will learn the virtue of patience awaiting its arrival. By that time, you will have pulled out all your remaining hair from sheer frustration trying to contact that firm. The reason for it might have passed and you might even be a different size. Then try returning it. Forget it! You will eat the cost, with Goodwill the final beneficiary. Yoicks!!! Foiled again.

Now try your eagerly awaited purchase on. Uh huh. "Too big, too small, too little, too tall." Yup, reading Dr. Seuss to the kids when they were small is quite beneficial at times. Especially in describing the fit of clothing, all the same size, with manufacturers apparently free to make a size any size if feels like. Such fun for them. Such frustration for us. Such an adventure to shop these days. Yoicks again.

And then, and then.... uh oh - cannot even shop, despite the need, gone, the ability even to purchase anything. That mouth needing the proper money placement will go hungry, frustrated to the nth degree as ...wait for it.... bitcoin, block chain, cryptocurrency and all those related terms enter the fray. Oy vey! I can see myself sitting in the dark, no book to read as my Kindle is playing games with my sanity. No light to read by as I could not pay my bill in crypto coins. No food either, as the supermarket moved online. How the heck does one maneuver that new challenge? And thank you very much, but I like to pick out my own vegetables and fruit. Dang it all.

But do not give up. Perhaps some generous soul, caring for our benighted souls, will come to our rescue. Maybe. Maybe not. Another chapter in a changing life. Such excitement awaits us. There is always hope in the innate goodness of people, as difficult as that seems these days. Here is a heartwarming story.

Four years ago, a Sudanese family fled an unlivable Sudan, and became enmeshed in awful refugee camps. Worse, proof of their marriage was lost in the shuffle of survival. The pregnant wife and children were allowed in as refugees while the father was left behind, tagged as a single man, the worst category. Would they ever see each other again?

Luckily for the wife, two members of a church home group decided that the Bible was to be taken literally, lived, not just mouthed. "... and I was a stranger, and you took me in."  They remembered the story of the Exodus, its meaning for our lives, even today, in this confused world of ours. They remembered and lived the admonition to remember the stage of the Israelites as strangers in Egypt and the welcome they received as they were taken in by the Pharoah. 

We are all told to do the same.

And so they did. And so they succeeded. Four years after separation there was a most emotional reunion, with all crying. A miracle of the power of the little against the worst odds, of goodness; a miracle of modern-day life.  Oh, there will be adjustments as they reformat their lives as a family, but they are together.

The question now arises. This took place in 2016, a long, tumultuous six years ago. A most different world. Would this happen again in our hate infested and infected world, where we are now told to hate the stranger, hate those who are what we or our ancestors were.

What do you think? What do you feel?

A most new reality for all of us. Think I will retreat to my online confusion, for our present reality contains too much hurt and anger, far more difficult than learning the new way of life in an online society. So depressing to contemplate, let alone to deal with, to live the truth as we should be doing.

Yoicks is way too mild for this world of ours. We need to return to the law and ways of our older society, relearn those ways, live those ways, and then take them along with us as we learn new ways. 

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