Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Any teacher, no matter the level or subject, will wonder at the remarkable resemblance of current political personalities and their behavior, to that of kindergarten children first learning how to socialize and find a place within society. These kids are taught to achieve that by acceptable means, not justifying the means by the intended ends. In fact, the 'ends'   sought by these political kindergarteners and their means are verboten within the walls and on the playgrounds of schools. So, what gives?

    What gives is that we have had a massive failure, a breakdown in the system. We somehow, somewhere, forgot to instill a sense of honor within these current politicos. We lost the connection between misdeeds and consequences. We lost the grownup behavior of accepting responsibility rather than whining about others who "forced or made them" do something wrong and why weren't they punished? And why aren't the police or society recognizing their grievances, how aggrieved they are? Frankly, it is a situation that is wearying the soul and endangering the stability of all of us.

Trump whines away, shouting out lies in ever louder voice. Everybody is lying. Everybody is picking on him. It does not matter what the subject matter is, for he works on the principle of 'get away with what you can and deny all else'. Rob Peter to pay Paul, only this time Paul is actually Donald. Vehemently deny everything, even as the house of cards collapses, even as some deluded continue to believe and behave accordingly. Even as those who know better, still have functioning brains, purposely, with malice aforethought, enable this deranged man and his deranged and hate filled followers to continue on their very dangerous paths. Why? Because they, the enablers, will remain in power, actually do the steering of society, oversee its most unwelcome to the majority changes, and enrich their own coffers. Even as the bloated, disturbed figurehead bemoans his being caught with cookie crumbs around him.

 Funds are replenished by drawing from others, by lying re charities, by changing the final destination of these funds. Always better to use OPM - other people's money - and stockpile for future needs.  Maybe, sometime this decade, he and others will have to face the music, deny the consequences of their actions no longer. Make Ameria Great Again? I think not. 

This man has done some irreversible consequential damage to the fabric of our nation, so much so that I am not sure we can ever recover. Kindergarten, where we are supposed to have learned all we need to know, is a must repeat for all of these morally challenged people.

Nor does this rot end with that category of vile people, for the evil has dripped down to other levels of society, other movers and shakers who have overestimated, overvalued their worth. They behave as if others do not matter, perhaps are not even worthy of any effort to appease, to do right by them. Homes are taken, jobs are lost, funds cut where they need to be spent, and the environment is shredded. All in the name of a rather dubious 'progress'. Money does it all, excuses all, is the maxim of the day and here we all are.

Build huge developments even if it overcrowds the roads of nearby areas, to dangerous levels. Disregard the deleterious effects of these new, massive developments on the present population, of the need for trees. Just disregard it all for evidently within this new barbaric environment one can do whatever one wants. Never mind all else. Might and money make it right. So there! 

They are seemingly new kindergarteners who have yet to learn proper social behavior though they are, in fact, well past that due date. We here in CV must drive carefully between rocks and hard places. We contend with uncaring developers on one side who wish to turn a blind eye to possible, probable flooding of homes in the Village if they do as they wish. They forget the need for reassuring security for these older populations, as visions of marauding teens come to the fore. Poisoned soil dust particles? Oh, never mind, trust us, we will take care of it. Uh huh! Nothing concrete there at all. But trust us.

Nope. Cannot do. Will not do. Will continue to watch over the safety of CV population. As for the other side, those who wish to endanger, change it beyond all hope of keeping the parameters of the Village the same, welcoming to all, well, we are going to fight that as well. And yes, though we have had our 'differences' in the past, David Israel is now, perhaps a bit late, holding steady. Perhaps it is a losing battle, the little against the mighty, but we will not go down without a fight. 

Truthfully, if the Commissioners, if the Zoning Committee, would actually see through to the consequences, to the actual results, the ends of these proposed plans, well, certainly we would not have to worry. Maybe then we could trust them to have our interests at heart rather than simply looking for ways to garner more tax money for the County, even as freebies and tax handouts are given to these developers. What have we wrought?

We need a reset. We need to reschool our students. Equally so, we must reschool ourselves. We need to stop telling all that whining is okay, that blaming others is a perfectly acceptable behaviorism, that pushing punishment on others is the way to go, particularly if you skate free. 

When did this happen? Where are the parents as their kids are given this tripe? Sadly, they are supporting this as they defend the misbehavior of their own children, block them from all realization and acceptance of consequences for misbehavior. So many, too many, of us have forgotten the worth of others as we tread on them, blind to those whom we leave behind, who are apparently of no import in today's society.

Children, children! Behave now. Be grownup in your actions. But what if the grownups, the adults, refuse to do the same? Got any answers? Other than dropping the rock on those who attack the underpinnings of our society and forcing them to recognize and understand what they have done and the need and correctness of assigned consequences, I am out of all solutions. It is depressing, to say the least.

Well, thank heavens we have the Bee Gees tribute band here tonight. Music soothes the soul and I need some soothing. We all do. At least tonight, from 8- 9:30. Come join, come sing, come clap, come remember another time, another world.

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