Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 I slept late, way overslept my usual morning awakening between 2AM-3AM. You would be surprised at  the amount of work one can get through during the early morning hours. No phone calls, or emails, errands or anything other than what one needs to do at that moment. Bliss indeed. In fact, if I ever, rarely, sleep till 4AM, I feel I have lost the day; it has gotten away from me. And so many things need to get done!

Whomever told me that retirement meant boredom, or a desperate need to 'structure' the day, is or was, a fool. I am wondering when those days of peace and rest come into existence. The time to read the myriad books on my must-read list and all those I add from recommendations. The time to do my woodwork, to venture into extensions of my painting -and who the hell ever thought I would be doing those activities! Ever. The strange paths of life indeed. Funny, ain't it.

Weird is also the name of the game of world affairs. Who would have thought that we would have a President, a former one anyway, vulnerable to charges of various felonies, in all fields of life, and worse, as a traitor to this country, seeking to overturn election results, aiming to be installed as a leader for life right here in the what would have been the former democratic nation of the USA. And all the people around him, all those now publishing  books which state  how they really knew he was deranged, then why did they stay on? Why? Because they thought he would succeed, he would have his crazed mobs, and they would ride his coattails to power and wealth. Hmmm, guess they were wrong , at least for now. As for the near future - not so sure as the entire world is now in a battle between autocracy and evil, and democracy and if not good, then most emphatically trying to be so much of the time.

Last night, at an ABBA concert, with a truly compatriot band to the real ABBA, not Americans faking it, it was awesome. There was a great mood in the theater, performers and audience syncing in mood and comradery, Then, during one of the talking minutes between songs, Ukraine came up, and how they have set up a charity donation site specifically for the children. The audience burst forth in spontaneous, thunderous applause. Interesting to see and hear and understand the mood of America on this issue.

Life is funny, sometimes good funny and other times not, in the directions it nudges us onto. Yesterday a friend mentioned batik and after she left I delved into the YouTube universe and it looks really cool. Think after I complete the projects I am working on  now, I might just take a stab at it. Will see. Maybe. Could be. Who knows?

Funny is not always funny. Every time there was or unfortunately, still are, terrorist attacks in Israel, more civilians dead, or the little baby Border Cops doing their national service, many Druze among them, killed in the line of duty, we always called immediately, checking on family that might have been there. Or they connected first with us. Funny now, how when B'nei Brak was mentioned, we had to call as we have found missing relatives there, descendants of a mother and father slaughtered violently, cruelly, during the Holocaust, even as these two boys were able to hide out and live through it. Now we have found each other in a serendipitous series of on line searches. There I was, calling to find out if all of them were fine. And they were. Thankfully. But as for the families of those slain, well, life is changed, much for the worse, this 'funny' thing happening on a normal evening, perpetrated by a crazed illegal worker, racing around on a motorcycle, shooting any and all in sight. Why? Who the hell knows.

This anger, this urge to kill, is fostered by a world gone mad. Why are they so anti Israel in the UN? Because it is a respectable way of indulging in antisemitism, the truth under it all. It is a way of garnering praise from a deluded world, a specific decision to ignore the truth and push a lie. Much more convenient to wreaking havoc on Israel, even as Israel does its best to help at disasters, accept refugees, Jewish or not, but definitely there for those in need of shelter from a world seeking to harm them because they are Jewish. That annoys people. 

So, the false accusation of apartheid. I invite all to take a walk and check this 'apartheid' out. So....Arabs working in all the pharmacies, even being the majority in that arena. There are tons and tons of Arab doctors, nurses, all kinds of positions in the hospitals and medical clinics. And all these Arabs and all the Jews, mix, serve each other, accept each other, better, in fact, than we do here when a 'different' doctor enters the room. 

As for housing, well go see the enormous palaces being built by Arab patriarchs. See how there are Arabs in formerly Jewish areas only, but the world does not see that. It does not want to see that. Not the homes, not the medical mixings, not the social gatherings, not the integration in all areas of society. Nope. Does not serve their purpose. Funny, ain't it? Not really. And look, another group of Arab women walking safely, excitedly, as they cruise the malls and shopping streets of Israel. Apartheid my a##!

Anyway, funny how oversleeping leads to other thoughts and rearrangements in the schedule of the day. Funny, for who knows the potential outcomes that arise because of this one little thing taking place? Who knows? That is the 'funny' part of life, funny good we hope.

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