Sunday, March 27, 2022


  If only it were the case of the crumbling cookies, we could sweep up, wash up, and bake anew if necessary. However, the crumbling of a different matter, of the world, is far more serious. Today, look around, take a good long serious one. The world is crumbling. The world order is no more. At least a modicum of civility even within the battlefield, is gone. Ripped to shreds, civilians being bombed - on purpose, the main targets of a most criminal battle waged by Russia. Russia, who has violated and continues to violate the territorial integrity of nation after nation, gobbling them up like the pieces of the crumbling cookie. However, these pieces have blood dripping from them. With no end in sight.

The nations of the world ignore the pleas of the embattled country - close the sky- please. Silence. Silence. Silence. It seems we are willing to give over some equipment, though not as much as promised, but serious help that would make a serious dent, complement the heroic stands of the Ukrainian people- not a wisp in sight.

No, we stand back, telegraphing our fear of a nuclear war, one that the deranged man, Putin, will pull off no matter what we do - if he feels like it. Even as we tease him, mouth statements that could just as well ignite his fury. When Biden says Putin has to go, do we think Putin will ignore it, this threat to his power, his insanely driving desire for Power? NO, nothing will other than a full-scale drubbing by the nations of the world. 

 Add to that the power of the people of Russia who can overturn their corrupt, oppressive government, just as they have done before, only this time follow up with the care necessary to maintain it. That will require the return of all those Russian refugees who have voted with their feet once the war began, left the Russia turning them into captives of a repressive, nasty government run by a crazed dictator.

But think not that Russia is the only one out there. We have corrupt GOP members who are into bitter partisanship, willing, able and apparently desiring to crumble the government of this country. There is no sense of country, only Party. There is no decency, only shouting, insults, lies, mis and dis information purposely being dispensed, and crazed media and government people spreading the false Russian side of this criminal war.

We have Americans who wish to split this country into pieces, getting their own share of the cookie pieces. They push for limitations of access, ability, and right to vote. They encourage violent chants, disregard the law, and desire deeply a violent culture of guns, guns and more guns. They are caught red handed committing crimes, and then deny with all their might. I have almost given up on seeing that bastard Trump family forced to pay the piper, but maybe, just maybe, with his two older sons and himself, testifying under oath, there will be some kind of payback. I hope! I do so hope!!

Think not that these dangerous Morons are the only problem we have, the only threat we have to our founding ideas. The 3-branch government, with its checks and balances, has been threatened, almost to the point of disintegration. The Supreme Court has become a basket of 'partisanshippers' with only nastiness and repressive measures utmost on their mind. Three of them even pushed for a decision making the armed forces subject to Congressional authority, overturning the concept of the President as Commander in chief. What have we wrought? What have we allowed? Yes, we.

Are we going to allow Clarence Thomas to remain on the bench, cohort of his evil rebel of a wife, who conspired to overthrow the legal government of this nation? Are we going to allow him to actually decide on Jan. 6 court cases, with his wife so deeply involved? We need to take the big steps, the hard steps, if we are going to salvage what remains of America. My America, the one to which I can pledge allegiance, not the one facing destruction through negligence and violence, through treason - among the highest in the land.

 Thomas, female version, calls for "the release of the Kraken" - go all out to suborn treason and overthrow the election.

One suffering Ukrainian refugee says, "G-d has left us...I am afraid." Well, so am I; so we should all be.

I leave you with the words, the very prescient words, of William Butler Yeats, in "The Second Coming".

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world."

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