Wednesday, March 2, 2022


  I love that phrase. Just came across it this morning in an article re Ketanji Jackson. The absurd objections to her from various Republicans and fellow travelers and their refusal to stop, to admit her most eminent qualifications are bizarre, to say the least. To retract them, to apologize for them, would be, as the author quoted his grandmother, "too much like right". Gotta' love that pithy statement. It embodies so much within it that is applicable to the world today. 

Our poor, broken world so desperately needs injections of what is right. For Putin to admit his grievous errors, his egregious invasion and attempt to dominate, destroy, the countries of Eastern Europe and indeed all NATO countries is, "too much like right" for him. What is too much like wrong is how we have left Ukraine alone, a tiny ant fending off a monster elephant trying to stomp it out of existence. 

Today we read of the Russian Foreign Minister stating that the US has no business being in Europe and certainly should take its nuclear weapons based there and go home. What we need to realize is that there will be no home to return to should we disengage ourselves to that extent. Yes, it is frightening to think of the consequences should we feel firsthand the impacts of war. 

People die in war. There is no surgically precise and clean weapon that would eliminate all  "collateral" damage. People die. Civilians die. Children die. People are maimed for life. Women are seen as war booty. Infrastructure is targeted, destroyed, with bridges and communication facilities first targets. Bluntly stated - the rules of war are oxymoronic. A damned foolish hope, for war, violence, the heat of the battle allows for no rules to remain in place. The rules are violated within seconds, even at the push of a button. The heat, smoke, fog, and confusion of the battlefield urge those involved to use all on hand to pursue victory, or at the very least inflict as much damage as possible upon the enemy.

There is where we stand right now. Biden has stated, tacitly, that to put boots on the ground in Ukraine would be to invite nuclear response. Even a "small" nuclear attack would be devastating to us and to the world. " ... it would be an apocalyptic scenario right out of the most dire Biblical prophecy or dystopian science fiction story."

Words are better weapons to solve problems, but words demand patience. They demand open minds. They demand introspection. They demand recognition of truths - on all sides. They demand recognition of causes and honest ways to remedy them. They demand full-hearted, full- throated endorsements.

Fear does not work. Chamberlain and England were afraid of war, their previous victory proving to be dreadful in realities faced. So, it conceded all to Hitler, trying to stave off this monster and his ambitions. It did not work. That would have been   "too much like right" by Hitler. So, nibble, nibble Hitler did until we had to face the truth, hear the music and it was not pretty. But had to be done.

We need to do better here. Ukraine is but the next domino in this progression of dominoes that Putin has successfully set up. Literally taken pieces of Ukraine before, this shooting war was for the next domino - the entire Ukraine. Belarus has already toppled and what is next in this serious game of dominoes? Hungary? Moldova? The Baltic Republics? Poland? Romania? And on and on. So many, such a plethora of delicious additions to this mad game of dominoes. 

Somewhere, somehow, we have to put a definite and definitive end to Putin and his ambitions. Encourage the rebellion of the people of Russia, already incensed at this attempt to run a war in secret in a world where there are no secrets any longer. As they watch their young men and women sacrificed on the altar of Putin's grandiose and demented dreams. As the chickens of Putin come home to roost. 

There are people willing to work with others. These are the people who warned of the attempt by two Russian sent teams of Chechnian assassins to kill Zelensky, a hero of our times. If the attempt had succeeded that would have indeed been the official end of Ukraine, but not the war, as street fighting, vicious and bloody, determined and proud, would have continued. Because we refused to stand pat and firm in the face of tyranny, its never-ending hunger for more, more, and yet more. Facing up to a bully is the only way to defeat it.

I admit. I have no definitive answers. I, too, am frightened to death of nuclear war. I do not like the image of pulverization of my country or the thought of the brutal life that would ensue. To survive the initial blasts is no bargain either. I do not relish the thought of family and friends ... Best not said out loud. Somehow, we must find the shining knight, cloaked and clothed in all his/her glory, with an ability to close the cracks, the abysses into which we have fallen. Surely within our governmental ranks or thinkers of society there must exist someone with the answer and the charisma to convince others of that.

Somewhere, sometime, someday. Not merely a sad, yet hopeful song. The day of opportunity is growing dimmer and dimmer.  We must act, with firmness, with unity, and not try to delude ourselves with lies of gossamer strength. Hear the words of others. Again, I quote Sean Penn and how has that happened twice - is a miracle in itself!

 "Already a brutal mistake of lives taken and hearts broken, and if he doesn't relent, I believe Mr. Putin will have made a most horrible mistake for all of humankind. [Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy] and the Ukrainian people have risen as historic symbols of courage and principle."

"Ukraine is the tip of the spear for the democratic embrace of dreams. If we allow it to fight alone, our soul as America is lost," 

 Where do we go from here? Time is growing short for no matter how many shipments we promise, it will never match the equipment and army of Russia. Jewish federations and associations around the world have done yeoman jobs in raising funds, in distribution and with boots on the ground, in harm's way as they serve others. Impelling that effort are two injunctions by which Jews have lived and survived. The statement "All Yisroel are responsible for each other." along with the imperative to redeem prisoners, those in captivity, no matter the cost. The sky is the limit. 200,000 Jews are now captives in Ukraine along with the rest of the captives of insane Putin ambition. We, all of us, are responsible for them, to redeem them, to understand what this whole turn of events actually means for and to the rest of us.

Thus, I plead with all out there. Dig deep, think hard and long, and find someone to tamp down this all-consuming non distinguishing fire that threatens us all.  To do nothing is "too much like wrong"; we need to find the courage within us to do that which is not "too much like right" but rather just enough of right. Now.

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