Friday, March 18, 2022


  This phrase is used to describe the Russian stooges who are well placed in our government. For the most part, they are the same useless idiots who challenge any forward movement, oppose Biden and all Democratic programs blindly, in lock step. Unfortunately, this has become the modus operandi for all GOP members, even if they seemingly disagree with some of the Party rhetoric. When push comes to shove, voting, these "idiots" vote against the needs of the people, indulging the madman, Trump, who continues to hold the reins of control over them.  In their minds, what is left of them, this is the path of their own particular Zen.

Greene. Boebert. Scott. Jonson. Jordan. And the list goes on, almost to the very last one of the GOP bloc. Worse is the gross inhumanity that has emerged from the swamp of their broken brains. They deny the Russian invasion. They downplay the dreadful scenes of horror that Ukrainians face every day as they are deliberately targeted by the Russians. The land is destroyed, the fields of grain needed to feed the world are destroyed, and the battle is declared against the elderly, the women, the children, those who cannot or will not leave the country. The world gasps with horror and revulsion, shouts words of condemnation, applies sanctions, even send in - late - arms and systems for defense, but it is not enough. Simply not enough. Not nearly enough.

Russia - specifically Putin, needs to see action. He needs to see the steel behind the verbiage. Send a bunch of troops battle ready, trained, equipped, to one of the NATO states nearby. Say nothing; just do it. The mere threat emanating from their presence will say a whole lot more than the words now being bandied about, the false tears at the immense crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Russian army countess times a day. This is the same Russia that poisoned the children and parents held captive by Chechen rebels, their go to method to end the siege. These are the people these "useful idiots" are defending, praising, declaring innocent. Even as the Russian juggernaut continues to roll out against the Ukrainians.  Brave. Courageous. Amazing. These are the words that can describe the resistance to the invasion of their country, but they are too tiny to win on the field and will most probably, due to the thunderous silence of the world, need to resort to insurgency for years to come before they can recover their country -if ever.

Several weeks ago, there were 31 Republicans who voted, ranted and raved, in rabid opposition to the proposed bill by the Democrats, to send over massive aid to the Ukrainians. Oh, they shouted the ceilings down, rattled the distant rooms of heaven. Now, they're demanding more aid, that "Biden needs to do more for Ukraine." Idiots. Hypocrites. And in the case of too many - traitors. Ominously, there are reports of Russian warships sailing close to the disputed Kiril Islands, on the path to Ukraine. Filled with artillery, more soldiers for amphibious landings, trucks, tanks, massive reinforcement in all aspects of battle, All the better to kill Ukrainians they are "rescuing". 

Putin's demands for an end to the war? So simple. So fair. Not. Ukraine needs to be neutral. Translated that means to cleave to the Russian hegemony, be independent in name only. They are not to join NATO or any alliance. They are to preserve the Russian language. They are to disarm, all the better to keep them down. The last, most absurd one, demanded of a Jewish president? To "deNazify" the country. All the while, his 'useful idiots", those deep grained hypocrites, those traitors to America, are rah rah from the wayside.

Nor should we think that this would be the be all and end all, for Russia would continue on its path to resurrect that Russian Empire. Why not? The world did not stop him before, so why would they do so now? The national and territorial integrity of all those countries would be violated, thrown down in the dust, trampled upon, and another curtain would fall over the countries of Eastern Europe - and who knows where it ends.

Hypocrisy is evidently contagious as it is rampant throughout the world. The UN chief tsks - tsks over Israel flying its drones over Lebanon and Iraq, trying to defend itself from those who would see it destroyed, its Jewish population sent to join the millions of European Jewry slaughtered during the Holocaust. Even as he admits that Hezbollah has been receiving arms in gross amounts, with one goal in sight. 

Nor is this country immune to major bouts of hypocrisy. Watch the talking heads, former members of the Trump administration, the cause of so many of the world's problems today. Watch them admit how they knew how dangerous Trump was in his demented state of mind. Watch them say how they regret their service and would never do it again. Watch them hype their books. Hypocrites all.  Accomplices to his imposed disasters on this country and the world in general. Hypocrites who enabled a revolution, who weakened this country, divided this country, so deeply, that it is to wonder if it will ever heal. Hypocrisy in action.

These "useful idiots" are worse than that. They are dangerous to us. They are dangerous to world peace. They are matches lit, ready to blow up smaller conflicts into conflagrations that will burn the world, consume it, lock, stock, and barrel.

So now what, folks? Whence do we go from here?

Wish I knew. Wish I felt more belief and had more faith in our apparent leaders. Or their opposition waiting to take over - and do worse!

Meanwhile, there was another bill to be passed to aid Ukraine and there were 8 who voted against, including the same names - Gaetz, Massie, Greene and Boebert. When do we say enough is enough - to these traitors and to massacre in Ukraine, warring on civilians on purpose with deadly aims.

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