Monday, April 18, 2022


 That is the term used by a political analyst in the midst of trying to understand why Trump has not yet been hauled into court and exposed as the piece of trash that he is. This man, who told his deluded mob to "fight like hell" and urged them to go to the Capitol, have fun. This man who lied through his teeth more frequently than breathing. This man who cheated on his every tax return, on applications for loans, on the value of his holdings, the amount of debt that he owed. This man, THE ringleader of the insurrection, and there he is enjoying the fresh air, the golfing, the idiot son who posted armed bunnies for an Easter posting along with a dumb caption. This man, who should be in jail. So why is he not there, peering out between bars of iron, or the one window in the door to his cell? 

Aha! That is where the term comes in. The analyst claims that the prosecuting authorities are chickenshit, playing chickenshit politics, afraid of what happens if they lose? Will someone take revenge on them? And should they win, will there be violence in the country. What if they cannot meet the high bar of proof? Well, my answer is - get some ......Life is about chances and if we let this man get away with his treason, then what message are we sending to the public at large? What lesson are we teaching the kids? What are we saying about ourselves? How do we even have the nerve to look at ourselves in the mirror and remember the advice  to "start with the man in the mirror" when we talk about change, improvement, bettering the world, contributing to society in a positive, constructive manner?

But that descriptive title word does not stop at our internal politics and level of morality. Not at all. It happens to describe the international politics of the past decade and continuing into today and the future. Who the hell knows. Try predicting the future; you will immediately run into a wall. A wall built of lack of trust, lack of care, lack of courage; a lack of follow through. The loser in this pathetic game of life? US. The little people. Those who wonder just what these supposed leaders are actually made of. Do they have any steel within themselves? Do they stand by their principles? Do they even have any principles? Do they have a core or do they collapse with any side blow of life, soft or hard?

Every day, every damned day and every damned night I read about Ukraine. I watch the videos. I cringe at the demolition of this country, pulverized by an outlaw nation, determined to destroy the country to the very last piece of anything - human or inanimate. And we do nothing. Nothing! Defensive weapons work for a while, but the lessons of war teach that offense is the only thing that works. Deter and push back. Else we are reliving, recreating, the humongous stupidity of the trench warfare of WWI, the War to End ALL Wars - and did not do so, manifestly not. In fact, it led to WWII, the Cold War and the War in Ukraine, a war that could be the last war of democracy.

Putin and his acolytes, the monsters they all are, have learned their lesson well. Simply suggest the unthinkable and the enemy will give ground and cower, appease to the last degree. Keep that up, in fact, up it a tad more and they will be exactly where he wished them to be. He, in turn, will be free to murder, to rape, to destroy, to war upon civilians all in the name of getting that outlet to the sea, a desire of every Russian ruler, crazed with that desire.

I stand humbly before those brave, doomed fighters in Mariupol. They are the heroes of a today's Thermopylae. They are shining examples of courage, of loyalty, of patriotism, of giving one's all to an idea, to a reality for which they fight, for the democracy which they guard. Whatever the past was, we can, must, remember it, but we also must move forward, support these brave people, these kids, these parents, these elderly, the butcher, the teacher, the cleaner, the doctors, whomever! It is our obligation as human beings. It is our obligation as Americans, as a country which is supposed to epitomize democracy.

I cannot write anymore. I have said my piece for today. Would that we could eliminate these hateful moments, these wars, these jealousies, these desires that are so selfish, their attainment utmost in the minds of obsessed people who care for naught other than themselves and their wants and desires. Time we changed the world. Are we too late for that? Do not ask me that today.

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