Monday, April 25, 2022


  Strange feeling this morning as I found myself agreeing with the words of a GOP member, one whose name I even recognized. He spoke of his possible challenge to Trump in the next election because "this is too critical a time for our nation and it’s a defining moment" . Wait! Hold it! Was that possibly a breath of fresh air? Could it be that at least some of the GOP actually has had moments of sanity returning to them? What a wonder that would be . What a wonderful trend could be started here, though I must state that I certainly have my doubts. But maybe.....
Asa Hutchinson is basically presenting himself as the candidate of a better future for all of America. ALL. Wow!!! Smell that fresh air entering the political arena. Be still my heart. Read his words.

   "he wanted to lead the GOP in a 'new direction.'

'To me the Republican Party has to be talking about future ideas and the direction of our country, the strength of America,' 

'I think we have to be talking about ideas and not the past and I think my voice is helpful to those candidates who want to look to the future.'

 Hutchinson said he was working to 'showcase the ideas that work and that we can be problem-solving and not just creating chaos."

What a wonderful collection of words and proposals he lays out before our wondering eyes, our stunned brains. Could it be? Could it really be that this dangerously confused and befuddled world actually contains people of sanity, capable of withstanding the lure, the cult of Trump, even as that cult goes deeper and deeper, into that mire and   muck of dishonesty, treason, greed and hopelessness as our future?
Today we will find out whether or not there remain honest judges who will call the facts as they are and where they lead. Will Trump be found guilt of contempt of court for his  " not full compliance, or any degree of compliance, but simply more delay and obfuscation,"? Will we finally, at last, get somewhere in this ridiculously and foolishly slow progress of a case against him? It would certainly be about time. Time that has elapsed, allowing his cult to proceed, to grow, much to the detriment of the world in general and us in particular. Jaime Raskin says he relates to the extremists in this cult as suggested by a cult deprogrammer - with "warmth and affection " so that they can remember what life was like pre cult! Oh, yay, indeed. 
Trump's catastrophic administration has led directly and indirectly, in any which way, to the current state of the globe. Putin, thinking, knowing, he can do as he wishes (and he is correct), for simply look at Ukraine and all the threats that Putin has used to keep timely and enough aid out of the arena. He has enabled Armenia to try to enter Azerbaijan and commit sabotage. He has split the world, created economic chaos, enabled Le Pen in France to move the dial, to allow extremist right wing viewpoints to appear as mainstream policy and appropriate topic for debate. No yay here! None indeed, for I feel the return of the ghastly winds of mortal prejudice and extreme plans of genocide chilling my back and my heart.
We have entered headlong into a world where truth is no longer an endangered species, but rather one destined to certain death. We continue to think we can fool ourselves and all the peoples of the world all the time. Lincoln warned us against that foolish thinking, but we evidently never internalized that thought. We continue to state that "Ukraine is winning" -until it most obviously is not. Tens of thousands of dead, more thousands missing, more thousands grievously wounded, men, woman, children alike subject to being the objects of warfare as it is unleashed upon them, cities pulverized into nonexistence, and a horrific return to a genocidal policy by Russia against its own brother Slavs in Ukraine.
Yes, this is certainly a most critical, existential turning point in the lives and future of humankind. We can still pull back from the brink, only, only, if we return to sanity, reject the returning ugliness of hopeless beliefs and political behavior, and turn to the truth, only the truth in the future. Only truth can lead the way to a better future. Lies do not allow us to face the threats incumbent upon us to indeed rectify in full.
Critical and defining, confused and befuddled. Adjectives of great truth and warning.
Let us indeed heed them and act upon that warning.

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