Wednesday, May 18, 2022


  Well, maybe it is old age, but I find myself double reading, that is rereading a passage or even a phrase, caught in a tide of 'what the hell are they talking about?' At times it is a word. At times it is a phrase composed of words I know but put together like a giant combo meal at a fast-food restaurant, wherein the taste and meaning are lost, drowned by too much of everything rather than highlighting the best parts of the meal or message. 

At time, it does not even pay to attempt any understanding as the misunderstood does not deserve any attempt to discern meaning, as there truly is none there! Finally, while there is no true meaning, the message is in the stupidity of it all, in false flags being raised, in nonsense delivered as words from Sinai and G-d on high. That, perhaps, is the worst of all, when men presume to know the thoughts of the Deity of their choice, elevating themselves to prophet status. Yet there are people who are sucked right into that monstrous eddy that is slowly swallowing us all up, into its foul mix of nonsense, stupidity, greed, hate, and who the hell knows what all else?

So, I sit there, reading, scanning, trying to interpret the uninterpretable, scratching my head and thinking perhaps it is I who has lost it. Then my senses kick in again, and I know, deep into every ion and atom of my mind and soul, that the stink of these phrases, the impossibility of truly understanding them is on those who write it, who think it up and strew it all over the internet, all media, and spout its poison at mob gatherings. All the better to frighten, to miscreate a misshapen universe of their own, banning any and all who disagree with them, calling them names that make no sense at all. Here is a good one hot off the press, straight from those horse posteriors of yesterday's posting. 

The animal of Buffalo's shooting described himself as such: “an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist”I will give you fifteen minutes to try to decipher and put together a definition of that phrase that actually makes any sense or possibly contains the teeniest iota of any truth at all. Give up? Of course.

Now, while one might scratch away, shrug shoulders, dismiss it as the ranting of a crazed individual, unfortunately the history of mankind points out the unfortunate success of such critters. Simply take a quick poll of the latest round of dictators of countries and the preposterous things they say, and of course, no doubt about it, straight from their god's mouth. Their false idol, the same variety of false idols that men have bowed to for millennia. 

These are the idols of greed and power. The idols of ego trips and vanity. These are the idols which demand their share, their overlarge share of sacrificial lambs. These are the idols which have been proven to be the actual nemesis of mankind, and yet, here we are in 2022, and the whole ugly scene and roles are going strong. Elijah the Prophet is in despair, thinking that he has already proven, atop Mount Carmel, to the misguided and deluded that Baal and Ashera are false gods, their priests liars and worse. Scratching his head and long beard all the while, wondering, amazed at the long life of these false and dangerous beliefs.

At time scratching is insufficient to the purpose thereof. How and why is it, that as the world turns to recognizing that women are individual entities, entitled to make their own decisions, to have access to full health coverage, that the United States and Poland are the two nations (along with the Taliban of Afghanistan) walking with their heads in the dangerous quicksand of retrogression and denial of the rights of all people, no matter how they are described. Take away the rights of one group, and inevitably, the rights of all, other than the overlords, will disappear into the mists of a once upon a time and place called Camelot. Replacing it will be the corrosive fogs of Nacht und Nebel.

The hatred and the deeds that result are indiscriminate in that hatred and anger. Even as Blacks were mowed down, young and old, men and women, out of his poisonous mouth came the screamed rant that I - and my people- are Demons, deserving to be consigned to hell. Well, we've been there, done that already, numerous times, and not to be impolite, we will not consent to yet another trip there. No thank you. You first.

 “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Yes, that is a paragraph, a Constitutional statement, the Ninth Amendment, straight from that Constitution that the unworthy, unqualified, misogynists and misanthropes of the Supreme Court five conveniently forget - conveniently disremember. Clearly, the unstated but deeply implied unnamed rights of all is clear, embedded deeply within the minds and intents of the Founding Fathers, despite all their misconstrued  presentations and early leaked draft..  

The city of Tampa today is scheduled to have a demonstration of military might and equipment, observed by the public. All the better to portray out in the open the future possibilities of armaments for the future disturbed segment of society! These scenarios are frightening for there is, today, tomorrow, in our future, a scene of reality not far off from this staged one. We are that close to armed warfare here. People once thought that was a nonstarter threat or possibility. Many have since changed their minds. This will be not one scenario where others, a la the Ukrainians, will die for us.  Nope, it will be us, our loved ones, our country, awash, drowned in the resultant blood and guts of war. 

To avoid that we must cut down the perilous turn we have taken, where the road to the future and our connection to a past is sliced to ribbons with roadside traps and ambushes. We must educate our people better, make them far more capable of discerning the falsehoods they are fed, the weird conspiracies that never ever existed anywhere other than in the sick minds of those who perpetrated them. And we had better do it soon, the sooner the better, for even yesterday was too late.



(scratch, scratch)

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