Thursday, May 26, 2022


  I wonder, I really do, whether we are attached to reality here or our tethers have slipped, allowing the worst inanities to slip on through. The mother of the killer - I refuse to use that meaningless word "shooter"- expressed surprise at his obscene rampage through the lives of so many, too many. She stated that he was not a violent person. Coulda' fooled me -and evidently continues to fool lots of others. Although, sad to say, perhaps they are not fooled, merely heedless of the lives of others. She "knew" her son so well, that she bought this newly 18-year-old son a stuffed Snoopy for his birthday. Uh, anyone out there sense something a tad off kilter?

Worse is the continuation of her blind, grossly stupid, vapid statement. "The children had no part in this". Say what? Really, when 19 of them, vainly tried to be protected by two slain teacher heroines, were themselves killed, murdered, in cold blood by this apparently Snoopy loving, gun loving excuse for a human being. No part in it?! Would that their part in it were truly not there!

It is that rhetoric that brought us to this point, yet another mass shooting, multiples of them, in the two consecutive months of April and May. We mourn as a nation. We weep as a nation for these bereft parents and community. We shudder at the shattered lives, the ever - increasing circles of those affected by these grim pictures of reality. We toss and turn through the sleepless nights, wondering, 'who is next, where is safe, should I lock my kids up to keep them safe'? Is there indeed, any safety for anyone at all, anywhere at all.

What we tragically, mule headedly, refuse to do as a nation is get a grip on ourselves, remove ourselves from the political realm into the world of humanity, and discuss the 'gun issue' as termed by a Texan GOP legislator. Here are his words. Straight from the rear end of a horse.

"You know politicians divide us. Leaders unite us. And we need to be united right now, as Americans, because what happened in Uvalde, Texas, can happen anywhere," Gonzales continued. "And we have to be united in protecting our children against that."

Even as he refuses to discuss that issue. The time is never right for these hypocritical blowhards. So forget his statements of unity and protection, Not worth a plugged nickel.

If we cannot discuss it now, then when? Ever? Do we bide our time, wait for the horrid images to fade from memory, pushed aside by, oh, yet more mass shootings, defile these slaughtered kids by discounting their deaths? Or do we know deep within our hearts and souls, that this is indeed the time for discussion - and action - on the 'issue', such a bland, understated word. When, dear G-d, when, do we act, do we finally penetrate the stone hearts, the ossified brains, of those who refuse gun control, who weep crocodile tears as they hypocritically bemoan the victims, and then spout invective into the already superheated atmosphere of the country? Truly, when is enough, enough?! Is there ever going to be such a time or are we already too late?!

In the same day's news stories, we read the threatening statement of yet another 'wonderful' legislator from the benighted state of Florida. Addressed to Biden, "try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the first place," 

Truly, what is the matter with us? Is it the water? The very air we breathe? The overuse of chemicals inimical to hearts and souls, paralytic of the brain? Why is it that so many men need to hold on to 'things' to prove their manhood to themselves and others? Cars. Guns. Flying fists. Knives. Bar fights. Road rage. When? When, for the sake of all that's holy and right?! When? Ever?

It pains me to write that perhaps we have indeed passed the point of no return. We read of a mentally shattered associative disorder suffering Herschel Walker, consumed by irrational hatreds, openly known to be wrong for the job, yet he won the primary. We wonder at the lack of thought of the voters, shrugging shoulders and saying, well, if that's all we got, we will vote for him. Never mind that the Democratic candidate is so glaringly better for the district, for the country. Partisanship has reared its excessive, corrosive head and we merrily march on, continuing our masochistic path. We never learn, or is it that we learn the wrong things, take away the incorrect point of the lessons, the damned bloody lessons!!!

We need fewer 'experts' who crawl out of the compost heaps of the nation and spout their harmful nonsensical pronouncements. Worse than useless, they shore up the benighted of the country, enable sick individuals to buy guns, rifles, knives, ammo,  shoot their way into history - over the dead bodies of so many innocents. 

We need more of those who would rather stick to the job needed, recognize the necessities and step up to the plate. They take on the hard job of trying to reach people, not resign in a justified, yet bad for us, sense of despair. We need new blood like Michigan's Mallory McMorrow who spoke to the point, had her fellow State Senators listen in silence. Would that the rest of our politicians, our residents, would sit and listen as well. Would that we could clone her, ship her around wherever needed - so many places.

No part in it? Absolutely not. We are complicit indeed in these continuing hours and days and months of horror, of bloody slaughter. If we insist on remaining supportive of excessive Second Amendment interpretation, or simply sit there in silence, deaf to the cries, unseeing of the tears, falsely ignorant of the bloody, contorted bodies of the victims, well, our shoulders will bow under the weight of our complicity and guilt.

Brutally honest; brutally - but truthfully.

Will that ever be understood? 

No, no more begging pardons. Let the guilt and the consequences fall upon those who court it, and even defend it. Their bad, not mine. Hopefully, not yours either.

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