Sunday, May 1, 2022


  The title question is apparently the question tearing at the souls of many. What do we do with so many, many problems? How do we solve, resolve, them in a permanent manner without rending world order even more, setting the stage for further incursions, further massive scenes of death, and the pulverization of yet more countries? How do we ensure that this new Cold War remains 'cold' in every which way, allowing for bombast to fly, for hot air enough to fill a fleet of hot air balloons, yet for the most part, 'peace' will reign?

If there is someone, or several someones, who have the genius ability to achieve that, to answer those questions in a positive manner, well, present to that person the world on a silver platter. Unfortunately, the chances of that happening are zero to none. We are all engaged in outshouting one another, denying or claiming wildly, mostly via a severe, almost crazed partisanship virus which has seemingly infected the entire world. No vaccine in sight!

Our traditional sources of wisdom, diplomacy, tact, and ideas have fallen away, way too short, too little and too late to help. When we should have stood firm and tall, and sent the Russian bear home with its tail between its legs, we instead stood hunched and cowering falling prey to his bombastic words.

When traditional sources fail us, we then have to turn for aid wherever we can find it. Hence this statement from "Nucky" Thompson from Boardwalk Empire. "We all have to decide for ourselves how much sin we can live with." Yes, indeed. We all must have our own red lines within our souls and decide for ourselves who we want to lead us, who will fit the parameters we have in mind, and then go for it. We need to make our voices heard, the voices of the people, not those of crazed or frightened so-called leaders who have not a single iota of thought about us as they go around adding yet more wreckage to this already embattled and burdened globe of ours. 

Exactly how much 'sin' are we comfortable with? How much hardship can we tolerate and for how long, for what reasons? In trying to formulate one's own answers, one can hit a series of brick walls. Nothing seems possible. Nothing seems rooted in a reality achievable. There are no paths anymore, only dead ends. The problems around the world remain unsolvable. 

Exactly how do we achieve a fair and just peace in the Middle East? How valid are the claims of Palestinians- (In my mind, not very.) How do we enlighten those deniers who insist that anti-Zionism is not anti Semitism? Foolish, dangerously deluded souls they are. In fact, what do we do with the rising tide of anti semitism round the world? Even in the wilds of North Carolina it strikes, up 131%.Yet another Muslim woman running for office, (as if the four current members of The Squad are not enough) against an incumbent Black woman, and her hatred simply spews forth. When called to task, out come the mewling excuses, sickening to the extreme. I did not know it was anti Semitism. I did not realize the true import of my words. Oh, I am sorry. I now know what I did wrong. Bulls..t! These excuses are in the same category as those of that dangerous moron, Greene, when she states she does not recall, nor remember her statements, her texts, over 80 times!!! Exactly what is the caliber of our ambitious leaders to be? Why have we allowed the situation to deteriorate so? Rerun!

The true answer to these problems is found in Tikkun Olam - the repairing of the world. We are all invested with the opportunity, the necessity, of improving the world. We must focus on what surely needs to be repaired and eliminate the false, the dastardly leaders rife with greed and lust for power. We need to hear the voices of all the peoples of the world. Even if one disagrees, one must, absolutely must, find a solution, a palatable compromise. No one is safe as long as one voice goes unheard, for it must be addressed, refuted or corrected. It helps when we realize how interconnected the nations of the world are. War in Ukraine is leading to world wide shortages. 

Fear is beginning to stalk the land. People are afraid. They look at their families and fear for their safety, their very lives. Mad leaders are growing stronger in voice, in actions, even as the West  remains as simpering, foolish people, refusing to learn from history, refusing to answer the bully with force, the only language he understands, rather than cowering before the hot air words of threat,  giving him carte blanche to go ahead with his illegal, dangerous, even insane plans. We have done that. WE. US. Apparently we have the leaders we deserve as we turn inward, refuse to know our reality, thinking as infants- what we do not see, does not exist. It does.

Michelle Goldberg of the NYT writes "Antisemitism Increased Under Trump. Then It Got Worse." Why? It is the answer through the millennia. When the economy tanks, when the people are anxious, or hungry or hopeless, or there is a pandemic, a scapegoat is to be found, and who better, who fits that tradition, more than the Jewish nation? Apparently, no one. Hence, what I have maintained before, in this posting and in previous ones. Fix the world. Fix the problems first. The rest will follow, as the saying goes, as surely as night follows day.                                                                The world will change, eventually, one hopes, leading to less hatred, fewer enemy actions and behavior, a better world for all. A pipe dream? Maybe. But better to dream, work to achieve those dreams, be a pioneer for the generations to follow. Better than war. Better than appeasement of a simply wrong dude. Better than all other paths.

Here is a bit of advice, of attitude, I came across recently. Apropos of the reality today and how to live within it.

"I don't know exactly what the future holds, but I'm stepping forward with grit anchored in grace."

Amen to that!

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