Friday, May 6, 2022


  "...and the truth shall make you free." It derives from the King James version of the Bible, John 8:32. It is a verse, oft quoted with minor changes, i.e. "set" 'ye' for you, but the gist of it remains the same. Often found on campus at many universities, it highlights  the role of higher education, its responsibility  to hew to the truth, for academic freedom, a much challenged concept these days. To be used truthfully, positively. These days, that Biblical verse and its guidance, is more honored in its breach, rather than in its observance. Sad to say.

Today, actually all night, I have been plagued with thoughts that will not go away. Sleep eluded me, as I thought of the dangerous mess we have made of this world of ours, how foolishly, callously, and  cruelly, we have ignored the truth, embroidered it, or buried it deep, deep somewhere, where no one dares go any longer. Today, the truth will often set you in peril, even unto existential level, if you state  the truth. Unwelcome, defied and reviled, too often it has been replaced with "truths" out of somewhere dark and dank.

Thus, my decision. I am going to be quite frank today, expressing much of what people are thinking, though not necessarily stating, as PC talk has become supreme, and fear of consequences for speaking truth, for opposing falsehood, closes the mouths of too many.

 Okay. Critical Race Theory, or CRT. The 1619 Project. Social and emotional teachings. Ignorance of reality, on purpose or not, skewing the truth, twisting it till it is unrecognizable, manifestly dangerous to a democratic society. "Don't say gay" legislation, bizarre, backwards, hurtful, harmful, yet the deluded, noisy benighted supporters win. A bitter, pyrrhic victory as it simply adds to the newfound bitterness between segments of society, so much so, that one wonders (all night, as if one could solve the problems singlehandedly) how and why we ever got here, allowed, enabled it to develop, even cheering it on.

So, here goes. Yes, there is prejudice within this country. Too much, for too long a time, and seemingly in a condition healthy enough for it to make society unhealthy. Yes, slaves reached this shore by boat in 1619. Shameful, as people are not property. Yet the Bible was quoted as proof of its legality. On the other hand, ignored were the Judaic precepts of treatment of slaves, with rules for freedom, for "getting the one pillow, rather than going to the owner". Slavery is definitely not looked upon by the Bible as a positive aspect, permanently a state of being for some. That was discouraged. However, as usual, people pick and choose, twist and deny, all for their own betterment.

So, more. There were White people serving in slavery called indentured work. Basically, these people were either desperate and sold themselves into that condition, serving for varying periods of years, or punished due to some crime, real or not, deported to serve out their indenture as the property of their master, equal to or even less than a slave.

 Others throughout the history of this country, faced paralyzing hatred, bias, virulent prejudice. They were hunted down, denied rights, treated as less than animals. There is virtually no segment of society which escaped that evil. Chinese, Japanese, Eastern European immigrants, Jews, of all origins, Irish, Italian, Native Americans - in too many places and times. It continues to persist into these ' enlightened' times. Awful, way past its sell by date, but there it is. Today, a Jew, particularly if dressed in "Jewish" garb, or wearing 'Jewish' jewelry, takes his/her life in hand, a target of animals masquerading as humans, seeking, hunting victims.

 No one group has the mortgage nor holds the lien on society, more than any other. All have been recipients of abuse at one time or another, cruel,  inimical to progress, yes, but all the same, there, it was. There it is.  Yes, slaves, the indentured, the pitiful workers in sweatshops, mills, wage slaves, all who worked themselves to death, literally - all partook in the building of this country. Not only one group. That is to deny history, the truth of it. That bodes no good for society. The truth shall set ye free - and better enable progress and redress.

"The talk". How often have we heard about that these days. The one told to young Black kids, ready to drive, on proper behavior when pulled over, or stopped on a street. Be open, be polite, avoid combat inducing behavior. True, though not exclusive to one group. I, and many friends, have  given the same talk to our kids and grandchildren.  It simply makes sense and allows for a safer voyage through life. Tickets can be fought afterwards, but lives lost, damaged, are lost forever. For all. 

Does this mean a denial of a higher level of violence in pullovers of Black drivers, of DWB? Possibly, probably, but perhaps that is not only due to bias. Perhaps the cars are older, or economic difficulty and struggles force postponing the license tag, or fixing that taillight, or repairing that cracked window. Perhaps. Maybe not. Pressure of time, of hours that preclude wait times, often endless, at official offices. The identical reasons for which  others have been pulled over. I was pulled over for a broken taillight, unaware of its condition and received a lecture, a ticket and 24 hours to fix. Inconvenient, but actually better for myself and motorists in general. 

It certainly behooves all to avoid causes which too often needlessly escalate into more than it should have been. And yes, more training of law enforcement personnel must take place, and has increased, even as more is necessary, including penalties and consequences to officers of the law. They are not immune to the same laws of society as civilians. Of any color, race or ethnicity or economic level.

This country has been good to its citizens and  immigrants who flood into it, just as our ancestors or ourselves have done - and continue to do. Despite the many wrongs, the inequities, the egregious behavior of the GOP troglodytes as they try to force through a return to earlier, benighted times. There are people who fight these wrongs of society. Many immigrants, people of all colors, ethnicities, religions, origins, backgrounds have 'made' it in our country. There is a far greater diversity among governmental positions, and almost every day there is another 'first'. Are there roadblocks? Of course, but there were also roadblocks for all groups. Right? No, most assuredly not, but perhaps that is the "human condition" and we must accept that along with ongoing efforts to improve  - forever. Not the best situation, but there it is. Like it or not. It is called reality and we must live in reality, even as we dream, and strive for a better one.

There are so many inequities which must be addressed. The desperate efforts to turn back the clock on rights of LGBTQ+ population, including rights over themselves and their needs. The efforts to push them back into the closets. The attempts, too often successful these days, to rip rights from people - the poor, the worker with little control over the demands of the boss and the job. Women, who are losing rights over their own bodies, with resultant dire consequences for society, which will lead to further dangerous raids on rights. The continued neglect of the needs of native Americans. The massive, obscene gap between income levels. The unfair tax rules. The alarming growth of alleged criminals and open traitors within our government. The uncontrolled trolling of twisted media. The massive amounts of disinformation spewed out daily. The war now in effect within an embattled Ukraine, with 'analysts' claiming a win - even as it becomes a mass tract of rubble, its population decimated, and Russia throwing their all at it, making progress in their invasion. A win? Really?!Truth!!

People are human. People commit errors. In thought, in action and deed. In bias, in everyday life. Education and progress, time and constant  efforts to improve ourselves, better policing of those we elect to govern us -  a great deal of that indeed. All ways to better ourselves and the world we live in, so challenged itself, with an unlivable  future closing in on reality. Indeed, not far off in reality. We have so much to do. We must  learn that prejudice or whining, or playing oppressor or oppressed are contraindicated, very destructive in fact. 

A team must work in tandem, together, in the same rhythm, at the same pace, with the same goals and aims, the same dreams. When society's teams pull in different directions, it goes nowhere good, for sure. Need proof? Look out your window. Read or listen to the news. And there it is.

The truth shall set you free - if indeed we recognize the truth, work to make that truth a better one, a fair one, a positive one, a beneficial one with hope at the fore. A possible, achievable one. That better and improved truth will prove to be far better than our present one. It is a goal worthy of great effort - and achievement. Far more user friendly than the current one. A much better truth. For all.

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