Tuesday, July 12, 2022


  We all know what ghost is, and we have seen how the new technology has given ghost a new meaning - to completely and suddenly, totally ignore someone. Without violence, it is a strong, powerful manner in which to send a message, but it must be remembered that it does hurt the ghosted one. There is no explanation, no warning, and a wounded person - or not. 

Ghosting, like most things, has two sides to it. Personally, it worked for me when some dude decided to try to begin an online relationship, beginning smoothly with a compliment on my writings on Facebook and my blog. It quickly morphed into something which made me "break out into a rash" and I blocked the dude - no warning, no explanation, but the cause and the reason was quite clear. Ironically enough, I have just finished a novel which dealt with online 'romance' relationships. Ghosting worked. Amen to that.

However, ghosts are also things that remain with us, generally a remnant of something bad, haunting us within our minds and memories. A ghost of a chance. His ghosts haunted him. The wrongly executed person haunted his cell, moaning the night through. These are 'examples' of ghosts.

Additionally, there is also a ghost which tells us, warns us, that what was once real and substantial, has now turned into a ghost of itself, barely there, losing power and semblance constantly, until total disappearance; all that will be left is a ghost memory of what once was. Camelot gone. Or sad memories losing power to hurt, some of the acute hurt losing its sharpness, though never gone completely. 

Today, America is a nation haunted by battalions of ghosts. Memories of what once was, a country beset by some issues, but a country that tried, that was earnest, that was a leader to the world, a country that stepped into two wars and turned the tide. A country which generally tried to do the right thing, though failure was always around. The ghosts of those failures haunted the psyche of the country, forcing it to recognize, for the most part, its flaws, and try hard, to do better. At times it took decades, but the oomph, the determination, the drive was there. 

At least when there was a majority of representatives who knew they owed loyalty to their constituents, knew what they needed, what they wanted. Unfortunately, today we do not have that. Today, we have representatives who represent themselves, their personal wants, weak souls who give in to their own worst desires, and/or have a loyalty not to a nation, but to a person.  This person has allegedly, egregiously, abused this country from time immemorial, before, during and after his misguided never should have been Presidency, yet the crazed loyalty, denying facts right there, continues. It must be pointed out though, that there is a panel which should be congratulated, used as a role model for future panels. And as always, the truth will out. It may take time, but that truth is persistent.

May we extinguish all these bad and shameful ghosts and return, at least try, to a better America. Notice how certain big mouths of this awful straying from America have now turned silent. Where is Gaetz? Where is Ron Johnson? Where is Scott Perry? Where is Rudy Giuliani - no, he is always there, that demented remnant of a once good man. I am haunted by his ghost, his deterioration. A hero turned sour. Sad.

Hopefully, especially with today's powerful images presented by the panel, perhaps, maybe, if only, we can put aside the ghosts that now haunt this nation, hurting its unity, its soul, its foundational stones, and work hard to retrieve what once was.

 Hopefully. Hopefully.

So, what the heck is a brudge? It apparently is a species of shark, the second largest in size, frightening as all hell as its swims powerfully at a target, its wake large and consistent, and all the ghosts of your life pass before your eyes and .... Nothing, for it is not harmful to humans. It eats plankton. Not us. It merely looks like death a comin' for you, but it is not so.

 We need to remember that. We need to be able to discern the difference between a true patriot and a false one. Michael Flynn turned on this country and all his pregnant pauses and taking the Fifths, will not save him nor resurrect his reputation. His ghosts have come home. He is most definitely not a brudge shark but rather a shark that would have hurt this nation, perhaps beyond all hope of reformation.

It is upon us to choose. Which ghosts will we reformat? Which will be destroyed? From what ghost will we learn a lesson? What ghost is a danger to the future? We need to distinguish between those who are false, hiring dangerous shark grins and teeth behind false flags, fake fronts and those who truly are people trying to do their job right, even if they are hurt by their efforts.

We need to ghost those who would harm us. We need to take away their power, their hatred which has inflicted great damage to this nation. Ghost them for sure.

Decisions of the time. Decisions for forever. Decide. It is time. It is past time.

Update on yesterday's posting. The Presbyterian Church has declared Israel an apartheid state and has declared a day of mourning for May 15, the day which the Arabs call Nakba. This continues the growth of antisemitism in the Church. The answer to that was that once their words counted - now they do not and mean nothing.

In the meanwhile, all one has to do is visit Israel and see the total integration of Arabs in the economy and workplace, in the army and Knesset, wherever they wish to go. Or visit the beautiful 3 story houses while the rest of Israel cannot find homes to buy or rent as the cost is not untouchable.

Apartheid? Not in a million years. Though Israel will continue to defend itself and its citizens, but the enemy is not the Arb working in the drugstore as a pharmacist or the student in university or the doctor or nurse in the hospital. In fact, it is very difficult to tell them apart and who cares. It is the violent, who kill and bomb. 

Is it correct to worry? You bet!!

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