Sunday, July 31, 2022


  Why does it take so long for people to understand how stupid they are, how unbelievably dumb are the utterances they so generously share with the world at large? How much better and useful it would be if they kept their hot air within, contributing to the sought-after cooling of the planet. A positive contribution to mankind; such a pleasant change that would make.

I wonder if perhaps we need to remind all concerned that the wise person holds his thoughts and counsel until asked, or when it is vital. Watching the words that pour endlessly direct from unthinking brains would be a good start. Next would come a lessening of ridiculous, yet dangerous actions that derive from these words. A simple start - just tell the truth. It is so much easier to do that then remember all the lies told and the inevitable result of conflicting lies. Be open in government, for the truth will always out. Example - J6 Committee.

Perhaps we need to approach these nonthinkers with the old tradition of boiling down major catastrophes into children's songs and games, all the better for challenged brains to remember - and maybe, just maybe, learn a lesson and seek positive change, install better controls. Ring Around the Rosie. London Bridge. The Farmer in the Dell. We all so merrily sing and dance with our little ones, all the while these songs catalog great tragedies of historic proportion. Just think how we can so enrich our store of little ditties for our little ones - and for those with few functioning cognitive brain cells.

How clever does one have to be to understand that no, it is not a good idea to suggest the elimination of the Department of Education any more than it is sane to suggest defunding police. Just think if this were to take place. So, teach the kids whatever you want, whatever twisted version of history you prefer, whatever version of hatred appeals to you, and trash science, way too inconvenient. And, of course, teach strict obedience to the powers that be, generally men, of course, and ladies, not to forget the mandated manner of dress. 

As for the police, no, sorry, the general population will not certainly and suddenly morph into upright citizens, no criminals at all. The leaders will not choose the straight and narrow simply because it is the right thing to do. From the beginning of man's appearance on this planet a police force was necessary. Not to have an official one will simply invite the emergence of private forces with no controls over them, freewheeling, never to have their misbehavior examined, punished and amended. Such a most brilliant suggestion indeed!!

How about we next check on the 'legacy' which we are supposed to leave for those who follow us. Think about the wonderful legacies of the day, and are these idiots actually cognizant of their actual, real, legacies? The shame they should feel? Guess not, for otherwise they would think again and again and censor their moronic, yet oh so perilous legacies. Would they spare us these legacies!

Here are a few of the many poorly thought-out legacy providers to be found in DC and in local areas. Susan Collins who cannot make up her mind as to the right thing to do, Tit for tat, so a climate bill negates a veteran's bill! Never mind the fact that this manifestly challenged, corrupted group is supposed to be working FOR the people and a better future, not play power games. Not to forget those gracious role models - McCarthy of faulty memory, cannot remember a single thing from his experiences and words on J6. Or Matt Goetz who cannot stay out of trouble, tampers with a witness. DeSantis instructs Floridians to defy the federal government. Or Greene, the nasty Nationalist Christian who is most definitely unchristian. Not to forget our wonderful so impartial six Justices of the Supreme Court. Or the fools who give Trump $1 to watch a golf game sponsored by the Saudis, one stating he “can deal with” the Saudi Arabia “thing,” but if it was “China or something like that, no way. I wouldn’t be here."  Sure, never you mind Khashoggi, 9/11, brutal treatment of women, capital punishment for LGBTQ+, nah, never mind that. It would be different with China. Same difference theory?

And, of course, my favorite bit of suicidal behavior right here in our own neighborhood. We have leaders, politicians, businessmen who think they can get away with what they are doing. It seems they are correct. Dumb wins again. Every single piece of empty space is being clear-cut, concreted over, business condos, housing developments, jammed roads, the water insufficient, increased damage costs after climate change natural events - ah, never mind. Taxes. Rebates to the rich. Oxygen? Climate warming? Fuhgeddaboudit.

The best statement and a suggestion I have heard to date - along with an addendum. 

Kinzinger warns us that it is guaranteed that someone will try this again - and the implication is clear. The deeply entrenched rot in every level of government, the manifest disloyalty, even treason by officials and duped followers - either we do what we must or well, we all know about history and repetition.

The suggestion, a beautiful one at that, long overdue -" ...  how about this for an idea? We put Trump in jail and then trade him to Russia for Brittney Griner,” 

 Now, if only we can add a few people to that trade ........

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