Monday, July 25, 2022


  Apparently not. We can ask a partner question, "what were you thinking? Or were you thinking at all?" Again, apparently not. Certainly not for a long time, and now that the results are becoming all too disgracefully, dangerously clear, well, there is a third question. What can be done now to put in a fix, one which will allow for some sanity and steps forward rather than backwards? 

Hey, don't look at me. I am just one person, but if all the many one person out there can get together, put aside minor difficulties and differences, examine carefully the road forward, or actually backwards in too many situations, then perhaps, a very small perhaps, we can if not set things totally right, at least an effort can be made and have some impact. Maybe. If anyone is out there, if anyone will answer that 'helloooo' with a resounding, "Yes, I am here."

Recently, we attended a production of "Respect", portraying itself as a history of women from the 1900's through present times, all via music and some narration aided by appropriate visual shots. The audience and cast meshed beautifully. The points were comic, yet serious, the music terrific. However, a huge however, there was a glaring elephant in the theater. This production stopped short of present times. Why? I can only think that it was done to avoid lighting the fires of arguments that now cut deep into the sanity and ability of Americans to have a sane discussion of differences of opinions.

So, the elephant tromped and stomped, in all too noisy a silence. The huge package on that elephant's back, the rights of women, the hard fought for rights, are now going down the tubes (literally, in some cases), along with the inevitable extensions and consequences of these horrible laws now being passed and enacted, and yes, mainly by men. How shocking! To include many who think they are immune, outside the circle of danger. Safe. Well, hate to break it to you, those of you with your head in the sand, - you, too, are going to be wanted by Uncle Sam, at least the nasty Uncle now visiting us, overstaying his welcome.

Think, if you can, of the inevitable roads we are now treading. Indiana says, "no abortion from time of implantation". Putting it bluntly, that means any time a woman of conceivable ability has sex with a man, she is in immediate danger of violating the law, up to and including a charge of homicide. Uh huh. Did not think of that, did you? 

What now? A report every time someone has sexual relations? A pretty journal embossed with all too cute sayings and pictures related to babies? Never mind that the woman is too old for safe pregnancy, or too young, basically a child. Nor will there be a list of resources and mandates to help the now forced to be pregnant female who does not want this pregnancy for oh so many reasons. 

It is a natural human right to have control over one's own body. One who does not have that, is, in essence, a slave. Oh, the provider of the sperm? C'mon, you know the drill. The men simply walk away, smug, smirking at their prowess and manly power. Slavery as the slaveowners pry into one's bedroom, limit the right of travel, to instituting border blockades, to force examinations of women to check re pregnancy. 

Anybody hear the not such sweet sounds of repressive religion dominated countries? With six extremists of Catholic background on the Supreme Court. With legislators from a benighted, twisted segment, a growing one at that, of the GOP, that shouts loud and clear and proud, calling for the GOP to now be renamed as the Christian Nationalist Party. As an American, as a Jew, I shake and shiver. I worry. I fear. And so should every one of us, no matter the religion, or lack of one, a free choice - at least till now. As for the future? See the previous few sentences.

See, it is not 'merely' women. It does not begin and end with them, a standard historical tragic error. Nope, it begins with the awful, murderous, slave owning mentality which allows one person or group to exercise total control over another. It begins small, until 'suddenly' one finds oneself in a totalitarian oppressive, restrictive place, no matter the name called - be it the "Democratic Republic" of whatever, or the "United States" of whatever. Misnomers all.

Back to where we began. The production did not mention the new war we are fighting. The cast did not sing songs yearning for a return to the most recent half century, re the ugliness of the present. The play did not have a picture of Trump in its gallery of rogues, repressors, disrespecters, of women, 'influencers' for too many who thus legitimize a disgusting Neanderthal behavior.

There was much laughter. There were those singing along with iconic songs. There were many faces reflecting inner thoughts as stage topics meshed with their own experiences. And all around there was a deep, loud, silent undercurrent, murmurings of today's horrific, looking worse, situation. Rights gained with much struggle. Rights lost with a swipe of a button and the ink of a pen.

Anybody out there? Lordy, I hope so.

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