Sunday, July 10, 2022


.... don't fix it. We all know that and repeat it often. However, what if it is broken and we had not yet caught on to that fact? What if we do not realize the extent to which that 'it' is broken? What if it is so broken that it is beyond repair, or perhaps it is only a massive, once unthought of way in which to fix the broken. In fact, how do we even know how to distinguish the truly broken from the imagined broken, to the not broken but absolutely on edge to be just that? It boggles the mind and disheartens the soul.

Here is another scenario. What if something is truly broken, not necessarily an earthshaking state of being, but one which would be nice to fix. So we do a little trim here and a little bite over there and stand back and congratulate ourselves on a job well done. Then we take a second glance back and see some unevenness, so we trim that a bit, causing another, another, and another time and fix and before one knows it, all that 'minor fixing' has created a monster change, one big enough to swallow all before it, all that will follow, and this 'broken' cannot be fixed. Permanency sets in.

We are broken. We are so very, very, broken. From the Tories to the Anglophiles and Francophiles of 1812 to dissenters to abolition, to entrenched defenders of state rights over federal rights, particularly as it benefits them, to the careless, the greedy, the cult worshippers and the treasonous. We have always had our cracks in the foundations of this country. We have always attempted to fix those cracks. We have dug deep to ensure a good fix and we have papered over the cracks in a pathetic attempt to cover a mess, allowing for a burgeoning, democracy threat to emerge later on.

Yesterday I read of three approaches to fixing our broken country. They all have adherents, but some are much more frightening than others. The first makes a whole lot of sense, as anyone in a classroom knows. This one says to simply ignore the squeaking wheels, pay attention to the truth. To what the quiet constituents truly want, not what the self-impressed so-called representatives say and vote. Pay attention to the good, the sincere, rather than reward the bad with attention. Simple classroom management. It takes time, but eventually the fix seeps through and fixed it is.

The second fix is basically to take an extreme step, once thought impossible, once thought to have been fixed forever, denied forever, yet it is back. We have become very vocal re our concern for this country. We have written, spoken of, thought of, even acted upon the growing probability, ever so much more now than a possibility, of the splitting of this country according to the ways in which it has splintered. That means giving up on this, our, country. That means weakening democracy's viability, almost ensuring that it will die, never more to return, as we morph over into autocracies and constant minor sniping and irritating issues.

To paraphrase the words of a quiet letter to the editor, one writer very calmly states that our time as the successful American Experiment is over. Nor do we need that, looming bloody civil war to fix the woes and ills that afflict us. Nope. He suggests divorce. A divorce according to the prevailing views of the residents of the two or three separate parts of the once whole union. He even mentions EUSA - The Eastern United States of America. Will it come to that? Is that indeed the "better" way, the less bloody way?

Time and people will make the decision on that approach. Many feel, are afraid, concerned about the growing statements to dissolve this country one way or another, to have a civil war beyond anything we have known before. Perhaps the better solution would be a simple, if not amicable, at least peaceful divorce. Though I have expressed my fears re just that possibility, that awful scenario, the 'divorce', it does not go down well with me and with many others. To simply turn tail on history, to mock the deeds of so many, just does not work for me.

The third approach is in fact, far more frightening in my thinking, leading to murderous results in a drastically altered country, one which will unfortunately emulate the worst of history, all in the name of a god which I do not recognize in any shape, way, or form. That is not to deny a G-d, for I do not, just have a very different interpretation of a god's role here, what an invocation of god into this battle means. And it ain't good. It is a broken item from the start. Fixing it? A major, bloody, long lasting, battle leaving behind a permanent bitter aftertaste, always present, always threatening, never to be able to be permanently fixed. Mankind has demonstrated that over and over again; apparently, we are too thickheaded to get it. 

It also requires a posting alone, so tune in tomorrow for a presentation of the third approach. A most frightening approach, a growing approach, a most dangerous, life-threatening approach. A doomsday approach and perverted way of thinking that will forever alter 'America'. Worse, it is already here. It bloody well scares me to death - and should do the same to you - I hope. I pray.

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