Sunday, July 17, 2022


 There is a saying in Yiddish that says it is time to get your rear in gear and make a decision. In other words, make a choice, stop dawdling and put your money where your mouth is. Time for action. Time to make a choice. Time to step up to the plate. Time to get off the bench and make a difference.

 That urge to action applies to both the private, personal life and that of the world outside your door. One cannot separate oneself from the world simply because it tires you, or annoys you, or is so damaged that it frightens you. All are impacted by decisions made in places other than your home or workplace. Even the hermit in the most off the grid place in the world will be impacted by decisions, large and small, by others and the impacts are felt by all. Climate change. Food shortages. Gas shortages. Out of control leaders. All cannot be hidden from, and the head in the sand will be exposed soon enough by erosion of the sand as the ocean eats away at the land. Nor does ignorance count as an excuse. Nor the aches and pains of body and soul. In fact, all might feel better when one does somethng, rather than remain a passive onlooker of life, content to go with the flow, even if that flow is a negative one.

"Several huge global setbacks over the past few years have left many people discouraged and wondering whether the world is destined to get worse ... The pandemic is one of the biggest setbacks in history. The war on Ukraine is a gigantic tragedy for the entire world. The damage from climate change is already worse than most models predicted. The U.S. has taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health."

So says Bill Gates, who promises that he will try to do something to ameliorate the situation. However, as wealthy and well intentioned as he is. one man cannot do it all. If the rest of us sit by, watching and moaning. then the sum total will be a great big zero.

 The past decade has been a growing mess, ever more dangerous to humanity, because we refused to get involved, to watch carefully over the decisions of lawmakers. Indeed, why did they get there in the first place. That, my friends is on us. We have simply abdicated, voting without thinking, along straight party line rather than evaluating the individual. Today, we face the clear consequences and time is running out, pointing to a time of no return and never mind blaming your neighbor. Simply take a look in the mirror and know the truth. It all begins and ends with the man in the mirror. Cannot run away from that truth.

To begin with, we need to cleanse our government, purge it of the crooked, the selfish, the traitors who openly colluded to pull a coup and change our country from a democracy to an autocracy. The evidence is clear. The trail is clear, all arrows pointing back to the one responsible.  A crazed power hungry narcissistic megalomanic who managed to hypnotize people to cancel their brains, or frightened them, or whatever. 

What matters now is that we begin the cleansing of the nation's soul by placing criminal charges on this man, indict him, convict him, and throw him into a federal maximum prison where he will be no longer able to make and carry out his destructive wishes. No more treasonous action by him. Then expel, impeach, force resignations, nullify those in office in our government who followed his orders, went down the same crazed paths. They forgot, disregarded their responsibilities, were unfaithful, violating their oaths. We can begin with Gaetz and Gohmert, and Perry and Johnson and Brooks, and Thomas and Kavanaugh and all who were afraid to fight back, to save this country from the turmoil we now face.

There are limits to democracy. Yes, it is flawed, seemingly contrary to itself at times, difficult to align with issues that demand wisdom and mercy. To emphasize its faults, to feed into hatred, new restrictions, dialing back the country -go back and read the words of Gates - to have a President hobnob with the detritus of society, well, this cannot be ever again. Manifestly bad for us. Thís cannot go unpunished, else we are lost. Garland must hitch up his britches and do the right thing.

 Enough stalling. The country needs to see action and those who wished to destroy us, must be convicted and punished with the full power of the law. Only then can we wipe the slate and begin anew, a bit wiser, a bit more disillusioned perhaps, but better attuned to the truth.

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