Friday, September 30, 2022


  Nothing hangs together anymore. Nothing seems to make sense. The obviousness of situations, life threatening, quality of life challenging, to say the least, and nothing works. No more. Past experience seems not relevant at all, and new solutions are s  l  o  w  to come down the pike. When they do, they are useless, or the situation has worsened and past suggestions and plans are rendered moot, useless, a case, too often of too little, too late.

A person needs anchors in life. A person needs something to trust, to be worthy of loyalty, and we all presume we will find that someone or something; however, particularly these days, the item deemed worthy of loyalty is monumentally unworthy. In fact, it is most dangerous to life and limb, literally and figuratively. Out of desperation and frustration, swimming in a stinking sea of uncertainty, rampant doubt, awash with lies, one clings to whatever is on hand.

What exactly is awaiting these swimmers on shore? Nothing good. Nothing they will accept, unless it is coated with a slime of hatred, a scaffolding of lies, and worse, the apparently unstoppable corruption of government officials and institutions. Beyond all hope of rescue. The neglect, the blindness, the desperation, the need of all human beings for some hope, wrong as it might be, even directly destructive of hope in reality, all led and continue to lead, to this most egregiously existentially challenging, disheartening situation.

A catastrophic for all intents a Category 5 hurricane bore down on Florida and is continuing on its destructive track. Climate problem, anyone?

An obvious track of people, from bad to worse, to worst is now unable to be denied, yet it is. Denied.

"Lance Wallnau, a self-styled “prophet” and one of America’s most strident Christian Nationalists, and Doug Mastriano, the GOP candidate who casts his bid for governor of Pennsylvania as a mission from God, are birds of a feather.

They each fired up the faithful at the Jericho March / ”Let the Church ROAR!” event in Washington, D.C., in December 2020, a Christian protest seeking divine intervention to keep Donald Trump in office. And both men were on the ground in Washington a few weeks later on Jan. 6 — each billed as speakers at Stop the Steal’s “Wild Protest” event in the shadow of the Capitol."

And there it is, one tiny example of so many to be found along the trail leading to insurrection. Here. In America.

My heart and soul, my aching head continue to marvel and despair at what we have done to ourselves. It is so easy now to stand and point fingers. Not me! No, it was Trump. No, it was the people misleading Trump. And now, along comes DeSantis, worse than his former idol, now political enemy, Trump. No, it is us, we, who voted them in and continue to do so, or claim we have done so. Even those who did not vote for these people and their ilk, like me, well we have not done enough. Certainly not as these misshapen excuses for people continue to manipulate the heart and soul, the body of rules and laws protecting our democracy, our very bodies, if you will.

Former good people, even heroes, fall by the wayside. Giuliani, Generals of our armed forces, heretofore sane politicians capable of talk, compromise and recognition of their responsibilities to the people of the nation, not their parties, not to cults of personality and yes, insanity. All the while, true heroes, like John McCain, are tossed to the wayside, trashed, demeaned. Those officials recognizing the need to defend this nation, to deny those who would rend it to pieces, are denigrated, abased, and threatened.

A Supreme Court, serving as the last bastion of protection of this nation, its true history, is now corrupted beyond all fixing unless drastic changes are made. Desperate changes, but we are left with nothing else, nowhere to turn, no room to maneuver. Manifestly ignorant, biased, extremely partisan judges have been infiltrated into the federal system and justice is now buried somewhere in some hidey-hole meant to be undisclosed forever. 

A sex pervert from decades ago. His most dangerous wife who allegedly has received backing and support from that previously mentioned molester. Yet another molester, whom the government finally confessed never actually investigating, proving the truth of the accusations, of course, under Trump et al, well there he is, for life. Samuel Alito is so rigid, so oh dear, disappointed when people point out the truth of the partisanship of the conservative members of Court, calls down pity for himself as he took into account the woes the new ruling on the right to choose would cause people; nevertheless, he went ahead and denied that right. Gorsuch is no great bargain, usually immutable from his strict conservative views so unhelpful to the plain people out there in real life. Roberts is ineffective, lost control of his Court, does not know where he stands and how to run the show. Finally, we have the newest Judge, an incompetent, former cult member, extreme Christian fundamentalist - for life. And the feeder courts - just look at Cannon, Trump's patsy, incompetent, ignorant, called out by legal experts, yet there she is, protecting Trump, a good little girl. And there she is, for life. 

No, something has to change. It must. Or we are lost. Forever.

It is against a foe who refuses to recognize truth, know the truth and support it. It is a foe which fits the description made about one of them. One size fits all here.

" ... has also told reporters that she still believes the election was stolen, Jake. So after everything we know, ... still an election denier."

"Even though 60 court cases, all the election boards, all the Trump-supporting governors and attorneys general and secretaries of state, et cetera, et cetera — no evidence of widespread fraud that would have swung the election in any state," "That's just wild. I mean, that's just untethered from all of the facts and evidence."

"That's correct," 

So sadly, dangerously so. The truth.

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