Wednesday, September 28, 2022


  A beautifully written article caught my eye the other day and then my mind. It spoke of the need to take each day as it comes and enjoy them all, be it a '10' day or a '4' day. There is always something there to appreciate, even if others neither see nor understand. So, I took her up on it and decided to look for the '4's of life - or the '2's or zeros or whatever showed up. If the reality is such, if we are to keep our sanity, or most of it, then well, I vote for it.

Hence ... "moronicity" - noun. A new term coined in the stress filled world of the 20's decade of the 22nd century. It refers to the state of complete immersion in a world of stupidity, where hallucinations and lies are equated with truth. The conflation of such induces a complete state of anomie and denial of reality. Secondary definition: the practice of being a complete and utter moron. Example: Trump, DeSantis, GOP

Ok, Ok, I 'fess up - my word, but ya' gotta' luv it! Certainly, worthy of at least a 5.

 The understatements of the year swim into view, bringing along with them some other days to enjoy, or at least laugh, for if we do not laugh, well, the tears are always nearby as we contemplate the pathetic state of humanity today.

Here are a few you might enjoy.

"singles out Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Louis Gohmert (R-TX) as two colleagues both of whom he has doubts about when it comes to their mental faculties.  I came to believe Gosar and Gohmert may have had serious cognitive issues.” (Ya' think!!!)

"off-camera insult-flinging between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump is intensifying ...  Desantis called Trump “a moron who has no business running for president,” (Gotta' luv it!)

"NATO's conventional weapons are capable of doing significant damage before any consideration is given to a nuclear option." (So reassuring to think all methods were explored before we blew ourselves to Kingdom come!)

If wishes were horse- We would have herds roaming the land as Trump can imagine anything into being merely by using the power of his mind -uh, that would-be what mind exactly?

“Some prominent figures in the Republican Party … are cagily predicting or even outright calling for violence in the streets if one of the multiple investigations doesn’t go his way,”

Ok. not really funny at all, not even a zero as we fall out of democracy and into autocracy.

 "The assault on me by Mr. Young cost me my career, it cost me my faith in law enforcement and many of the institutions I dedicated two decades of my life to serving." (Said by Officer Fanone at a hearing. Yet another not so funny day.)

 "risk of catastrophic flooding in the uniquely ill-prepared city,"

“We are looking at really, really major storm surge " (Ah, the wisdom of the ages, as De Santis points out the obvious! Can't do it without ya', pal!}

And the cherry on top, said by a marine scientist -“I’m stressed.”

OH YEAH! Nothing like stating the obvious, but at least it is succinct, to the point and certainly is true for most of us, at least for those who have a working brain.

See what I mean? Either laugh or cry, but something must move one's soul, heart, digestive system or whatever floats your boat. Certainly, it prods us to think, or should, as somehow, we can, is imperative, to fix this absurd world of ours.

Before it blows up in our faces.

Or before we blow it up ourselves. 

Before we die of thirst.

 Or drown in maximum rain and flood events.

Oh yes indeed. Stressed we all are. 

A three day? Two? 

Let us all hang in there together and lend, no, give, a hand to your neighbors in need. Might surprise you how many hands you get in return. And that would be a ten day at last.

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