Friday, September 2, 2022


  Most of us have had overdue library books, at least once in a lifetime and probably more than that. I know I have. The overdue fines could amount to a tidy amount, but now there is no fine; just return the books so others can enjoy -or not - that same book. Great system and I am thankful for it and the wonderful staff of our libraries. In fact. a special shoutout to the staff at the Okeechobee branch. They don't come any better than that.

However, a great big spit in your eye tripping over your own tongue has earned a long, loud halloooooo! Anybody home? Apparently not and let's look at why they have fled the coop and if wishes were granted, would never reappear in public ever again. Ever! You do the math. An overwhelming amount of time and effort to regain possession of papers that were never Trump's in the first place. Many calendar pages have been turned over, whilst these national secrets have been on vacation, a forced one, hanging around in boxes, in drawers, and who knows where else. Giving them back was a certainty to never take place, so the law was called down upon the thief and his gang of destructive fumblers, and now they do not like it one bit. They have stupidly placed themselves in legal jeopardy. What the hell gives with these people? Brains not working? Missing several decks! It just does not make sense.

That is until one realizes that the siren call of an autocrat must be obeyed. One falls into that habit because it is profitable or comfortable or because of fear; whatever the reason, it is not permanent, and the sky does fall in and on these autocrats and autocratic systems. Check history for that. It is at that point that there are two groups. One flees the stinking, sinking ship. The other plays loser hardball, builds ratlines for escape even as they continue to support and justify and defend the indefensible.

First, they want all documents public. Now they want all documents unpublished and don't we know why. Trump has many, many overdue books, shall we say, and I bet we could probably find a book or two from his childhood or school library. Overdue, because he claimed it as 'his'. Ever and always. Stripes never change. Nor do his evil traits and wickedly forever planning and living in his own reality, always struggling to make it so. Laws be damned. Reality be damned. Full speed ahead and if one is in the way, too bad! Under the wheels you go. Any wheels will do. Bus, truck, bike, whatever.

But wait. There is a breath of sweet air, of correct air, of true and finally expressed out in the open. Trump and his crew are inimical to democracy, to survival of this country as such, for obedience to proper, moral laws, for the continuing service and role of America as the leader it is meant to be. Now, we are shamed in front of the world. Now we must come from behind. Will the MAGA deluded adherents foil this righteous behavior, or shall we finally have a call-in of bills long overdue for payment? Will they finally acknowledge the existential threat they posed for our nation and accept the consequences? If they continue to try to avoid, well, time for the big guns.

Not real guns, though they are certainly quick to claim guns acomin' for them - even as they flaunt their own stockpiles. What is meant is that finally, no more "say it ain't so, Joe". The Joe at the head of the country has finally realized that he cannot stay mute on this obvious threat. He had to come out swinging, arms ready, heart and head ready, knowing what we must do and a determination to indeed do so.  

The truth:

Donald Trump is a traitor to the nation and to his oath.

MAGA followers have lost their way.

MAGA people have lost connection with reality and their countrymen.

Laws have been broken, flaunted in their breaking. 

Violence has become a tried-and-true weapon and platform and will continue to be, until and unless they are shut down.

Trump now threatens McConnell, saying they must "do something" about him. Typical threat.

There is a too long, almost impossible path ahead of us. It will take determination, knowing all the while that if we fail at this task, we fail the world, ourselves and family and friends.

Time to collect the fees for the overdue books.

Time and fines long past due.

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