Tuesday, September 20, 2022


  Actually, written as the dangerous ignoramuses do, it is wwg1wga.The meaning is the same - where we go 1 we go all - whether capitalized or not, signifying the dangerous route we have wandered onto, a road which leads nowhere but to rot and danger. The reek of sulphur along that road is paramount conquering all else. It signifies danger that unfortunately most of us have warded off with a wave, a pshaw, and blindly walk along that road even further. In this case, ignorance is not bliss. Neither is ignorance an excuse before the law.

That brings us to an extension of these musings. The extension refers to the growing, by leaps and bounds, question whether or not we are bound by the law anymore.  That is, the sane law, that which strives for justice, a law administered by a nonpartisan judiciary, the members of which are appointed for knowledge of the law and proper application of said law. While it has not been perfect over the decades, it does work well for the most part, though as of 2016 it all went down the toilet.

Trump forgot to flush. He was proud of the mess he laid on us, the stink of which has reached every corner of earth as country after country is emulating Trump's actions, goading nation after nation into a most existential danger of a slide into autocracy. We remain a role model, a paradigm, but the most manifestly, most glaringly wrong one. Where have we gone wrong and why?

We have gone wrong as we proved the truth of the adage that he who does not study history, learn from history, is condemned to repeat it. And here we are, learning the worst lesson of our lives, possibly a lesson which will be the last one we receive, as truth, education, and liberty, will all have waved goodbye, shackled and weighed down so they never again rise to the surface. We will simply drown in the fetid pools of waste we have ourselves created and widened. Some by ignorance and some by vicious, purposeful pollution of the collective mind of America. More accurate - Amerika.

If you have not yet watched the first segment of the most frightening documentary ever, The US and the Holocaust, then do so. ASAP. STAT. A question of life-or-death. Purportedly a report of the awful shameful history of antisemitism in this country, from the highest ranks to the lowest ranks, it is apparent that we are living through, or more accurately dying through the same era, albeit it several decades between them. The same growth of hatred and bias out in the open. The same use of uniforms, vandalism, lies and more lies, reaching ever deeper depths of garbage and danger, and the inevitable result. Poised to slip over the last safety barricade separating democracy from autocracy, from the rule of the sane, to the rule of the insane, the twisted, the selfish, and yes, the homicidal.

In both cases, actually in all cases, we get a person who has definite mental ills contained within a lizard brain. I borrowed that concept from another writer, finding it most apt. We have all seen lizards, geckos, slip away from peril. Always able to sense danger and move swiftly, cunningly, to avert the consequences of prior actions. Always able to convince people of the ability to right wrongs, albeit it through detestable methods. Always the same excuses made for these madmen, always saying that position would change the person, drive him to improvement. Well, it does not; it only gives him more hubris, and we are the ones brought down by that hubris, by that most obvious, egregious disregard for all else, for the rest of humanity, as the be all and end all. The entire truth is that only the man at the top of the ladder counts. The rest? Count for naught

Back at the old ranch, otherwise known as Florida, it is proving to be fertile ground for the growth and wellbeing of wannabe autocrats. The pathetic excuse for a man who sits at Mar a Lago hopefully, will meet his well-deserved fate. Sentenced to consecutive terms of long duration for all his sins, for the evil and harm he has inflicted on this nation. He has inspired truly crazed people, crazed in the worst sense of the word, to aspire to leadership.  More terrifying is their success, actually reaching that status, that rung on the ladder. That translates to trouble, a most dangerous trouble. Greene, Graham, Cruz, Gaetz, McCarthy, Johnson, Abbott - the list goes on ad infinitum ad nauseum.

The growing most recent scum rising to the surface of that fetid pool of waste is DeSantis. That man is a fascist from the get-go, from his most inner thoughts to his most awful, frightening statements and actions. That he is proud of what he has done and proposes for the present and future is even more dire, for he is openly treating humans as garbage, tossing them hither and thither, hauling them around the country for political purpose.  As for their welfare, as for justice, as for the right thing, well, those words and ideas are glaringly missing from his repertoire of understood and/or meaningful concepts.

Most shocking of all, though actually not, when one understands him, is that he knows it is wrong, knows it is most probably equitable to human trafficking, admits it, and on he continues. And on his ambitions grow, to the point of challenging his grossly evil role model, venturing yet further along that path through the bogs of hatred and evil. Censorship, education perversion, defying the law, more and more, we see his contents, his building material, and we must find him lacking, deny him the opportunity to become dictator of the former USA, the once upon a time America.

Let us turn aside, away, from the events and thoughts of the Hitlerian era and all that led to it. Let us avoid another such age of humanity, more correctly inhumanity, for it might just prove to be our last era. We must, it behooves us, to better align ourselves with reality, ugliness and all, and spurn, deflect, scorn, reject, destroy the plans and ambitions of those who mean only harm. Evil and death, for these lizards prove to have no boundaries, particularly as they descend further and further into madness.

I fear we are at the breaking point, the point of no return. We are willfully ignoring the truths, deaf to the knelling of the bell and all this bodes only a fate worse than ever before. Think about it. Compare eras. Then think of the weapons available and the heights of insanity and hubris among the so-called leaders. China, Russia Belarus, America, countries of South America - where have we all gone wrong. 

Wherefore and why? Will we correct it all before it's too late. For that answer, address it to the big guy up there. Me, I am at a loss, anxious, and even frightened. Think about it - and you will, or should be, as well.   

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