Wednesday, October 12, 2022


  No, I am not being sarcastic nor disrespectful when I call out to those who profess a special relationship with him and present themselves as his representatives on earth as they spew forth their twisted version of Christianity. A version which reverts more and more to the rather barbaric blood thirsty Jew hating one that was in place for too long.

Far too often in this challenging world of ours people have chosen or been duped into following false prophets, false gods which do nothing other than exacerbate the hostile atmosphere enmeshing the world. It contributes yet more gallons of blood to the already soaked earth, even as the earth, the very grounds meant to sustain us are deprived of proper nourishment, clean water. We do not see the connections, do not see the cause and effect of all our misdeeds. We take the wrong turn in our desperation to change the status quo, its worsening bent, and miss all the cues and directional arrows.

No religion is immune to the phenomenon of false prophets. Each religion has its extremists and fakers. Lord knows how often I have taken off after the extremists of Judaism. Judaism's most sacred city, Jerusalem, has a unique syndrome attached to it wherein a person comes there and finds that he is the reincarnation, the reintroduction of holy prophecy. Who the hell knows! Maybe they actually are, and we, in our deafness and blindness neither see nor hear the truth. Be that as it may, this particular growing version of a malignant Christianity professing to be the best, the newest, the greatest, the truest is particularly irksome and annoying, and dangerous! The grounds of Europe and the Middle East reek of the blood of my people spilled by so called religious zealots performing their own version of Christianity and the love of Jesus as they butchered his own people.

The eagerness to join the acolytes of this new 'christianity' so manifestly not Christianity is frightening. The urge to spout venom, to use words of incitement to violence is growing in this country, my America, so different from my true America. In the very state, the very city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where 11 members of a Jewish Congregation were slain, Mastriano, a candidate for high office, spouts forth venomous antisemitic poison, is BFF with a known virulent antisemite who claims that no longer will 'true' Christians bow to the 2% - meaning Jews. With far worse around. Running against a Jew, clear, open, proud, and practicing, he uses the vilest statements and lies to denigrate and defeat him. This is Christianity? Evidently so in the eyes of too many, a growing segment of population buying into this dangerous filth.

"... do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." 

 I, John, 4:1

The warning is from a founder, shall we say of Christianity, quoting the words of Jesus.

 Among the forefront of this so false religion is the filth of the earth.  Marjorie Taylor Greene. Herschel Walker. Mastriano. DeSantis. Lauren Bobert. Don Bolduc. Blake Masters. The Oath Keepers. The Proud Boys. The list of the lost grows daily. Worse, is the defense, the multiple excuses from hitherto honest, good folks, as they fall over each other in their eagerness to validate these people, wash them clear of outright sin, support the leading Devil, Trump, who instigated it all. 

I am friends with some true, devout Christians, from Evangelical to mainstream, all the way to strict Catholic. None swallow this garbage. All of them are embarrassed by it. All of us are extremely worried, fearful of its inevitable end unless waylaid and soon, stopped dead in its tracks.

Christianity yes, if true to its beliefs, rid of its bloody history, its antagonism towards Jews and 'others'. The false gods of the false religion of the false christianity - NEVER! 

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