Monday, October 3, 2022


  There is? What is? Well, you know the saying:  "There oughtta' be a law". Unfortunately, there probably is a law pertinent to the matter at hand. The only problem is that these laws are flouted, many times right there in the open. And what happens? A great big nothing. Nada! Zip! Zero! 

Actually, erase that last statement, for indeed, much does happen. Society, civil and civic behavior, respect for the law in and of a fair and equitable society are all trashed within the boundaries of the influence of this behavior, this flaunting of one's ability to do what one wishes without fear of consequences. Sadly, there is often a boasting of this Teflon ability to escape negative results of such misbehavior, and, sad to say, general admiration, even envy, for the ability of this person to do so.

What happens to a society when its leaders, the ones who are supposed to be role models, are the very ones flouting the law, boasting about it or try to pass it off onto others. Conveniently for these people, there is always a bus nearby under whose wheels many former friends and associates do reside. Very temporarily, as they go off to a lovely 8x10 room, all 'mods cons', 3 meals a day, clothing free. The dude at the head of it all? He walks away in his bespoke suit, a smirk on his face and a finger to society.

We are, I believe, at such a point in our society where this is the general rule of this terrible game. Hypocrisy, the ability to be a hypocrite, lie through one's teeth while smiling, even as one hand is stabbing someone in the back, even if that someone is a group, i.e. us - well, look how well they do this. Take a gander at the recent behavior of such 'stellar' models for this behavior.

 Unfortunately, these particular gems reside in my beleaguered state of Florida, a state which would be so much better off if these dudes lost their races for office. Gaetz, DeSantis, Rubio all cried out to the heavens at the awful thought of FEMA being allocated funds to aid people in emergencies. Oh, when the disasters occurred elsewhere the hue and cry was quite a scene. Oh, the horror! The government allocating funds for aid to victims of disasters! Theft of public funds, misuse of funds. Now that we have had a most unwanted visit from Ian, well, the shoe is on the other foot. Loudly, hypocritically. Uh huh! Now these very same idiots cry out for FEMA funds. Yup!

Moreover, don't you just love that hate mongering facsimile of a human being, Greene, who claims that Democrats are after Republicans. Oh, yes, indeedy. They are killing them already she cries out. What? You mean the incitement, the approval of violence actually comes from Republicans and their awful, insurrectionist, and/or extreme antidemocratic allies, well, don't worry your little head with logic and truth. Not very important in this New World of ours.

But wait! There's more. Like the ginsu knives! But these knives cut away, hack at the fiber of justice, of unity, of truth, of a civilized, progressive society. Trump, that magical, oh so clever, gifted man, who can simply 'think' things into being, (not that I ever have seen him think) made sure that he put in a 'warning' get out of jail free card when he submitted his records to others, including disclaimers along this line: "Gotta' check my math! You know how dumb I am with math'. And when his scum rose to the surface, well, it became even better. See, once a president, always a president, and all privileges remain, even if those 'privileges'' are now off limits to him. So what, is his statement. His way or the highway. Anyway, he claims he won the election of 2020, thus all things remain status quo for him. Complete immunity against all and any charges. Indeedy! Don't believe me? Just ask him!

However, when all is weighed and evaluated, the greatest harm to this society, to democracy, is the very system set up to insure its remaining true and steady. That is the Supreme Court, along with the Federal system of courts which is supposed to be the epitome of nonpartisanship, of equity, immune from political bias and personal preference. To apply the law. To uphold the law. To change where change is needed, justified, legal. Not to shelter morons, incompetents, partisan judges such a Cannon, now being called out by all sane thinking legal scholars-yet there she remains, blatantly, running tight end defense for Trump.

Even as the very open, awful partisanship grows apace on the Supreme Court itself. Even as one Justice who never should have been there in the first place, now is becoming even more controversial with growing disclosure of shoddy dealings along the line of his wife and her extreme anti-democratic behavior and involvement in the Jan. 6 rebellion. Ugly, folks, ugly and dangerous.

“When courts become extensions of the political process, when people see them as extensions of the political process, when people see them as trying just to impose personal preferences on a society irrespective of the law, that’s when there’s a problem — and that’s when there ought to be a problem,”

And there is. And there oughta' be a law!


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