Sunday, November 27, 2022


  Up to here! And beyond. The stupidity. The lack of foresight. The refusal to look back and evaluate past actions, the horrific consequences we lived through -and continue to do so. I've had it with the rank stupidity and pride that are the engines blocking the thought process of too many. I have had it - and it looks as if there is no relief in sight.

 In fact, relief has moved farther and farther away, distancing itself from any return to sanity. Instead, we are honing blades, loading ammunition in our guns and semi-automatics, marching in uniforms, burning books and encouraging censorism and boast- of our acquaintance with or support of known terrorists, bigots of an order rivaling the worst   figures of humankind. All those who participated in the Holocaust - wish for it to return, even as they deny its truth and now in its denial. I have had it.

Most of all I have had it with all those stupid people, willfully blind, deaf and dumb in the sense of letting brains atrophy, who refuse to understand and accept the enabling roles they played in this whole mess. And continue to play by their opting for denial, excuses, and further disaster, to a point from which I am truly growing to doubt has any chance of reversing itself, repairing the damage wrought.  

I am sorry if my friends who supported Trump, and now his cursed surviving philosophy in the forms of DeSantis, Greene, Gosar, Boebert, McCarthy, Hawley, Haley, Walker, all the crazed extremists on both sides of the spectrum are upset with me for this posting. Aggravating as it was to see you support this manifestly false excuse of a human being the first time around, well, everyone can go wrong at some point. However, for not seeing the truth, ten years down the road, after all his egregious acts and statements, to continue? To support him, to excuse his malfeasance, his frauds, his blatant contempt for the law, his placement above the law. His towering ego and treasonous, seditious actions, and as I predicted - his most blatant, poisonous antisemitism pouring out and through all he has said and done. Supporter of Israel -not on your life. Just a political moment. Now, he dines with the likes of Fuentes and Ye, supports, instigated, a GOP which now runs on hate and bigotry, drooling for revenge, sponsors Walker, and the rest of his ilk, dumb as a stump and dangerous in their ignorance and vitriol.

Before this man appeared on the political scene one could laugh at him, excuse his moronic and allegedly criminal behavior, for he had no true power nor entry into it. And then- there he was - bigger than life and smaller than the head of a pin on the morality scale. Before this man political talk was allowed, was able to be carried on in a sane manner, a long time American trend. Today, no one talks politics other than with one who agrees with you. Otherwise, friendships have broken off, family divisions have multiplied and why? Because of him and all that he did, proposed doing, and spouted off. Because too many checked into his hate hotel and never came out, brains and wills removed.

Yes, there have been truly poor Presidents, Carter, Grant, and more, but not a one was a traitor to this country. Not a one has wrought this horrible process wherein America has become Amerika, where soon there will be tiny countries where once there was one, strong, confident, a leader for the world. Today - feh!! Under yet another reign of his, there would have been no support for Ukraine, always a constant appeasement for such as Putin, giving them free reign to invade over and over again. Under and because of him, where there was once a noble GOP, today there is a civil war within-between extremists and the even more extreme. The sane - no voice, no courage to speak out, and if they do, they resign. They leave the fray and Trumpian theory wins yet again.

Yesterday, Biden had this to say re Trump's shameful dinner and approval of blatant, known, antisemites condemned as such via their own words.  “You don’t wanna hear what I think.”

This, after the White House has already come out with this statement:

  “Bigotry, hate, and anti-Semitism have absolutely no place in America – including at Mar-a-Lago. Holocaust denial is repugnant and dangerous, and it must be forcefully condemned,” 

and his ex- ambassador to Israel told Trump that he mustn't deal with, let alone sup with "human scum". That he is "better than this". Well, no he is not. Nor are his base supporters of the gun toting, knife and hammer wielding, mob who wished to overturn this country. I hope and pray and plead that those who continued to walk after, excuse this man will recognize the truth, the damage, the life change he introduced and instigated within the country, just about breaking it, the harm to the world he inflicted and/or encouraged. Time To Stop. Well past time.

If we, as a nation, as individuals, do not own up to our part in this change to our psyche as a nation, as Americans, put aside our pride and then do all we can to counteract the damage, to heal the wounds, to once again talk of politics in a sane manner - well then there is no hope, no future other than one that will emulate this status for a large segment of the population. 

Remember her and remember this - there but for the grace of G-d go I - and you, and you, and you.....

 Brittney Griner.

32 years old; 

a mother; 

a wife;

an athlete;

 a person;

persecuted for being American, Black, Gay, woman;

Condemned to a hellish freezing penal prison;

known eyewitness reports of:


slave labor;


 no medical care;

little food;

inadequate clothing;

inadequate shelter;

zero life expectancy;

a plaything caught in a maelstrom of other's creation.











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