Sunday, January 15, 2023


  Did you ever heave a sigh about some situation and wish and hope with all your might that someone, soon, now, will come along and make it disappear? Have you ever lost hope that somehow someway a situation might actually arrive at a satisfactory conclusion allowing for sanity to return?

We all have had our moments, not in the sun, but in the shadow of depression and hopelessness, that there ever would be that satisfactory ending - or at last an ending whatever it was. We have done that with Covid in all its manifestations, locking ourselves away, only to discover the situation is now a standard, endless, the virus, apparently liking its home within our bodies. 

We have done so with unsatisfactory and disturbing news threads that run for a looonnnng time, causing us to forget the origin and meaning of the story and all possible endings. Such is the case with Ukraine - not a very good situation, bloody, relentless, with no end solution in sight, even as Russian soldiers complain of their ruthless situation, pressed into service as were sailors of old into the British navy, and are financing this war with their own funds to buy supplies. And yet how many of us skim, or not even that, the stories of the day regarding this proxy war which is actually reminding us- had better do so- of the peril we are in from power hungry demented rulers. 

Now you had to know where that is leading. Yup, the man is here again. Seemingly that bad penny that keeps turning up, causing us to sigh with resignation, knowing that he is the burden upon our shoulders, as heavy as was the burden of Atlas as he held up the world on his shoulders. He is the burr in the foot, the itch that cannot be reached, seemingly forever. We again heave a sigh, tired of the if, maybe, his momentous, final nail - whatever term the writer uses to tell us the man will be charged and put away. It never happens. Will it?

Now we have the brouhaha regarding the papers found in Biden's home and/or office. Yes, I agree, these papers, these classified documents, have been handled carelessly. Someone is asleep at the wheel, not keeping track of their whereabouts. There must be a better, more secure, safe procedure to ensure return in timely manner, proper storage while in use, and a secure, outside team to scour a place where documents have been in use.

However careless Biden's crew was, there is a major, huge, difference when compared to Trump and his papers. Obvious is the difference in amount. Obvious as well, is that they were immediately turned over to authorities and all further discoveries the same. The staff cooperated with investigators.  No attempt to delay any search. 

 Now, we have these same members of the GOP who cheered Trump and minions on in their defiance of security, of justice, of cooperation, refusing to hand over papers, lieing through their broken teeth and forked tongues, threatening investigations of their own. They had better be careful of what might just bite them in their shared rearend, hoist by their own petards. 

Vital actions go undone, the government is about to run out of money, the world is afire, yet these idiots continue on in their hypocritical behavior and worse, might just be right, as everyone is tired - I refer you back to the title. Why would we even think, sanity was a possibility as they robotically followed the original madman and do the same now with all of his equally demented, ranting, angry, hate filled small people who follow in his shadow, imagining themselves in positions from which they can wreak havoc upon their opponents. 

We must not give up, for if we do, the battle and the war are lost, ceded without real opposition. Ceded due to having had enough, too much, of bad situations hanging around too long, growing stale in our minds even as they strengthen their roots and holds on society. NO if, maybe, might about that.




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