Thursday, January 19, 2023


  A latecomer to the world of jigsaws, I have found them to be accurate representations of issues of life. No, they do not speak nor impart secret messages. However, the need for preciseness, attention, for not reaching above before time and experience, knowing one's capabilities and limits, knowing which brands are better - all part and parcel of the needs of a good life. Unfortunately, many of us have turned away from these commonsense necessities of life; hence life today in these here United States of America. Meet it, greet it and cry.

Note that the craze, the fans of jigsaws are rampant through the world, nationality having no influence on it, though perhaps its growth has been encouraged via the pandemic. Yes, it takes up time, but it also encourages growth of important cognitive skills, family togetherness and simple plain fun without all the artificial noise, merely the inner satisfaction upon completion, especially a challenging one.

Now look at life. Some puzzles are cheaply made, the cuttings imprecise, the quality of the pieces poor, difficult to fit together, to snap together. The puzzle theme is obscure and difficult to complete. Well, look at the jigsaw of life today as we live it, and wonder, along with me, why we do not upgrade, rather than lower our standards.

For quite some time now we have been catering to the lowest common denominator. "The Base." That anomalous, threatening word which allows for, encourages, poor judgments, lowered standards, hatred, negativity and a life replete with threats to those whose thoughts and bents differ. And the truth shines through. Trump, who just loves capitalizing and anagrams, has done himself oh so right. In his insane chase after nomination again, he has termed this latest aberration Save America Again. SAAG. Yes, sag, which is what we have done lo these almost decade worths of years. America's building is sagging, its foundations attacked too many times, repair scarce. America's foundations have been weakened, its support weakened. The cracks grow apace yet go unnoticed or ignored - or even valued. 

Yes, that part of the jigsaw has not weathered the test of time too well. Instead of experts, we allow room for demonstrably insane, dangerously so, characters who are cynical, love the attention they garner, and pose the most dangerous threats to our continued existence as a democratic nation. We are losing the tie- in pieces of the puzzle at a growing rate, and we do not even bother to try to pick them up and restore them to our broken puzzle.

Another growing trend today is the growth industry of a form of Jerusalem Syndrome, wherein people imagine themselves as prophets of the Lord, and spout off wherever and whenever the spirit moves them! Apparently, Marjorie Taylor Greene is one such false prophet, spouting, ranting, re Devil worship, pedophilia, sacrifices to Maloch - under a wicked collusion of the Rothschild family, George Soros and the Democratic Party. Oops, do not forget the space laser which Jews have been wielding, against the people of America and beyond dousing them, poisoning them. And this is the woman now in charge of the House Home Security Committee. This jigsaw has just imploded! Wrong pieces in wrong slots. 

Here are two telling comments about this latest Greene abomination.

This is placing, literally, the Confederates in charge of the union.”

 “Marjorie Taylor Greene is just kind of a hollow shell of a person who believes, and actually is correct in believing, that theatrics get her attention and attention gets her money and money makes her powerful within her party...

Now cry or laugh, whatever, but both are equally correct.

But wait, there are more broken pieces of this puzzle, this one Matt Goetz.

According to the allegations in the complaint, the defendant exploited a social media platform to infringe one the of most basic and sacred rights guaranteed by the Constitution: the right to vote,”

This murky, water swollen, venom infected jigsaw deteriorates more and more, beyond all thought or possibility of repair. No, we need a new one, one which eliminates those who would spoil it, ruin it for all time, and replace their spoiled pieces with ones of quality and adherence to truth, to justice, to America.

"I know what this job takes, and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice," she said. "It's that simple."

"I am human, politicians are human," she said. "We give all that we can for as long as we can. And then it's time. And for me, it's time."

Would that we have such people who know the truth and act accordingly. That prospect does not seem to be a realistic hope. In the interim, more jigsaw puzzles deteriorate.

As for me, I am going back to my treasure trove of Nick at Nite puzzles. Less stress indeed.

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