Thursday, January 26, 2023



Those are the sounds emanating from an excited posting, a transmission of the latest news from Planet Earth to the rest of the waiting galaxy. All agog at the latest human shenanigans, bets are increasing in amount and number, odds changing in minutes, seconds even. Will the entity known as the USA survive, intact for the most part, or will it collapse of its own weight, stressed by lies, more lies, stupidity, greed, and sheer carelessness as players refuse to do their jobs, fulfill responsibilities.

Too busy, they say. What are they busy with? Sniping and biting each other, snapping at heels, and tripping over their own tongues. Goose and gander are seemingly not equal in misdeeds as excuses from the land of Nod are thrown into play. Adults behave as children and the children? They shake their heads, puzzled by the so blatant, obvious, misbehavior of these selfsame adults. Their conclusions circle the core of a plot conspiracy, a human undertaking of suppression of ET rights to visit Earth, to mix with earthlings, to create ties of economy and shared concerns, to expand exponentiality the possibilities for advancement, a positive synergy of the best of all civilizations. How else to explain the daily insanity.

The sages of the Council of Planets scratch their varied heads as they simply feel that such egregiously outlandish behavior by the humans must have a purpose, an underlying reasoning. What that is, is yet to be unveiled, to be explained and understood, validated - if at all possible. The problem is exacerbated greatly when the discussion turns to debate re a proper response, a sane, logical exchange of data, thoughts, philosophies, between the cultures. The tension rises as we meet a growing difficulty in understanding our own selves, let alone trying, succeeding, to find the words to clear up any confusion on the part of the ETs.

You can't make this up, one segment shouts. Others plug for nefarious thinking and plans on the part of the humans. Yet another splinter group maintains that we need to shut the door on communications at this point. Humans are obviously suffering from some long lingering infection, contagious, harmful, and generally affecting the thinking process within the strange minds of humans. In fact, the level of concern grows as questions are raised re the possible contagiousness of this infection, for can it be transmitted to the ET world? How could they possibly know how to deal with the lies of a Greene, of deniers of truth such as McCarthy, of cowards like Cruz, of nonentities like Mast, the vile hatreds of the right wing of the GOP, of whatever the hell that man, Trump, is? How do they focus on the most important if they cannot explain nor understand the issues nor the truth, if any - beneath the bizarre behavior of these strange beings, humans. They themselves appear to puzzle their own selves. Lies, vitriol, anger, determination to stymie progress and even bring the government down, no logic, at least in the minds of the ETs. No sense at all.

Several participants in the Council of Planets are quietly walking out on these discussions. They feel there is no use for they cannot ever understand such improbable self-harming behavior and thinking -and, in fact, never wish to do so at all. Others begin to follow, and the Conference closes the door on contact, open and free, between humans and ETs at this point. Perhaps in another millennium it will be better. Perhaps. There is plenty of time. 

Thus, the growing and then disappearing stories of spaceships in the sky, of strange looking bipedal beings most definitely not your average looking human, of contact with 'weirdos'.  Nope, humans have blown it again, been denied the progress that could have been achieved. 

Will they ever learn? Will they ever stop tampering with truth and reality? With recognition of the humanity of all, with a recognized personhood of ETs, creating a safe environment? 

A pipe dream or a true possibility? 

Big shoes to fill. 

A rocky path to follow.

Sanity required.


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