Thursday, February 16, 2023


  Pants. Such a simple, mundane item. Into the store or onto the web and there you have them - color, size, style, whatever pleases your pants' palate. On the other hand, pants can mean so much more, can actually change the color of the day from blackish gray to a lighter, brighter one. All because of pants. How can this be, you ask?

Very simply is the answer. We received an email, then communicated numerous times via phone and text - to make sure we bought the right pants, so important was this purchase. Yitzy wanted some new pants. Yes, he actually voiced that need; what a great day! And then a flurry of back and forth exchanges as to the details, especially by the concerned grandparents wanting to get this just right. Pants. Gotta' love them!

It is the simple things in life that give the most joy. The little one discards the complicated toy needing adult supervision and construction and grabs the much more versatile box it came in. Simple joys. Yesterday was replete with them for us and we so hope fervently, devotedly, that such days continue.

The complicated tiny print jigsaw I am working on moved forward with a few more pieces finding their proper niche in the whole, edging closer to a successful completion. I fully expect this thing to take forever and have had to buy 2 powerful magnifying devices for my aging eyes so as to be able to work it, let alone complete it! But yesterday there was no shutting down the optimistic feeling, the knowledge, the surety, that I was up to the challenge and would be the victor in this battle. Just as my Yitzy would win his every battle, his war, and go on to a wonderful, blessed life. What a day.

But wait! There is more! No, not the iconic knives of the ads, but rather a time of pleasure. It was a meeting with author Pam Jenoff, one of my favorites. A prolific and talented writer, she concentrates on the WWII era, before, during and after, always with a Jewish related theme. Her books are not huge tomes needful of great brain power and aid in lifting, but they work; people actually read them, do not use them to impress people. In fact, we found out at the meeting that her new book, Code Name Sapphire, out for a week, hit the NYT list. 

Quite personable and very intelligent she answered numerous questions, including many of mine. For those of you who remember me as a teacher of Language Arts, you will recall, hopefully, my joy in teaching, exploring novels and plays - and I hope you enjoyed it as well. Even better was when the session ended, as I was walking out, several women stopped me to ask about some of my questions and to expand on them. Wow! I impressed myself! And the longtime love of my life pointed out to me that my brain was still working quite well, thank you. Poo! to age and health threats! Ha!

Could this day get any better?

Of course, it could.

A swift healing of Yitzy could and would do it.

An actual writing of my much wanted to write book would actually happen.

Some brilliant art critic would see and recognize my newfound artistic talent and buyers would flock to buy. Okay, I have sold some, but hey, one can always dream. Right? Right!!

And the world would actually forsake hatred, concentrate on the good it can and should do. Harness the brain power of billions and create new miracles. Including the healing of our self-inflicted wounds.

But for me, to head the list, always and forever - Yitzy, whole, healthy, a beautiful, laughing, charming, talented, happy little boy.

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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