Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Sometimes we are blind or deaf to the calls to our souls. Other times we completely ignore what we know to be the right thing to do. Why? Because it might be inconvenient or annoying or simply what we do not wish to do. For whatever reason or excuse we can gin up. And we forget that there are always lessons to be learned if we pay attention, close and careful. And of course, the tendency of humans to be perverse just because!

Sometimes we forget that there are two sides of a coin and remember or focus only on one side of it. That does not mean that bad things are excused because good will occur. That is pure justification of the bad means to a good end. Yes, at times there are those necessities, such as a war to correct or stop evil from victory, but situations are rarely as bleak as that.

So what do we say about the coin which has a delicious little boy of 12 suffering from a diagnosis of cancer? What can possibly be a good thing for that to take place? Yes, of course, a positive bill of good health at the end of it all, may it take place soon, but what purpose could this possibly serve? What good can grow from such a terrible thing?

Like it or not, when one peruses the history of Jews through the millennia, there is often a person or persons who bear the brunt of lessons needful of reminder. Not a happy thought, but it is what it is, we say. As Jews we are told to say "gam zoo le'tovah" Thís too is for the good. 

But what can possibly explain the horror, the pain, the heartache, the confusion of a family, of a wonderful boy who has not a mean bone in his body, to undergo such hurt and harm? Nothing!!!!! Yet something has been happening over the past two weeks, a phenomenon, a huge response from Jews, from non-Jews, all over the world. The power of prayer is remembered, the recipient of those prayers being implored by a huge voice, a powerful voice, a voice of many morphed into a huge single, powerful one. It is one we hope, want, wish and pray daily, even several times daily. Surely the imploring voices, the plea of that huge voice cannot be ignored. Nor must the other side of this nasty coin be overlooked. I hope and pray that this side is the one which will ensure the complete recovery of Yitzy.

 I just wonder though in agonized questions addressed to the One Above, the Big Guy, why must it be done this way? Why must Yitzy be the messenger, the reminder note to us that we had better reorder our priorities, reclassify our needs, and remember the holier side of life, the side we too often neglect in good times. We forget there are too often reminders that it is not "kochi v'otzem yadi", not the strength and power of my hands and efforts that has given me all that I have. We too often forget that principle when times are good.

No, Yitzy should not serve as a lesson for anyone nor anything. Yet too often the good are used to reset the paths of those strayers off the path.  To remember and value, to treasure what is real, rather than what is ephemeral, of no eternal value. Here is an anecdote, a true story of an event which possibly, hopefully, will remind all of the power of prayer, of unity. We must recall and practice, value, the real, the true. This is when we know we have lost our way, when the Mayans are praised as being more advanced than we had thought, ignoring that in all their 'advanced' status, they continued human sacrifice, adults and children, to a misperceived concept of G-d. I remind the Good Lord Above that human sacrifice has been banned ever since the aborted sacrifice of Isaac. 

We Jews fight and argue. We have had to become tough. We have lost much along the way, even as we gained some. We returned to the land promised to us, a land of our own, where Jews are welcome. Yet now we are having strong differences of opinion re that concept. We have turned arrogantly, to our success, in 74 years after establishment we have come so far. We forget the previous times when Israel was triumphant, a power of the times, until the sky fell upon us.

Now here is where I know we are remembering, returning to true values, acknowledging that we do not, cannot, control our own destiny 100%, nor should we forget there are others who are in need of attention, who will serve as reminders, allowing for a positive ending. No two sides any longer, but one integral coin, of two good sides.

The other day a friend of my daughter, was at a person's house in Detroit and that person recalled a posting by my daughter for a Tehillim, Psalm, prayer group, and asked if Yitzy is her nephew.  Upon saying yes, the person's son came over to ask if Yitzy is from Pittsburgh. Which he is. Asked how he knew, he replied that he had been at a weekend gathering in Cleveland and the boys there were praying for a boy just diagnosed with cancer. That is Yitzy. 

At the conclusion, everyone present asked for a text with Yitzy's full name, so they, too, could join in, raise their voices, add to the power and strength of that call for healing. 

This is happening all over. Not only in NY or Pittsburgh but in so many states and even oversea in other nations. Jews remembering, we are one and always will be. Reminded of the power of prayer.  Reminded of our responsibility, to care for the welfare of other Jews, and by extension, all who need help.

I, again, thank all who pray for Yitzy. From the depths of my soul. 

The texts were sent.

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen

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