Thursday, March 16, 2023


 Well, I just had a madness of my own - an almost complete posting disappeared from my screen, unable to be resurrected, and hence -madness!!!! Nothing to do but start all over again - as if my memory contains it whole! Not these days! 
   In any case, the world today seems permeated with madness, bizarre and otherwise. It is bizarre that a 12 year old boy fights a battle that would defeat an adult. Why? Because in this day and age there is still no cure for his cancer. It rests on Hail Mary attempts via chemo and radiation to defeat this insidious  enemy. It relies on the prayers of thousands of good souls who daily, repeatedly, pray special, for the healing of Yitzy, that ever so sweet and courageous grandson of mine. A newly minted uncle, so proud of his new responsibilities as an uncle to his little nephew.
          He is the repository of so much goodwill, a blessing we so profoundly are grateful for. We believe it is helping, so please, until we hear those magic words, pray on. Please.
   There is a madness intertwined in the fabric of this world. It is a world which apparently values the ability to kill each other many times over, ever more efficiently, rather than spend those monies on positive, constructive projects. From sticks and stones to nuclear and laser, to germ warfare on crack - where do we go next to improve our weaponry, even as we ignore the madness ever growing, ever more consuming of our world.
   How can we ever expect to defeat this madness when our governmental leaders appear to be suffering from the same ailment, of permeated, ever boiling madness within their own selves. When leaders forget to lead or lead their constituents into swamps of deadly portent. When leaders speak ever so kindly of White Power and other extremists. When legislators speak openly and supportingly of rebellion and insurrectionists. When a Senator speaks of a governmental conspiracy to take over our washing machines. Madness!!
  However, the madness which consumes me today is that which is going on in Israel. A homeland lost for millennia. A land bought back with the blood of centuries, of millions murdered less than a century ago. A land which is now tearing itself, consuming itself, even as President Herzog cries out, pleads and warns we must "Stop the madness." 
 "The last few weeks have been tearing us apart,” the president began. “They are harming Israel’s economy, security, political ties and especially Israeli cohesion. The family Shabbat meals have become an arena of struggle, friends and neighbors have become rivals. The conflicts are getting worse; The worries, the fears, the anxieties – they are all more tangible than ever,”

Note the descriptions that he gives, the situation he describes. Now think. Where have you heard this before? In fact, where have you lived this? In more existential thought- you are living exactly that same scenario. Right here in the supposed home of democracy. Where inclusion has morphed into exclusion. Where censorship of books and thoughts, of loss of freedom of choice and right to vote is growing apace. Where privilege has conquered, even obliterated obligations to state, and nation. Where selfishness and greed, where mad desire for advantage over others are driving factors. Where families and friends are rendered asunder. Where a nation falls apart, dashing hopes and dreams, from the past, the present and the future.
   I hold out little hope for us, as an evergrowing fascism spreads its poison into the lifeblood of our nation, and then what? With Israel following as they fulfill the fear of the two spies, that this was a land which consumes, feeds upon its inhabitants!
Madness indeed. 
An overwhelming self consuming madness. A madness that must be stopped in its tracks, the sooner the better. I sincerely fear that the time grows short, the window closing. If we do not take advantage of the time now, the window ajar, to reach a solution - we will defeat ourselves and welcome to the new version of a manifestly not human friendly world.
Turn to a sanity we can focus on today, for many todays, until the good news is heard, hopefully in a land with a future for Yitzy and all our children.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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