Friday, March 3, 2023


However, sometimes things do change for the better. At times we realize that we have indeed advanced in certain areas, and are ever so grateful, thankful, appreciative. The field of medicine and treatments, the tools available to combat health woes, have indeed made progress. But not nearly enough. Not nearly soon enough. Monies and brains that should be funneled into this area have been sidetracked into fields of 'improved' weaponry, all the better and efficient to kill others, and the world of monetary gain and greed. It is a pity, but too many do not pay attention to this need, blessed to remain outside that awful bubble. 

Moreover, even when there are advances, too often these advances, treatments, and medications are out of reach as the costs are prohibitive or the medical facilities have shut down so as to fatten the profits of investors rather than heal the ill. Be honest and think. Too often those 'annoying' donation request letters are heaved, with an annoyed sigh, into the shredder or wastebasket. The cause is often distant from our lives, lucky in that, and anyway you already gave to so many. You are saving for a fancy new car, a posh vacation, so these donations will have to wait. 

Then, the bell tolls, the knells strike deep into the heart and soul. Suddenly these donations have become ever so important. The aid these groups give, so generously, to those engaging in these life-or-death wars is amazing. Beyond belief. The dedication of the volunteers, all the caring professionals of medicine and related fields is second to none. 

The next time there is a round of donation letters, look to your vacation plans. Can you not stay in a different hotel, not over the top yet enjoyable? Can you skip the leather seats in the car? Can you then include the kids in these decisions, set a good example, and repurpose those freed funds and send them elsewhere. 

Through the travails and heartaches of Yitzy's battle, from the first moment of horrified shock, to the present, we have come to know firsthand the extraordinary devotion, kindness and caring of so many. Differences evaporate in the face of this life-or-death battle, particularly when the warrior is a child who should be a child, not a warrior of this level.

Yes, good things can happen as a result of these battles. Priorities change, families pull together amazingly, even better than before. Friends, strangers, reach out. Nothing can make up for the horror, the fear, the pain and heartache. Nothing truly eases the helpless desire to 'do something, anything', to make deals with G-d. To take the pain on oneself and not the child or grandchild. 

Push comes to shove, the advances are what we need, what holds out that beautiful spoonful of hope. Chai Lifeline has gone above and beyond. All of these organizations are amazing. The caring of others can be overwhelming as we realize that there remains much goodness in people despite the recent turn for the worse in our world. Yes, there is hope, there is a desperate prayer for a miracle. Yes, there are tears, an ocean full, over and over again.

Always and forever, center to it all is the little boy Yitzy, fighting this battle, tired, nauseous, confused and anxious, wondering what has happened to his world. And always, there are our hearts and souls, surrounding him, breathing with him, loving him.

Keep praying for him. Keep him in your thoughts always. There are some positive signs, and we pray for more and dear G-d, but how we do pray! We know it is a long hard road to recovery.

Hang in there with us. We thank you all.


May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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