Thursday, April 20, 2023


Do you feel as if you are riding on a road desperately in need of repaving and well posted with warnings re safe driving and the rules of the road? Apparently, no one has truly noticed nor done anything about the fact that our present road here in America is one with a myriad of problems, one that exist in tandem, unnaturally so. Via actions, events and dangerous words of hate and retrogression, we have been doing wheelies on deteriorating dangerous roads, using equipment in precarious condition driven by drivers who pay no attention to conditions, nor do they stop talking all the while.

Most shocking to me is the crazed support of people who do not understand they are disenfranchising themselves, all by themselves, led down the road by those anxious to affirm and strengthen their power and control, their access to wealth beyond their wildest dreams. People seem blind to the truth of what is happening and will grow in negativity like wild weeds taking over a garden, neglected, ugly, and unredeemable.

Need an example? Watch the state of Florida where despite the wishes of the majority of the population, via all sorts of machinations, the Florida legislature has enacted crazed restrictive laws, just about thrown out the rights to self-control over personal decisions, negated the feelings and emotions of LGBTQ+, ignoring the inevitable growing desperation of kids negated and forbidden, under law, to discuss these feelings, unable to even discuss anything tangentially related, including sex education. "a Thunderdome of Hate" is how the new laws are described.

This state, and in a growing trend across the nation, the standards of conservative religion are taking power and precedence, discarding separation between church and state. It is now get out of the way or get rundown. The supposed "American dream", the fierce 'real' Americans carrying flags with the slogan "Don't tread on me" are displaying distinct treademarks, becoming permanently etched into the new American ethos - the one we are so busily enacting. The one which takes away rights but oh yes, gives us the right to kill each other far more easily, with insane carry laws and rights to obtain weapons. 

How the hell did this happen? Are we all blind or all willing or a deadly combination of both? The synergy is mammoth, all negative. Lies are a dime a dozen and even cheaper than that at times. We have Supreme Court Justices admitting to having blatantly crossed the line, no personal honesty, ethics unknown or reviled. These are the people making laws which reverberate powerfully and destructively. Impeachment? Disbarment/ Charges? Removal from position? Say what? Nope, the GOP is too busy celebrating their victories and enjoying the venomous, antisemitic, crazed Jim Jordan wreak havoc with his panel.

Fox News gets away with figurative murder, perhaps even real murder as their falsehoods definitely contributed to the deaths occurring on J6. Monetarily fined, big deal, they do not have to publicly admit the wrongdoing, thus continuing to mislead their listeners, poor deluded souls. Against a similar suit now they use the same litany of lies and trash.

"There is nothing more newsworthy than covering the president of the United States and his lawyers making allegations of voter fraud," Fox said in a preview of its defense against Smartmatic's allegations that it defamed them with segments suggesting they stole the 2020 election from former President Donald Trump. "Freedom of the press is foundational to our democracy and must be protected, in addition to the damages claims being outrageous, unsupported, and not rooted in sound financial analysis."

Nope, obviously forging straight ahead, even as the car of state rattles and rolls, dropping pieces alongside. If s*** runs downhill, Fox News is making sure it remains at the top of the slope, grinning crazily as their lopsided behavior becomes entrenched in the fracturing new world which distinctly reeks of corruption and pure nastiness. Clearly, they have turned to the retrogressive policies and views of the old world, using the values of democracy to erase that same democracy, apparently having learned well the Hitlerian approach to realpolitik. Woe upon us.

The world has gone deep into the wild woods of anything goes. The tracks are barely there. The people of America are being "duped" as Murkowski indignantly claims being duped by her fellow GOP crew with the poor, filled with lies confirmation of yet another biased, incompetent, unqualified judge. Duh! Where the hell has she been as she is part of the problem herself!! And all the while the duping of the American people continues, growing.

As I listen to my son reporting on the day's events, the plans being made for radiation of my besieged grandson, I wonder if people realize what they are ceding without a fight. Access to medicine is growing narrower and narrower. I thank G-d they can travel from one state to another to get the help desperately needed. I am in awe of the dedication of those working in the Ronald McDonald House, providing for the families of these kids.

There is so much that is great with our country. There are so many people who are good, care for their fellow members of humanity. There is so much potential. Why are we wasting it all? Why do we now tend to the wrong, the restrictive, the repressive and uncaring, the fallacies and perils of authoritarianism?

We must all band together for the positive. The mandate is upon us to do so, to pray for guidance and strength as we struggle to



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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