Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 The title, in essence, is the summary of the past week in Israel, beginning with Yom HaShoah, as the Holocaust and its horrors, its victims, are mourned and honored, through Yom Hazikaron, the day of memory for the slain of Israel, soldiers and civilians, dying in wars and battles and for simply being present in the Land of Israel. As the day yesterday drew to a close, the climax, Israel's Yom Haatzmaut began. However, what should have been a day where Israelis gathered together to celebrate this amazing modern day miracle, the fissures of society at present could not be eliminated. The deep divide within Israel continues to bring peril and dissension, worry and gloating plans of monsters, seeking to take advantage of this dissension, eager to add to the Holocaust by creating a 2.0 version, wherein Israel becomes Judenrein as they are chased into the sea. 

Even as the UN Security Council headed by Russia, now oh so busy destroying Ukraine, led a debate yet again on Israel's legitimacy, on the day of mourning by Israel. Erdogan of Turkey was in all his glory as he ran rampant over the aid of Israel during the aftermath of the earthquakes. The Palestinian envoy said, in sheer mockery of the truth, asked questions which indeed must be answered, though not his answers.   “This the most protracted refugee crisis in the world, the most protracted denial of national collective and individual rights in the world, the most protracted protection crisis in the world, “So the question begs itself — why is it still ongoing? "  Why has it indeed gone on so long, as billions of dollars were thrown down the black hole of Palestinian crooked government, paid to terrorists, built homes for the politically connected, rather than go to where they were meant to go. It has been given life support by the Arab countries and the PA, Hamas, Hezbollah, so many terrorist groups, as aberrational behavior and policies are extended to raise the crisis level where there need not be any crisis at all. Arabs have equality in life, in government, in education, in the economy. They freely walk the streets of 'Jewish' cities, towns, buy homes in Jewish neighborhoods, but all that is ignored by trouble- makers, the eternal glorification of Jew hatred.

Yes, Jew hatred, ugly, jagged, cutting to the soul, a continuation of generations. of generational trauma, of Jewish people who have survived all attacks aimed at them. The Inquisition tried to kill them off. England exiled them so Edward II would not have to repay them. Or, they could have converted, though most chose to die rather than do so, burning up in the Tower of York, men, women, children. France expelled them as well, taking over thriving vineyards and businesses. Tsarist Russia locked them up in a dire poverty stricken area, the Pale of Settlement, then pursued the policy of 1/3 by emigration, 1/3 by conversion, and 1/3 by death. Hitler followed up on that, deciding Jews could not live at all, being subhuman and nearly succeeded. The world stood by in silence, enabling Hitler to activate his insane plans, becoming complicit in its horror.

However, the world is making yet another big error. True, the chasm in Israeli society looms large. However, we Jews have learned well from bitter experience, that when pushed to the wall, threatened to be thrown out of their land, put aside are the differences and they will act as one. Family infighting can wait. There is no other choice. Enemies of Israel harm themselves, try to fool themselves into thinking otherwise.

The memory remains within each and every Jewish heart and soul, penetrating to the very marrow of their bones. Not the oh so cultured term of 'antisemitism and other biases' so pasteurized. No, it is Jew hatred. Call it as it is. It is the garbage Elon Musk allows to thrive on Twitter. It is the hateful, thuggish groups of white power extremists, the Neo-Nazis, who rail against Jews and call for their death. It is the lies spewed by those who forget that Jews marched arm in arm at Selma, while others were even killed. It is in the fashionable Jew hatred espoused by celebrity figures, the vitriolic words and lies of hate from the mouths of Senators and ranking political figures. It is in the outrageous behavior of American politicians who demand fascistic accommodations, from censorship of books to control over schools and libraries, the power of "proper" thoughts, women being marginalized, losing rights so hard won, voting rights sent rocketing back to Jim Crow days, even to the point where clothing is legislated by gender- check Texas and other benighted states for that one.

Yes, I am concerned for Israel. I am a Zionist, and nothing and no one will make me desert that Land of Israel, that miracle which grew out of the ashes of the Holocaust, powered by the deep necessity of a homeland for Jews, all ethnicities, colors, political persuasions, religious level. It serves as a refuge today for Jews in danger and would have done that job as well 80 years ago, saving the hundreds of my extended family along with the millions of other families. Ben Gurion said it succinctly. "Anyone who is a realist in Israel today must believe in miracles." 

Israel has growing pains, but that is all. The songs of Israel sing of faith in its permanence, its historical necessity and right to exist, the most recent written specially for this anniversary - Anu Kan Leolam" - Here Forever. Never forget that.

Here is a small sampling of the encouraging words said last night and over the week. 

"I ask that we cast off our arguments, remove the barriers, wrap ourselves in pain and longing, and commune with the memory of your loved ones - our loved ones,"

“Even if we argue, we’re united,” 

“I chose to live here in the homeland of the Jewish people, the homeland that belongs to all of us, Israelis and Diaspora Jews. We are one people.”

Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife and two of his daughters in a terror attack earlier this month, recited the Yizkor memorial prayer during the ceremony.

That is Israel, even as the family squabble continues. But never overweigh that quarrel. It has no thumbs on the weighing scale, not when push comes to shove. Jews love to argue, the louder the better. They are fierce in their drive to succeed, to advance society, to build a good, safe life for their families. Nope, Israel is here to stay. Just as I hope and pray that my other country, my native-born country, finds its way back through the tortured twists and turns of the wrong road we are presently traveling. Yes, both Israel and the United States of America are here to stay.

Together, united, as people who wish to advance society, to live in peace, to allow for the care and concern for others, to build a better, safer, world - yes that is America and that is Israel. Do not be fooled by extraneous, paper thin, even several pages thick that speak of disagreements. The balance, the core of these nations are solid.

Together, the people of both nations, hopefully joined with good thinkers from around the world, will put aside hatred, its ugliness and its bloody history, and join together to



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

Am Yisroel Chai. The people of Israel live.

Chag Sameach. Yom Huledet Sameach.

Happy Birthday and a wonderful holiday.

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