Tuesday, April 18, 2023


  Never is a long time - or, conversely, no time at all. It is a concept which, when thought about, is quite difficult to both understand and set into motion. How does one begin "never"? How does one ensure that "never" actually happens, for that would immediately negate its meaning, or intention. Once initiated, well, never then ceases to exist.

Defined in the dictionary as "at no time in the past or future, on no occasion, not ever" as well as "not at all". Can you think of one thing that fits that definition? And if not in the past or future, does that mean that the present is exempt from the "never" idea? Thus, we can postpone the initiation of "never" whenever we wish, when it is in the present? Think about it, its implications, and if your head does not spin, well, you are a better person than I.

Take a look at the 'nevers' in your life. Never have I ever thought there would be yet another time in my life when I stood helpless, afraid, frightened to the depths of my core, my very being, but here I am once again. Never was a very temporary state of being. Once gain I stand by, helpless, unable to do anything to save a life, a life I would give my life for, having to leave that job in the hands of others.

My oldest was almost lost to us several days after birth and continued for several years, and even into adulthood as complications arose, some extremely critical, pushing the envelope of "never". Now we stand by again, watching from the sidelines as yet another 'baby', our youngest grandchild, fights an existential battle, the outcome determined by others, the procedures available, and the mighty chorus of thousands of voices raised in prayer for his recovery. All we can do is add our voices and be supportive. Period. A long time to be unable to undo "never".

Additionally, as a Jew, as a person aware of history, the term and concept of "never" takes on another meaning, again existential in nature. This is the concept of "never again". "Never again means living as a Jew. It means walking around like a proud Jew. It means not cowering in the face of other religions - (or other forces) - that for the moment seem stronger." 

Think about the implications of that paragraph. Never again to walk in fear. Never again to be slaughtered wholesale, 6 million plus individuals, their pasts and futures wiped out. Over and over again. Never again - yet there it was, once again, initiated by a nation deemed to be one of the most civilized ever, replete with culture. Evidently culture did not reach nor affect the idea of hate beyond any ever seen or initiated before. A concept greatly to be abhorred, consigned to the hell where it belongs. Yet there it was - and here it is again.

It matters not the form of the hatred, the murderous intent. It matters not the "cause" of it for such hatred, such murderous intentions have no justification. NEVER. Some look to blame the victims while others decide to be 'evenhanded' and seek blame on both sides of this horrid equation. Both are wrong. The violence, the brutality, the distortions have no justification. Ever. Even the punishments must be by the law, despite all the times that law has been turned against the Jews, justifying actions by those who knew better, yet claimed they were only following the law, obeying orders, like good little boys and girls.

Over one week Israel and all Jews commemorate, mourn and rejoice, shifting emotions literally from one hour to the next. It is a time of tears and mourning, a time for joy along with a dread of the future, and most certainly the present. Never has grown no roots here in this land of milk and honey, and blood. Its history is the real-time, lifetime, proof of the truth of Kohelet, written by King Solomon, wise, which tells us, warns us, and assures us, that there is a time for all beneath the sun and sky. 

So first we commemorate, in tears that never seem to run dry, the Holocaust, when Jews came closest ever to being erased from the face of this earth, to be consigned to one of the ancient nations, defeated and of no further consequence. The entire country, no matter where one is, walking, at home, on highways, at the wail of the siren comes to a dead halt. That same halting is repeated as the nation mourns the loss, of soldiers, civilians, men, women and children, who continue to die as they dare to live, defend and protect the lives of others, the right to live safely, finally in a land of their own. Much blood and sorrow. Many mass burial ceremonies of victims who dared to live as Jews, the grief smothering the very air.

Life goes on as by late afternoon the radios play somewhat less dark national songs, raising the weight of the grief a bit, until finally, as the sun sets, the nation of Israel, proud, determined, celebrates its Independence. 75 years and going strong. No matter what the outside world sees, the nation unites when danger appears, when victims of hate die, again, always, never to be never. But never again certainly has its place here as the new song, Here Forever, proudly proclaims, vows, determined to remain in fact, never ever to change that fact.

Egyptians. Medes. Greece. Romans. Persians. The nations of the world. State and private sponsored hatred and murder. Cossacks. Ukrainian kulaks. Einsatzgruppen. Gas and bullets. USSR. So called Palestinian terror groups. False practitioners of Islam. Self haters. Bishop Fulton Sheen. The KKK. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Jim Jordan. Rashid Tlaib.  The Oath Keepers. The Proud Boys. It matters not the name of the disguise. We will always triumph, at great cost, but then again - we are Jews. We have and will always defeat them.

Am Yisroel Chai. 

The nation, the people of Israel live.

Holocaust (Shoah) Remembrance Day

Yom Hazikaron - the Day of Remembering and Mourning - of soldiers, of Holocaust victims straight off the boat, the victims of hatred, the lives of the slaughtered, the pursued, as they lived and died in Israel.

Independence Day. The name says it all.

And so, we continue to carry our responsibility to live, to worship G-d.

To be a light unto the nations of the world (not always successful at that, are we?)

Until finally we will beat those swords into plowshares and nations shall not raise arms against another. War will never be again.

And all along we continue to strive to



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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