Sunday, April 23, 2023


  Actually, the answer to the title is that we have already begun, already started a campaign to eliminate the boll weevils of America, those who would break into the Constitution, chew into the words and meaning of the world changing Declaration of Independence. There remains the question, the very existential one, which demands an answer - have we done enough? Have we responded in timely timing, or have we lost that battle? The stop watches of the referees apparently are tainted past a real possibility of meaningful reformation.

Inevitably the next question arises in order: how to ensure proper use and elimination of the boll weevils chewing at the foundations of our nation, weakening the supporting columns of democracy. Sadly, there grows doubt at the possibility of this happening. There grows a great fear that we have definitely gone past the point of no return. That the GOP and its retrogressive, persecutive, harmful policies are here to stay, to intensify. The fight to reclaim America from the usurping fascists of the GOP will be long and bloody, its conclusion not clear as we gaze into the blurry road ahead.

Shamefully, we have become a nation of corruption, an accepted way of life. We have tolerated, even supported, vastly incompetent people, elected and appointed them into office, where they further weaken our democracy and delude more people into believing that the true oppressors are the imagined saviors. So many are now running around naked, following the emperor of no clothing, under the spell and control of his chief advisor.

Hence the place to start grows clearer. The very beginning. The first step is obvious. Run the bigots, the ignorant, the haters, the liars, out of office. Substitute with those who not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. Money and mouths ring in my mind, lighting a tiny spark of hope even as there must be acknowledgement that we are now coming from behind. 

We have allowed legislatures to grow beyond our control. We have tolerated cheating, liars, immoral people as our judges, so gross a thought, so ugly a reality. We accept liars into our midst, traitors to the nation, and even defend them vigorously, beyond all reasoning. We make excuses for punishment we have not imposed, laid upon our nation a difficult task of separating the wheat from the chaff, trying to justify that which is vastly unjustifiable.

Simply, clearly put, we have grown lazy, smug in our false reassurances that our democracy is eternal and self-protective. It is most definitely not so. We refuse to believe that we have entered into a new, frightening phase of life, one which challenges our very lives and beliefs. Perhaps it is not that we do not know how to fight, but that we have lost the will to fight, even grown to endorse our own slavemasters. We collude in the block sales of our principles and guidelines, participate, willingly or unknowingly in the dissolution of the Constitution, its misrepresentation and misinterpretations.

Lord, what have we done? Lord, give us, me, strength to overcome the deficits, the life-threatening wounds to the body politick. Lord, help us. Forgive us our trespasses though many in fact knew exactly what they were doing.

Right now, in this moment of stress, there is really only one thing I am sure of: that Yitzy continues to need help. We need to add our strength to his, rejoice at the news of miniscule shrinkage, and look optimistically at the possibilities of radiation to aid in the battle. It is to add your tears to mine when I am told that Friday night and Saturday morning Yitzy said yes to the wheelchair, donned a black suit and a black hat, as befits a bar mitzvah boy in his world and went to synagogue. The tears flow again. And again, I demand of G-d why He is inflicting this pain upon such a good boy. Why? Why? WHY!!! Damn it!!!

I know deep within my soul that all the prayers from so many, of all religions, all different backgrounds, are helping, have helped already. Together we can defeat this enemy. Together, we can do so much for Yitzy, for all who need help, to whom we can lend our strength.

Together - we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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