Tuesday, May 16, 2023


  We all pounded sand at one point or another in our lives. The literal definition can be used to explain the building of a framework of a sandcastle. However, in lingua franca, language used to communicate better, it has come to mean the pursuit of useless activities. Many of us might have had that feeling one time or another, due to some disappointment. However, it is another level when a high ranking political figure, engaging in legal and semi-legal fisticuffs, tells the huge entity he has chosen to be DeSantis Enemy #1 to pound sand, referring to his ongoing battle with the Mouse House.

Disney has incurred the little man's wrath because it refuses to buy into his homophobic transphobic misogynistic stands. How dare they is his attitude as the man carefully emulates the fascistic method of using democracy to enhance and grow his party, his acolytes, improve his political standing, raise his aspirations, and subvert the laws of humanity and justice. This man who has played coy with his running for President, has very cleverly coopted the Florida legislature and has had laws tailored to improve his standing, his ability to run for that office while maintaining his governorship. Concurrently, he has made deep inroads to the practice of democracy in Florida, censoring textbooks, clamping down on free speech by individuals or corporations, (i.e. those who oppose him), introduced and grown a specific well funded hateful program reeking of the stink of Hitlerian policies, to deport people he considers as less than human, the "other". Presently, these "others", to be deported, are the gasp! illegal immigrants, all Mexicans of course, discounting of course all the other nationalities of these desperate people fleeing, desperate for a future, fleeing sure death and starvation and a life of hopelessness. 

Never mind that realistically, its moral depravity, these immoral laws will kill the remaining agriculture industry of Florida, the transportation system with truckers refusing to enter the state, and the construction industry brought to a halt - all for lack of workers. Why? Think about how easily anyone can fall afoul of these morally criminal laws by somehow aiding one of those "criminal, disease ridden" subhumans. And just think of the drooling of his supporters if the violator is gay or trans or a supporter of their equal rights. Or the parent of one, as DeSantis threatens to kidnap that child while in Florida. Or a librarian or teacher who teaches the language of democracy and equality, who dares to teach the Holocaust or recommend a book about it not on the 'legal' book list. Or raises questions in a class which induces discussion, thinking, access to information and history presented in a nonpartisan manner.

 Yup, Nazi Florida, here it is. The traditional path well in place - first the books, banned and next - burning? Then the inevitable steps dismissing segments of humanity which displease one, limiting and then abolishing their rights, dehumanizing them, and then the deportation (here already). Not to forget the camps filled with slave labor, so necessary as the laboring productive segments of society have been cut, leaving a gap to be filled by those same people - this time as slave labor. Oh, so good for the economy. 

Think I have jumped the shark, gone off my meds? Nope, so far my track record of predictions, of fears, all the initially outrageous things which could happen, which concerned me greatly - well, take a look around. A president who refused and continues to refuse to obey the law, clearly demented, intellectually and morally challenged. Who colluded with others to overthrow the government, to violate the truth, to refuse to follow the peaceful transfer of power between administrations. Who continues to rant and rave, trailing behind him a disgraceful group of camp followers, many even more extreme, all filled with hateful tropes and memes, screaming poisonous speech, violence and murder part of it. His protégés now outrun him, pose further peril to the nation. 

  All my fears have either come true or are well on their way. Too many now accept the legitimacy of rights limitations and abolishment, of persecuting segments of society which displease them, of denying their humanity and equality. We in America have lost morality, replacing it with flagrant practicality, greed and selfishness. We have initiated the use of laws as battering rams, tools, to destroy rights and the keepers of the rights.  

We fail to follow the thread to the end and understand all that will follow. A politically oppressive country under the hand of a tyrant. Damage and hurt in every segment and level of society. Suspicion rife, insecurity at panic level. No one will be immune, not even the elite. Free speech, human rights, family ties, access to education and health care, hope for a future better than the present - all will be gone. We have used much of the thread already. We need to find a working scissor, clean the rust which has eroded its structural and moral integrity, and fight, resist the attempts to suborn our democracy, our people, and turn this country on its head.

 On a personal level, with Yitzy's health needs I worry. What would be, will be, should this nation totally breakdown. What will happen to his fight against his life threatening cancer? What will be for so many others who will not be entitled to health care, to education, to hope. To life, one worth living. Tyrants aim to separate people, to teach them to live with distrust, mistrust, thus preventing the strength of the fist, of togetherness.  We need that strength. We must find it, treasure it, keep it strong for so many reasons. We must resist temptations that are ephemeral in value, their harm growing exponentially even as rights and hope die.

Our choices. Our fates. Together.

Together - Together we can achieve it all. 

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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