Thursday, May 25, 2023


  We all do things that we ought not to have done and then there is a telling dichotomy. There are those who take responsibility and display either pride or shame and those who refuse to admit wrongdoing, dredging up every excuse under the sun and then some. Some of the excuses are worthy of a Tony while others astound delivered with outright lies or bizarre reasoning and justification, having no connection to morality or actuality. 

First up-anger. A great one. The guy who actively engaged in the violent coup attempt says, "I was angry." Then claims he actually did nothing wrong. Uh huh. And the earth is flat. Oh, whoops, sorry 'bout that, folks, but approximately 1/3 of the population of Lake Worth, Fl. believe the earth truly is flat - as flat as their brain waves are!

But what else can one expect of so many who live here in the state which will have the rather dubious distinction of being the first official Fascist state in America and is presently well on its way to attaining that singular achievement, followed closely behind by other benighted Southern states along with the traditional Western states who provide lovely homes for the extremist White Power groups. Ah, the glory of America.

So what are the benchmarks of a good old boy fascist American state? Well, DeSantis provides an excellent roadmap.

- Banning abortions after six weeks - when most women do not even know they are pregnant. But then again why believe in any brain power of women.

-Making no exceptions in any realistic manner for rape, incest, danger to mother, unviable fetus.

-"Don't Say Gay" bill and attitudes more related to the Middle Ages and the great unwashed intellectually challenged as to reality and humanity. Making Florida extremely hostile to any and all LGBTQ+ issues, dehumanizing them, such a necessary and proud step for a blossoming fascist. 

-Dehumanizing groups of people, a great distraction tool used so well by Fascist wannbes.

-Censorship Such an excellent tool employed by those favoring complete control over all. First, we ban books, ripping them from library shelves and stores and then burn them and well, according to well-traveled ruts in the history of mankind, we then progress or retrogress to burning people. Been there, have done that - so why return there!!

-Death penalty 'reform'?

-Increasing adherence to statements and policies of "Christian Nationalism" 

- ah, the glory and privilege of maps - as the beat goes on.

The Navy uses the term "loss of confidence" when it dismisses officers and enlisted from a position of leadership or responsibility. It " will hold leaders accountable when those standards are not met,”                                 Why then can we not do the same with our present leaders who are egregiously so not actually the leaders we need, or is it that they are the leaders we deserve? Quite probably yes through our enabling of  a grossly incompetent, delusion riddled biased, retrograde cadre of false leaders who delighted in leading the country to perdition. Via action or inaction - of no import, for the outcome is the same. Much to our detriment - (and my regret).

In fact, the whole world has taken a wrong turn back to the past for a grimly foreseen future. It is a world which allows a long-time antisemite, Roger Waters, of Pink Floyd, to blatantly, brazenly, advance his ugly sentiment by wearing a Nazi uniform in Berlin in his concert, by equating Anne Frank to a journalist shot doing her job, a sadly not unusual fate for journalists who place themselves in positions of danger in performing their perceived jobs.

 The lack of shame, the brazenness of antisemites, the insidious bias seen throughout the layers of world societies bode no good for anyone and everyone. This negativity of humanity has arisen because we forgot that together, as one, is the only way we can fight these purveyors of hate, of war and violence, of an indifference to bloodshed and cruelty. Perhaps even a predilection to the spilling of blood as a positive sign. Certainly, too many have regrettably bought into this school of thought and deed. Furthermore, much to our shame, religion has been of no help here; in fact, has often, too often, come down on the side of retrogression, of hate, of a return to a time when religion ruled the world, and torture and repression reigned supreme - along with desperate fear.

Only together can we defeat the nefarious forces which bode no good for advanced, humanistic societies, for a world working together, harnessing together, the brainpower of the people, their capabilities, to fix this damaged world of ours. In fact, it is a mandate from Above to 'repair the world'. 

Sadly, we have not done so.

Let us rethink our current plight and find the way home. Together. The only way. United in our dreams and goals. Tina Turner gave it a push - a woman who rescued herself from the deepest depths of despair - reminding us that "Simply the Best" is what we must be, must aspire to - and we can do it - together.

Only when, only if, we unite and acknowledge the truth of the matter, that it is up to us to defend our country, to keep it out of the hands of those who would destroy it, only then can we anticipate a victory. 

Only if we do it together- all Americans. All defenders of democracy, and equality, in human rights, of justice. 

Together. Then.

 Look what we have done. Together. Always.

 The drum beat of together.

Together. Together. Together.

Only together.


Together - Together we can achieve it all. 

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

Please note that due to a holiday there will be no post tomorrow morning, I will return on Sunday. Please take the time to read bloggings you might have missed.

Be safe.

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