Tuesday, June 20, 2023


  Imagination is wonderful. It allows the mind to wander even as the body is trapped somewhere, be it in a boring classroom, a waiting room, or simply passing the time. Some of the imagined venues and events are sheer entertainment or the wishes of one's wildest dreams coming true. Winning an Olympic Gold Medal, having that winning ticket to a billion dollar lottery and changing the world - all glorious, and even perhaps the nudge, the elbow in the ribs needed to push that fantasy into a reality, or close to it. That is a triumphant "wouldn't it be loverly" as the loverly becomes, or approaches reality.

On the other hand, there are not so pleasant fantasies. These point to the hollowness of a person's soul, to huge deficits to be found in one's thinking and plans for a future, a selfish one at that. These dreams call out, shout out, for attention, but we generally have scoffed at the possibilities of their realities - much to our detriment. We have ignored them time and again and are in the midst of one such state of denial right now. Wake up time is upon us. The alarm is sounding loud and clear. The question is why are we deaf, willingly deaf, to its clarion calls? 

History is rife with examples of consequences, good and bad, of ignoring wake up calls. The people of Jericho ignored the noise pollution of the trumpets as those crazy Israelites marched around their walls, trumpets blaring - until the walls came tumbling down. Attila the Hun and his hordes were thought to be of no real challenge, until the hordes stood at the gates of so-called civilization. Marie Antoinette miscalculated badly with her cake advice. Hitler was judged a joke, to be easily controlled, good for the country. Look what happened. We have wars to end all wars even as they breed new wars. And we have the violence, the chasms in society, as Trump rose to the fore, top of the swamp scum, and now his acolyte, DeSantis, is upon us. 

 Turning on his mentor, his Yoda, pardon the comparison, DeSantis attempts to outtrump Trump. Boding no good for us. At all. We are accepting of his anti-"woke" ravings, even as we remain asleep at the wheel, allowing our ship to stray into dangerous waters. Trump and his tainted glory will be as a gnat to a dinosaur if DeSantis triumphed in his quest to rule the world, first step - AmeriKa.

His wouldn't it be loverly dream is a dear G-d how awful scenario for the rest of us. Those, yes, woke to the fact that we are not perfect and must speak up. We have gone astray in some areas, neglected building on our strong points, fallen numb to the fact that we have a role to play on this planet. Denying that is not a very good idea.

Oh, wouldn't it be loverly if we could indulge, had the power to grant DeSantis his wish, in one of his hubristic venues of glory to Ron. All hail to Ron in his twisted mind clearly expressive of his dangerous truth of body and soul. The crass self-importance!

 "DeSantis said he’d like to have been among the original disciples of Jesus Christ

“These guys all went out and they dedicated their life to spreading the gospel,” DeSantis said. “I look back at that and would loved to have been able to be there with them.” 

There are many people running around these days with G-d complexes, false claims of first cousin to the Lord or best buddy to the disciples or a conduit, a fixer for humanity, knowing G-d like a brother. As the British say, "bollocks" to that! Read again what he said and now read the response which puts him in his place. 

the “sheer arrogance” of that statement ... 

“Just imagine for a second if alongside Peter, John, James and co., there had been a Ron,” ... envisioned how that might’ve gone:

“A Ron who every time Jesus helped the poor and used loaves of bread and fish to feed the hungry Ron was like, ’You’re too woke, Jesus. You’re too woke. Let them pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.′ Every time Jesus said, I don’t know, we should embrace refugees and migrants Ron was like, ’Stop all the wokeness, Jesus. Send them to Martha’s Vineyard. The Holy Land is where woke goes to die.’” 

“The truth is that the Jesus of the gospels and his disciples were way too left-wing for Ronald DeSantis,”  

Will we keep him in that place, yet another failed false prophet looking out only for himself, stepping on all in his journey to complete hubristic madness. No people, no country, caught in a cycle of violence and despair are immune to the dangers of self inflated and appointed messengers of G-d. Rather than saviors, they trashed their own country, murdered their own fellow citizens, all in the name of a twisted wouldn't it be loverly dream, one that stinks to the high heavens, reeks of danger. Ignoring it is not the proper attitude. it does not 'go away'.

Some advise appeasement. Been there, done that, and check out the history books and analyze the results of that policy. Severe scoldings roll off the back like rainwater on a water repellent jacket. No, the only true path is to admit we were wrong, negligent in our duty to guard this nation from enemies within as well as without, and repudiate all who propose otherwise. 

DeSantis is a prime example of a man who does not understand the concept and necessity of togetherness. To go it alone is only to postpone disaster and failure, even as the false leader wreaks havoc upon the nation. It has long been a useful phrase - "No man is an island" and we use it here. No man can stand alone. It is inevitable failure, though the interim between triumph and downfall can be long and hard. Let us turn aside from him, this budding fascist.

Let us value togetherness. Yitzy said to thank all of you who are walking along with him, together. He feels stronger because of all of you, sure he is going to get better because of your prayers and wishes. Being together with him. 

I second that.

And wouldn't it be loverly for this to happen:

 the togetherness for Yitzy, a powerful, helpful, blessed togetherness.

Let us continue. 

For the sake of all of us.

For our children and grandkids.

 For us.

We must act together, in concert, in harmony.

Together - Together we can achieve it all. 

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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