Tuesday, July 18, 2023


  Or worse, hears it but ignores the thunderous sound as inconvenient or of no matter, then what? Are there consequences? If there is an ignored underlying issue, such as erosion, or insects or human intervention and we ignore it, the problem will grow in intensity and depth, possibly preventing any productive, useful resolution. Too often this is the status quo of problems of the world today, so much so that we now have a true, intense environmental catastrophe on our hands. 

Why? Because we failed to hear those trees, ignored the cries of those caught in its tangled branches, and denied a crisis of such proportion that we have now induced a possibly impossible threat to our very continued existence on this earth. For sure, even with massive intervention, life will never be the same as it was before. It cannot be as the destruction is massive, the sounds of falling trees are still being denied, even as they multiply, deafening those who do hear it. 

Furthermore, as our literary stars through history have warned us, from the priests of old religions to the political Cassandras, via the words of Shakespeare, and modern writers, as it goes in the world of Nature, so it goes in the world of Man. When one world is divisive and destructive the other will reflect and intensify it creating an evil, unstoppable synergy.

Stop and take a look around at the world today. Nature has gone rogue on us, or is it rather that we have gone rogue on Mother Nature? We have gone rogue on our fellow people as well and the world of Man is in grave danger. From us. Ourselves. We have done it all and aren't we so proud! We have replicated, reinforced, revived the worst of schools of thought and action and we are in grave danger. 

Yesterday, I read an article which reduced me to total despair. A man, already deemed out of control, dangerous, a traitor, is, unbelievably, running for the same office and his opponents are even more extreme than he is. Relief from the threats they pose will not be easily nor quickly forthcoming -if at all.  To whom are they posing a danger? To me. To you. To our kids. To people in general. To democracy. To progress. To decency. As those doors close on us, the doors into a stinking, rank world of decimation, anger, hatred, retrogression open and then shut behind us. No light. No hope. No out.  Lost. Totally lost. 

At fault? Obviously, the leaders of this renegade form of humanity. But mostly -us. Yes, us. We ignored the warnings. Poo-pooed it all. We gave false reassurances and then fell prey or joined their ranks. How did we not see? How did we not hear? The answer is, most actually did see, did hear and ignored. Too busy planning their lives, even as the threats to those lives multiplied, shouted warnings -and we ignored it all, or joined a minority of those pleading, praying, hoping, warning. All to no avail, even as people shouted for 'liberty', were promised it, or did the promising and it was all denied - every request, every possibility. Behind their backs they were securing the doors to the values we once treasured and guarded, locking them away for eternity, throwing away the keys and jamming the locks.

"Trump and Allies Seeking Vast Increase of His Power."

"A Goal to Bring Agencies Under the Control of the President." 

"...a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president's authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, ...with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House."

In other words - a dictatorship, loud and clear. The intentions via his own words to rid the country of "the sick political class that hates our country."

His chief adviser says, "There is no way to make the existing structure function in a conservative manner. ...What's necessary is a complete system overhaul."

Plain language, house clean with nasty intent.

No more constitutional balanced three-part government. Already the judiciary has bought into it at the highest ranks and the members of Congress, venomous and unthinking, are colluding in their own uselessness and obsolescence, killing themselves off. Stupid -and dangerous.

"We will demolish the deep state," Trump said at a rally in Michigan. "We will expel the warmongers from our government.... We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. And we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country." 

As for clean air, oversight of drugs and medical care, protection for workers, for consumers, for the elderly, all social safety programs, food for the hungry - gone with the wind, never to return under their rule.

Heil Trump!! Already resounds too loudly in my ears and soul. Who is next, for there is always a next - YOU!!!

Folks, this is serious trouble right here in all the River Cities of the nation. Cut off from the rest of the world in a vastly interconnected world - how could this possibly be good or realistic? 

No one will be immune to its horrors and persecutions, prison and death follow, inevitably. Truth is truth, but by the time of realization of the truth, it will be too late.

Together is the only way out of this darkness. Together we must defy, protect, prevent.  Rampant violent hatred bodes evil for all. It knows no bounds and consumes all around.

If we do not step up, accept reality and where we have allowed ourselves to be led, to a swamp, then we will drown in that swamp and no one will hear our cries, just as we have played deaf to the sounds of the falling trees of our society.

Or we will destroy ourselves and have only ourselves to blame.

In the meanwhile - Together. B'yachad.

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 


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